Woodbury Weekly Update for Families
October 28, 2024
Welcome to our weekly update! We are thrilled to keep you informed about the happenings at our school, celebrations & achievements and upcoming events, ensuring you're an active part of your students educational journey. In each update, you'll find some quick highlights of the past week and a preview of what's to come. Our hope is to foster a strong sense of community and collaboration between the school and our cherished families. Most weeks will be brief, but at times there is important information or updates that help support us in your involvement in our little school. Thank you for taking the time to read it!
A Peek at a Great Week
Honoring Our Veterans: If you have a family member you would like us to honor in our annual Veteran's Day ceremony, please send in or email a picture to Mrs. Kern (jkern@sandwich430.org) with the name of your loved one, what branch of military they served in, as well as years of service & position/rank (if known) by Wednesday, November 6th.
Please be sure to call when your students are absent. Absences where we are unable to have any parent contact become unexcused. Additionally, anytime a student misses for an appointment, please be sure to ask for a note from your physician so that we are able to excuse the absence.
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING: On Tuesday, November 19th, we will be hosting the school board meeting. The meeting will be held in our multipurpose room at 7:00 PM. We would love you to join us as we get a chance to share our pride for our little school, all of the wonderful people who fill it, including our amazing families!
Please check out the 2024 Fall Superintendent's Notes.
What's Coming Up?
10:31: Halloween Classroom Parties, Parade 1:15 p.m.
11/1: Pop up Pajama Day!
11/5: Election Day, NO SCHOOL
11/8: End of First Trimester
11/11: Veteran's Day Recognition
11/12: Fall Picture Retakes
11/14: Third Grade Opera House, PPA Meeting
11/15: Trimester 1 Report Cards, Therapy Dog Visit
11/20: Author Visit
11/21-22: Breadmaking
11/25: Conferences - NO SCHOOL
11/26: Conferences - NO SCHOOL
A great day at Kuiper's Pumpkin Farm!
Hats on display in 2nd Grade!
Halloween Party & Parade Information
We will be enjoying Halloween festivities this year on Thursday, October 31st. In addition to afternoon Halloween Festivities, the reading room will once again be transformed into a bat cave and classrooms are invited to come experience life as a bat and participate in DEAR time in the dark with finger lights. So fun! We will also have our annual Costume Parade. The parade will begin promptly at 1:15. Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend along with younger children to see their older siblings and their classmates! Guests of the parade can line the sidewalk around the building and students will be making their way around the building on the sidewalk by classroom. If we have inclement weather, we will parade around in the gym and hallways.
Students are invited to wear their costumes to school with the following guidelines:
Students will change into costumes after lunch and must be able to put on independently over their clothes.
If a student's costume includes a mask it will not be able to be worn while at school except for a picture and the parade.
Please limit costume accessories, as these can potentially serve as a distraction to our daily learning. Weapons (play swords, knives, guns, etc.) are not allowed.
The classroom teachers will be coordinating Halloween parties with volunteers. Only designated volunteers will be able to participate in classroom parties on the 31st. All classroom celebrations will follow our district-adopted Treat Policy. However, each classroom will incorporate one curricular activity during their celebration that will involve the consumption of a tasty treat. Our school nurses will vet the ingredients for allergies and safety concerns prior to our room parties taking place. As always, the safety and health of our students is a top priority.
NOVEMBER Core Value: Responsibility
Lexia Superstars
Maddie's Mitten
Woodbury Staff Shout Out
Core Values
The following core values are embedded in our Woodbury Way recognition and are goals for our students and staff. These are great skills to discuss with your students as we will be emphasizing them throughout each month.
September: OVERVIEW
October: Growth Mindset (Connection to Second Step-first unit, Start the year off right)
November: Responsibility
December: Respect
January: Collaboration
February: Empathy (Valentine’s Day, Black History Month)
March: Integrity (IAR Testing)
April: Citizenship (Earth Day)
May: Celebrate (Acknowledge accomplishments/achievements)