BBPB Elementary Peek at the Week
Week of 8/12/24 - 8/16/24
Woohoo!! We made it through the first week!
Calendar - This Week
National Smile Week - Remind students to be kind and that a smile goes a long way.
Monday, 8/12
We will start announcing the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge
Tuesday, 8/13
Grade level meetings during planning/conference time
Wednesday, 8/14
Thursday, 8/15
Whataburger attendance Swag drawing
Friday, 8/16
Mrs. Charles' birthday
Tutoring will begin after the first 6 weeks. Teachers will be able to tutor two times a week Monday -Thursday from 4:00 - 5:00 and will get paid $25 an hour.
Testing Calendar and Common Assessments
We will need to work together to develop the testing calendar for our common assessments. I will share the table template with you and we can start plugging in dates.
HB 1416
Students in 3rd - 6th grades that did not pass any STAAR Assessment will need to be monitored/tracked. We are required to offer additional learning opportunities for these students. I have a letter that will need to go home with each student and the parent will need to sign and return the letter. We encourage the parents to have the students participate in the larger than 3 to 1 ratio. This will ensure that you can work with a bigger group of students as opposed to just 3.
The letter and the tracker will placed in the google classroom. Please keep the tracker in a binder with the letters that get returned. Once the students have completed the hours, we will keep the binders with all the information.
We can discuss this further on Tuesday.
Morning and Afternoon Duty
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that helps in the morning and in the afternoon. I am in awe of you. You are appreciated more than you know.
I am still trying to create a duty schedule. I am struggling because I feel we are a bit short handed. Please bare with me as I continue to figure this out.
Grade Level Meetings/Planning
Planning is a very important part of being prepared for the day. Being prepared ensures that your students remain on task.
I will meet with each grade level on Tuesday during your planning period. We will discuss lesson plans, pacing calendar, common assessments and whatever else we need to go over. Jot down any questions that you need answers to and I will do my best to answer them.
GT Training
Responsive Learning Program
Once I get your registered in the program, you will get an email and you will need to set up the account. We are going through Responsive Learning to get the GT update. It is a self paced program so you are free to chose which topics you would like to enroll in. After each course, you will need to print a certificate and turn it in to me. All certificates will need to be turned in by December 13th.
Our throwback Thursday was a hit and students really enjoyed the Whataburger swag. Let's keep reminding the students to be here daily because they never know when their name will be called.
We will do this again on Thursday. :)
I was only able to take a few pics of teachers enjoying our Whatabadger Burger Bar. I will definitely try to take more next time.
UIL Coordinator
SHOUT OUT to Ashley Barrera!
Thank you for taking on the title of UIL Coordinator for our campus. Ashley will attend a training soon and will share the information with us once it is received. UIL will include kinder through 5th grade students.
Rules and Procedures
It's important to remember to set the tone for your classrooms. Make sure you are setting you classroom expectations daily..
Hallway expectations
Cafeteria expectations
Be vigilant if you see or hear something. Please say something immediately.