Philadelphia E&T Newsletter
January 2025
Flexible Instruction Days
Flexible Instruction Days are used when students are unable to have in person learning in the school building due to factors like inclement weather, building issues, etc.
Flexible Instruction Days can be asynchronous or synchronous.
Asynchronous FID: Students work from home independently. They check Schoology and complete assignments given by their teachers. Students must complete and submit these assignments. Teachers are available to students via email.
Synchronous FID: Students follow a bell schedule and attend their classes at home on Zoom. Teachers will have Zoom links posted on their Schoology pages along with the time their classes meet.
Attendance: On any FID, students must visit the school website: and scroll down to Important Items. Click the link for FID attendance.
SGA & NHS Installation Ceremony
Senior Parent Webinar
Important Senior Info
There will be a senior parent webinar on Monday, January 13th at 5pm. This. meeting will discuss all upcoming important events and information for seniors. The Zoom link for this meeting will be shared on our website and emailed to senior parents.
Q2 Exam Schedule
Week of January 13th - January 17th
Monday, January 13, 2024
Exam preparation in each class.
Tuesday, January 14, 2024
A-Schedule: Seniors will review exams for 1st, 2nd and 3rd period take their 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th period exams.
Grades 9–11: Students will have in-class preparation for their upcoming exams.
All students must attend school.
Wednesday, January 15, 2024
Exam Schedule: 11:30 AM dismissal.
Grades 9–12: Students will take exams for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period.
If your child arrives late (after 8:30 AM), they will need to stay after school from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM to complete their first exam of the day.
All students must attend school.
Thursday, January 16, 2024
Exam Schedule: 11:30 AM dismissal.
Grades 9–11: Students will take exams for 4th and 5th period and review for 6th, 7th, and 8th period exams.
If a student in grades 9–11 was absent on Wednesday, they must stay after school from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM to make up for any missed exams.
Seniors: Only those seniors who were absent on Tuesday or Wednesday should attend school at the regular time (8:05 AM) and report to Room 400 to make up for any missed exams.
Friday, January 17, 2024
Exam Schedule: 11:30 AM dismissal.
Grades 9–11: Students will complete exams for 6th, 7th, and 8th period.
Seniors: Seniors do not attend unless they need to make up exams.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 20th
School will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Our SGA & NHS members will be participating in a Day of Service cleaning up Historic Fairhill. Students participating will report to the building at 9am. Contact Ms. McWilliams or Ms. Hawkins for details.
AfterSchool Program this Month
End of 2nd Quarter / 1st Semester
Friday, January 24th
The 2nd Quarter ends on Friday, January 24th. This also concludes the 1st Semester of the school year. Report cards will be mailed by January 31st.
S1 Credit Recovery: Students with 1st Semester failures on their report card will have to attend mandatory credit recovery during the 3rd Quarter. This credit recovery will be held after school; students will be informed of their schedule.
Q2 Honor Students: Students who receive honors on their report card will be rewarded with an Honors Bowling Trip on 2/20 (11th & 12th) or 2/21 (9th & 10th).
Attention College Bound Seniors:
Seniors who have been accepted to colleges, please send all acceptance notifications to Ms. Cramphorn: It is very important for you to send ALL acceptances that you receive- whether they come in the mail, in an email, or if you are notified in a portal, please send. You can forward the email, take a picture and send it, or you can screenshot and send as well.
Important Yearbook Info
Seniors: Baby Photos!
Seniors: Quotes Due!
Photographers Wanted!
Info from School Counselors
McKinney Vento
ELECT Program
for pregnant and parenting students.