BCE Bear Mail
Friday May 24th.
Message from Principal Fippin
Hello BCE Community
Thank you to all the parent volunteers that supported the carnival. It was such a wonderful event, and we couldn't have done it without the amazing parent team that put it all together and all of those that came back to clean up. A great big Thank You to the Parent Club.
Thank you to all of our volunteers, and thank you for coming to our annual luncheon. It was so great to spend some time with each of your. We could not do what we do at BCE without all of you.
You should have received an email this week about registration for next year. All families need to complete this for ALL returning students have to complete this to get a class assignment for the fall. Please see directions below. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the office staff. We are more than happy to help you.
Summer learning books will be coming home again this summer. We have a few options for summer learning. We will have a big prize again if students are to complete the "learning Map". More information to come, but hoping each family can make time for some continued learning this summer. Even 15 minutes a day will make such a difference.
Have a wonderful weekend 8 Instructional Days of school left :) Count down is on
I can be reached best by email at gfippin@slvusd.org
Gerri Fippin
Principal BCE
5th Grade Advancement Details
We are so excited to celebrate our 5th graders moving on to the middle school on Wednesday June 5th. at 9am. We will be outside this year on the upper grass. Here are a few details for the event.
- Please plan ahead for parking. No parent parking will be allowed on campus. The campus will be closed for all on site parking. We will have a very limited number of Handicapped parking spots available. Once we have all filled, people will have to walk.
- We will NOT be providing chairs for the event. Please bring a low level chair or a blanket to sit on. Chairs will only be provided to staff on the day.
- Please plan on arriving a bit early, as the event will start promptly at 9:00 am.
- Students need to arrive on time and go straight to their classroom.
- Remember we are a no balloon school district. So if you could refrain from bring balloons that would be wonderful.
- Please refrain from bringing any noise makers.
Please remind your young students not to join in during the ceremony.
Fifth graders must check out with their teachers and the office if they leave early from school after the ceremony.
Note- if your 5th grader will not be attending SLVMS please contact Leanne Piccolo at 338-6413, so we know where to send your students file.
The PowerSchool registration is now open for 2024-2025 school year, please follow these instructions below to complete the online forms. We need your up-to-date contact preferences, student health data, parent/student permissions, as well as other important information verified or completed within one week of receipt or prior to the first day of school whichever is first. Having all the necessary information will help us with student placement and scheduling. Your timely input and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
Please CLICK on the SnapCode Link below to a Google Chrome or Firefox browser for *is*PROP:FirstName*is*
*is*PROP:LastName*is* to login and get started. Please note Internet Explorer is not recommended.
Enter the Date of Birth of Child to enter the Form.
For any technical difficulties encountered during the enrollment process, please contact PowerSchool using the below channels:
PowerSchool Support: https://help.powerschool.com/t5/reg
Phone: (866) 752-6850, Listen carefully and follow the prompts: 1; Monday through Friday, 8-5 PM PST
School Contact Information:
Boulder Creek Elementary - 831-338-6413 x510
Cradle to Career Santa Cruz County Spring Survey-
Parents, make your voices heard! Cradle to Career Santa Cruz County (C2C) is asking you to share your input by completing our Spring Survey. Your responses will help inform C2C's priorities, programs, and events at your school for the upcoming year. We will review the results over the summer and work with parents, community partners, and advisory members to develop our work plan for the 24-25 academic year. Participants who complete the survey by June 5th will be entered for the chance to win a raffle prize! The survey is available in English and Spanish and will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation!
English survey: bit.ly/C2CSS24
Spanish survey: bit.ly/C2CES24
As you know, attendance is extremely important. That said, we understand children get sick and may miss some school. We notice some students are missing an excessive amount of school due to illness.
If your student is out for more than three days we do require a doctor's note. You can scan & send the document to our health aide, Kat, at kgafford@slvusd.org. You can send a screenshot to (831) 252-1491 or you can bring the document to us in person.
This is extremely important so please save the paperwork from any of your appointments and submit that documentation in a timely fashion. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Should you have any questions please contact Kat at 338-6413 extension 149."
Dates to Remember
- 5/27- No school
- 5/31- Library closes
- 6/4- Field Day- 10-11:50
- 6/5- Graduation- 9:00am on the upper field
- 6/6- Last day of school out at 12:15.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Month
Community Information
If you are interested in community opportunities approved by the district, please visit the site above. You can also find out how to have flyers approved on the website.
PBIS Amazon Wish List- Bear Paw Store
We are excited to have volunteers back on campus. All volunteers need to be cleared with the appropriate paperwork from the office. The office is happy to help if you have questions about your volunteer status.
If you can volunteer this year, we would love to have you. Please speak with your teacher and office staff. All volunteer schedules need to be approved by classroom teachers before volunteers begin in classrooms.