TMS Dragons
PRO: Perseverance, Respect, Ownership February 2025
Stay warm, and let’s make February a great month!
As we step into February, we’re excited to share important updates, upcoming events, and highlights from our students' achievements! We are halfway through the school year! Please check in with your student about their progress, and don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers with any questions. We are committed to creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment where every student feels supported and valued. This month, we encourage conversations about kindness, respect, and looking out for one another. If your child needs any extra support—academic, social, or emotional—please reach out to a teacher, counselor, or administrator. We are here to help every student succeed! Thank you for your continued support.
National School Counseling Week: Helping Students Thrive.
National School Counseling Week 2025 (#NSCW25) is Feb. 3-7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. The theme is: School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February.
Parent Portal Access Information
Dear Families,
As we continue in the winter season, it’s important that your contact information in the Parent Portal is updated to receive any communications regarding school closures or school delays. Please add emergency contacts to your child’s profile also in case you are unable to pick up your child if school is closed early.
Meet Pam Sargent, SHOA, Kelly Sandoval, Attendance/Athletic Secretary, Merri Hocker, Building Secretary and Brandii Wilson, Registrar/Counseling Secretary
Counselors Corner
Incoming 6th Grade Students:
- We will be hosting a family information night at TMS on Wednesday, April 2 from 5:15-6:15 PM.
- Students from both elementary schools in the community will be visiting TMS on May 14 during the school day.
8th Grade Families:
Attending the registration information night at BHS on February 4 is crucial to setting your student up for success with high school registration. Please plan to attend along with your child.
Please try to make sure your 8th grader is at school on Feb. 11 as the counselors will be visiting TMS and confirming schedules with each individual student.
8th Grade Families:
Permission slips for this field trip are due on Wednesday, February 20. We’d like all of the 8th grade students to attend this if possible. We will not be accepting permission slips on the day of the field trip - they must be turned in prior to that day. Parents/guardians - if you are interested in hosting a booth for this event to showcase your field of work, please contact Susan Scott.
6th grade
Hello 6th grade parents! Students are running LOW on supplies. Please check in with your kids and see if they need a refresh on pencils, pens, etc. Thanks!!
In Literacy News:
What pets make the best therapy animals? What can we learn from animals? How do animals help humans? These are just a few of the many questions that students can explore as they learn to become information writers. Students will learn how to do research and make claims in preparation for writing an informational essay.
In Social Studies News:
In Social Studies, students have been studying the “Age of Exploration.” We have been discussing the importance of looking at historical events through different perspectives. Next, we will be learning about Hernan Cortez and the Spanish Conquistadors.
In Math News:
In Math, students are working their way into Algebra! We are working on setting up and solving equations, which will allow them to finally find the value of the variable. Please continue to check with your students and look at their grades on Infinite Campus. Your support is greatly appreciated!
In Science News:
Our 6th Grade scientists are working on Newton’s Laws and exploring real-world ways that these laws are applied. Ask them about how they have been doing hands-on experiments in physics!
7th grade Encounters
Seventh graders hit the ground running in Second semester, on the heels of impressive growth on the Middle of Year iReady Math and ELA assessments! Bravo! And with the awkward transition from 6th to 7th grade mostly in the books, the 7th grade team looks forward to many opportunities for students to show off their big-brains and many-talents through various projects, presentations, and compositions this quarter.
- Coats?!: We're seeing A LOT of kids showing up with no coats- even in the recent "Arctic Blast!" Please remind students to bundle up or dress in layers - a hat and gloves shoved into their lunch bag might be a convenient way to have a little extra warmth when they need it at lunch recess. (If you are short on cold weather gear, please reach out to Counseling for connections to resources.)
- We are asking students to cough into elbows, wash/sanitize hands often, and don't share drinks or water bottles to hopefully slow the spread of the bugs going around; your support on this is appreciated.
- Organization: Encouraging students to keep their school supplies and assignments organized can make a big difference to their organizational efforts! Setting aside a few minutes every couple of days to tidy up backpacks or look at Google Classroom or IC together is a simple way to help them stay on track.
- Lastly, please remind students that it is THEIR responsibility to find out what they missed while absent, and to get caught up; Teachers cannot track down each student to review missed work. Visiting Google Classroom and reviewing all posts for the dates they missed (Assignments, Resources, Announcements, etc.), should be their 1st step. If your child struggles with this (or has a lot of absences), sending them with a sheet of paper titled, "Make Up Work for Johnny/Janie" to bring around to teachers to ask "What did I miss miss?" can help remind them both to acquire and to keep track of this information.
8th grade Adventures
Second semester is going well for the 8th grade, and students are engaged in learning and preparing for their upcoming transition to high school in a variety of ways. In English Language Arts classes, students are studying a variety of texts to inform their consideration of the essential question, “In what different ways can people be intelligent?” In science, students are continuing a chemistry unit by discussing chemical reactions and their applications in daily life. Math students are showing individual growth through i-Ready. And in social studies, students have been learning about U.S. industrialization and immigration of the 1800s.
As we progress further into 3rd quarter, here are some helpful suggestions/reminders to help support all students:
Charge Chromebooks nightly so they’re ready for each school day. (Setting a phone reminder can help!)
Restock school supplies--pencils, pens, notebooks, paper, tissue for classrooms--as needed and able. Please reach out to teachers with any needs.
Find and follow a system of organization that works. Keeping track of assignments to be completed and any upcoming due dates will help ensure that work is completed and turned in on time.
Check grades in Infinite Campus frequently. Reach out to teachers with questions and for additional help.
Get enough sleep. Current recommendations for teens from the American Academy of Pediatrics is 8-10 hours nightly.
Practice good work habits, do your best, and enjoy the experience of being an 8th grader; high school is just around the corner!
Elective News
What’s Going on in Elective Classes in February?
Spanish - 7th and 8th grade classes are starting to write to a penpal in another grade. Eighth graders are also learning vocabulary to talk about “La Familia” (the family). 7th grade is learning vocabulary centered around “La Escuela” (school). 6th grade classes are learning the basics of the Spanish language and vocabulary including the calendar, school words, and food.
Band/Choir/Orchestra - Practicing for the end-of-year concerts on May 11 & 12.
FACS - Valentine’s Day sugar cookies for 7th/8th graders. Intrapersonal relationships for 6th graders. Classes will be learning sewing vocabulary and leveled sewing activities this month.
7th & 8th grade Lifetime Sports is playing net sports. 6th grade will be playing hacky sack, deck ring tennis, and bowling.
PE classes are writing and working toward their fitness goals. Sixth grade PE will play badminton, team handball, and volleyball. Health will begin in February for 7th and 8th grade.
Engineering & Design - Students have been exploring Computer Aided Drafting and are now working on their first projects using SketchUp for Schools. 6th grade is creating an ID Tag, 7th grade is making light switch covers, and 8th grade is making a folding key holder.
Art classes have been working on the Robert Indiana LOVE Art Lesson.
Robert Indiana LOVE Art Lesson Plan with Ms. Merena
Love is a pop art image by American artist Robert Indiana. It consists of the letters L and O over the letters V and E in bold Didone type; the O is slanted sideways so that its oblong negative space creates a line leading to the V.
Indiana’s red, blue, and green LOVE sculpture incorporates the colors found in many of his early LOVE paintings. The artist chose these colors because of childhood memories of being on the road and frequently passing the red and green Phillips 66 sign, standing out against a blue sky.
GT News
Sixth grade student Barrett Hansen for qualifying to the State Spelling Bee. Barrett placed in the top 5 at the TSD Bee. Roise O’Keefe and Brandon Vignocci also competed well, but did not qualify.
Turner’s Math Counts Team placed second by less than one point in the TSD competition. Turner had 5 students qualify to the final countdown round. Barrett Hanson placed second, Leo Gibb placed third, Brady Woods was 8th, Levi Huff placed 9th and Brandon Vignocchi placed 11th.
Poetry Workshop will be held on February 13th during school hours. Students should see Mrs. Leonard or fill out this link to apply.
In Other News:
Photography Workshop will be held in March. Students should listen to the announcements for more information.
Plus 1 classes are learning about financial literacy by playing the Stock Market Game. Students are given $100,000 to invest in the simulated game that plays out in real time. They are learning about determining risk, banking, parent companies, products, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. 8th grade students who have passed out of all iReady lessons are participating in the Stock Market Game too.
TSD host annual secondary chess tournament
On Saturday, January 18th, Lucile Erwin Middle School hosted an incredible day of chess competition for Thompson School District's Secondary Chess Tournament! A huge thank you to the students and families who braved the snowy, cold weather to join us for this event. Your dedication made the day truly special! Middle School Division Winners:
1st - Isaiah Sharp (8th Grade, Loveland Classical School)
2nd - Asher Monnin (7th Grade, Turner Middle School)
3rd - Sawyer Thompson (6th Grade, New Vision Classical School)
4th - Braxton Paine (8th Grade, Loveland Classical School)
5th - Delancy Shattuck (6th Grade, Turner Middle School)
Club news
Dragons of Drama Club: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:15 - 5:45pm
Inclusion Club: Before school on Thursdays 8:00 - 8:45am
Battle of the books: during lunch
LUC club- February 7th and 28th, March 14 before school 8:15 - 8:45am
Running club: meets by the track Wednesday & Thursdays
PRO Class
PRO is our connections/advisory class. Each student is in a same grade group and each grade level group belongs to a castle. There are 8 castles: time, wind, energy, rock, water, metal, ice, and fire. PRO class meets twice a week. Sources of Strength, Character Strong, and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports are part of the lesson development.
What we will focus on in February? Some topics include exercise and well-being, regulating emotions, and Sources of Strength will launch our next student campaign. We will also prepare students by practicing shelter in place and for an unstructured lockdown drill.
No classes for students
February 17: Presidents Day
February 18: District Professional Developement
TMS parent teacher organization (PTO) meets at Turner Middle School. Please feel free to join them for the next meeting on Friday, February 7 at 9:00am. This meeting sets up the opportunity to work together with the school to supplement and enrich our student's educational experience.
See TMS Website for contact information.
Next Meeting: Joint SAAC (Berthoud Elem, Ivy Elem, Turner MS, and Berthoud HS.) Meeting topic is focused on growth in the Berthoud area and its impact on our schools.
Meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 4 at BHS from 4:30-5:30.
Our annual Spring fundraiser is getting started. Each year Turner Middle School hosts a 5k fun run/walk to help raise money for our athletics, technology, and school climate projects. This year's race will be held on May 3, 2025. You may sign up at active.com search Bob Turner Classic, or by using the QR code. Currently we are seeking community businesses to help sponsor our event. If your business has interest in supporting our event, please contact Brandii Wilson brandii.wilson@tsd.org so we can send you all of the important details about how sponsorship can benefit your organization as well as ours.
Our students will have the chance to leave their mark on the event as well. Information will be given to the students at the end of February about the annual Design the Race Shirt art contest we hold each year. More information will be provided in next month's newsletter.
If you have any other race related questions, please feel free to reach out to our race director Kevin Gonzales kevin.gonzales@tsd.org.
TEF awards Great Idea Grants to TSD teachers and staff for the purpose of implementing an innovative project within education and instruction to enhance the student learning experience. A teacher or staff member may apply to receive a grant in the following tiers:
Single classroom or grade level project: up to $2,000
Multi-grade level or school-wide project: up to $3,000
District-wide project: up to $5,000
2024-2025 Grant Recipient
Alex Wolfe, Turner Middle School
Project: ESS Community Outreach
Spring Sports
Spring sports are right around the corner! We will be offering Track, Unified Basketball and Golf. Golf paperwork must be completed by February 17, Track & Unified Basketball paperwork by March 1. Practice will start after spring break.
Get your forms uploaded on BigTeams and pay through the School Store in Parent Portal. If you need BigTeams help, please contact our athletic secretary Kelly Sandoval (kelly.sandoval@tsd.org) REMINDER: physicals are only valid for 1 calendar year, so make sure yours is current.
Be sure to watch your email and social media for additional information.
Upcoming events
February 27 - Future Spartans concert - 8th grade band at BHS
February 28 & March 1 - Drama Performance
March 5 & March 6 - Parent/Teacher conferences
March 11 - Band Concert 7pm
March 12 - Orchestra/Choir Concert 7pm
Turner Middle School’s Dragons of Drama Club will present:
Schoolhouse Rock Live! JR.
There will be a total of 3 performances of this fun and entertaining musical.
*February 28th, Curtain at 6:00 PM,
*March 1st, Matinee at 2:00 PM, and an evening performance at 6:00 PM.
Please, come and support the talent and dedication of our students who have worked tirelessly to make this a wonderful experience for all who attend.
*Tickets will be available at the door: $5 for adults, students and children are free.
Based on the ever-popular, award-winning 1970s cartoons, this fast-paced musical teaches lessons with clever, catchy tunes.
NOCO Emergency Alert
Larimer County Fire Departments have asked us to share this information. This emergency alert will alert those who sign up for it with emergency notifications from Larimer county. Please text NOCOALERT to 888777.
Safety Drills
TMS practices emergency safety drills on a continuous basis throughout the year. The type of drill we practice and discuss with students is rotated. We help students to become familiar with the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) which outline 5 situations and the actions that both the students and the adults do during an emergency.
School fees are overdue!
You can pay your student fees one of two ways:
1. You can drop off a check or cash at the school
2. Pay in Parent Portal with a credit card.
3. If you have previous years fees to pay, you must change the school year in the school year drop down menu.
If you have any questions, please contact the front office.
Thank you!
It's Time to Recognize Greatness!
TEF Educator of the Year nominations are now open! Each year, TEF offers the opportunity for people in the community to nominate a teacher or Thompson School District staff person they feel exemplifies excellence in education. Nominations can be made here: https://www.thompsontef.org/educator-of-the-year-award-1
Welcome to Thompson’s Tech4All (1:1) program, a vital component of Thompson’s Strive 2025 Strategic plan. Tech4All equips students with the digital tools they need to enhance their learning and prepare for the future. We invite you to partner with us as we empower students to thrive in today's rapidly-evolving digital world.
Tech4All supports TSD’s strategic plan by providing digital tools that enable students to demonstrate their learning meaningfully and reach their fullest potential. Whether it's exploring interactive digital textbooks, collaborating with peers on projects, or engaging in immersive educational experiences, the possibilities are limitless.
Each student will receive a TSD digital learning device, ensuring equitable access to resources and enabling personalized learning experiences. All 6th grade students will receive a Chromebook that will serve as their digital learning tool throughout their time Turner Middle School. Each year, the device will transition with them to the next grade level and will be replaced when they move to high school as freshmen.
Students and families are responsible for the care and safety of their district device. Please see our Technology Agreement Form which includes a link to the JS - Responsible Use Policy for TSD. Instructions to accept the Tech Agreement Form are included in this How To Guide.
Students are expected to bring their device with them to class, charged and ready to use. All students will receive documentation on maintaining their device, keeping it safe, practicing digital citizenship and meeting any school-specific requirements for digital learning. To protect against potential damage, we offer an optional insurance plan.
In an effort to secure student data and teach students how to secure their own accounts, we are implementing a single-sign-on product called ClassLink.
We trust our students to be responsible for maintaining their own password for their device. Students will use their current password, once they log into ClassLink, they will be prompted to reset their password.
As we continue to secure our environment, students will set up their own security questions. This allows them to reset their password in the future and teaches them security processes to confirm their identity.
As a secondary method for protecting accounts, students will also be asked to set up a Personal Identification Number. This PIN will also be used to secure their TSD account.
Please remind your child that the PIN and security questions will help keep other people from accessing their account. Passwords, PINs, and security questions and answers should only be shared with trusted adults, like guardians.
Tech4All is not just a program; it's a commitment to bridging the digital divide and empowering our students to thrive in the digital age which includes password management. We Trust You to take care of your device and use it to open up possibilities in your educational journey. Together, we will embark on a transformative educational experience that prepares our students for a future filled with innovation and opportunity.
For more details, including expectations, frequently asked questions and support for home use, please visit our website.
Turner Middle School
We will provide a safe and inclusive environment and ensure a high level of learning for every student to become engaged citizens and lifelong learners.
Cultivate Excellence, Celebrate Diversity, Connect with Community
Principal: Brandy Grieves
Assistant Principal: Adam Kohn
Dean: Lacey Scadden
Secretary: Merri Hocker
Attendance Secretary: Kelly Sandoval
Registrar: Brandii Wilson
School Nurse: Stephanie Roberts
School Health Office Aide: Pam Sargent
Location: 950 Massachusetts Avenue, Berthoud, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-7400
Email: Info.TMS@tsd.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TurnerMSBerthoud
Twitter: @tmsdragons