Warren Wildcat
September 2024 Parent Newsletter
September Events
2- No School - Labor Day
11- Patriot Day
13 - Kinder Parent Meeting
18-20 Parent Teacher Conferences - School Dismissal 10:55 am
19 Site Council Meeting 3:00 PM
25- School Pictures
26 - ELA Night 5:00pm
September 2024
Warren Families,
Thank you for your understanding and patience as TUSD works hard on our chillers. Warren has 4 chillers and 3 of them went down as well as a main breaker. We now have 2 portable chillers and a updated main breaker. TUSD is still trying to regulate the air in some of the rooms. Some rooms are cold, so please send in a jacket for your students.
September brings a lot of activities; first being a Kinder parent meeting. This meeting will be an hour and we will discuss the testing that has taken place already and how you can help your kinder grow. Parent / Teacher conference runs 3 days Wednesday, September 18-20th. School dismissal is 10:55 am so teachers can meet with all parents.
If you are interested in joining and/or attending Warren's Site Council Meeting, our first meeting will be Thursday, September 19th at 3:00pm.
Wednesday, September 25th will be Fall School Pictures. Inner State Studios will be taking the pictures. School pictures is always FREE DRESS.
If you need any help with uniforms please reach out to the front office. If your child will be bringing their own lunch, please make sure it is a healthy lunch full of brain food like protein, fruit, and free from soda, candy, and chips. Please Keep the Hot Cheetos, Takis, and any hot chip at home. Students end up sharing them and causing problems.
Please remember to help your student get to school on time. It is very important that your children are on time each day. Tardiness is not acceptable and has a negative impact on their learning. The bell for students to line up, rings at 7:42 a.m. Start of school bell rings at 7:45 a.m. Students are considered tardy after 7:50 a.m. All tardy students must sign in at the front office and receive a tardy admit slip to class.
Please reach out to me and our front office if you have any questions. Here's to a wonderful new and exciting school year.
Jill Ronsman
No School Labor Day
There is No School on Monday, September 2, 2024 in honor of Labor Day.
Kinder Parent Meeting- Friday September 13th at 7:55 am
Kinder Parents, please join us on Friday, September for an informational Kinder Parent Meeting at 7:55 am. We will be discussing how you can help your Kinder grow and how they did on their Dibbels test and how to prepare for Parent Teacher Conferences.
Parent Teacher Conference - September 18-20
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, September 18- Friday, September 20th. School dismissal will be at 10:55 am each day in order to hold the conferences. Please reach out to meet with your child's teacher.
Warren Site Council Meeting - Thursday 9-19-24
Warren's Site Council meeting will be held Thursday, September 19th. Everyone is welcome to attend in person (room18) or via Zoom. # 882 799 7352.
Fall School Pictures-Wednesday, September 25th
Wednesday morning, September 25th the 2024-25 schoolyear pictures will be taken. Here is some of the information, but more information will come.
Event Order Code - 86656DF
Character Strong - Respect
One way to think about Respect is “seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care.” Many people feel Respected in different ways and we hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what Respect means to you and how you can practice it together!
OMA- Opening Minds Through The Arts
We recharge educators' passion for teaching and assist them in developing techniques that fully engage the multiple intelligences of all students.
- Arts are part of classroom instruction in all OMA schools
- Specialists, classroom teachers, and artists work together with students
- Promote community bonds with artists and organizations, including UA
Creative expression and the arts are the oldest tools humans have used to explain their world and order their reality.
Mr. Floyd is Warren's fantastic OMA teacher, please consider donating your tax credit to Fine Arts at Warren so he can continue his incredible work.
Warren loves having volunteers on our campus. If you are wanting to volunteer in your child's classroom, go on a field trip, or anywhere else on campus, you must apply to be a volunteer. It is easy and we really appreciate all the help you can give. Thank you!
Water Bottles and Free Breakfast & Lunch
It is recommended that your child brings a water bottle every day. The drinking fountains are open, but water bottles are encouraged.
We will also take donations of water. Thank you
Free lunch and breakfast will continue at Warren
All Warren students will still receive FREE Breakfast and Lunch for the 2024-25 School Year. You do not need to fill out any paperwork. Please check out the school menus.