Bonsall Virtual Academy 2/7/2025
February 7, 2025 BVA Belong, Believe , Achieve
Message from the principal
Weekly updates
Hello BVA families!
We have our next art day with Carissa scheduled for Wednesday, February 12th at 10:30. We hope you can join us and stay for a school lunch.
We will have a Valentine gift exchange/party on Friday, February 14th from 11:30-1:00. Please make sure to rsvp so we know how many Valentines the students should bring. Families are welcome. Students will be getting school lunch or eating a lunch from home. This should be a fun event!
The month of February we will be bringing some 'love' to one of our community members, The Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary. Please help us to get donations of cat/dog food, gently used blankets, pet carriers, leashes, collars, etc. We will conduct the supply drive for the month of February.
Reminder: School will be closed the week of Feburary 17th-21st for President's week. Please use this time to get caught up on school work if needed and enjoy the time with your families!
School will resume on Feburary 24th.
Our next field trip will be Thursday, March 6th to the San Diego Zoo. We will be taking a bus. We will depart at and return by 2:30 p.m. We hope you can join us. Please make sure to turn in a lunch slip/permission slip by February 27th at the latest.
Please take a moment each week to review upcoming lessons with your child and help them set reasonable goals in each of their classes. This simple step can lead to great outcomes by having a laser focus on improving by just 1%.
See below for additional tips and ideas for kicking the new year off!
We will have one more week of students working hard before we have a week off for the President's break. The week of February 17th-21st, there will be no school. If your child is behind in any classes, have them use this valuable gift of time to get caught up so they can finish the second semester strong!
Students who are on track in their classes, attend their daily or weekly zoom and come in person can earn raffle tickets. Every week, we draw raffle tickets for the elementary and middle/high school students. Students can select raffle prizes from the prize box, get free Nessy burger items such as shakes, fries, and burgers, Starbucks gift cards or Target giftcards. Our student shout out section below will have our raffle winners listed.
Students are able to come in-person to work and receive support from our very talented staff between 8:30-3:00 M-F. Students can come for a short period of time or stay longer. We do have access to the hot lunch program. We also have snacks. Please have your child bring their refillable water bottle to use during the day to drink refreshing, ice cold water from our Sparklett's tank.
Please check out the schedule for our TK-5 grade students for dance, music, library, and farm! Students should arrive at 8:30 and will stay until 11:20. They are welcome to stay for lunch immediately following:
TK-2nd grade students( total of 6 students)
8:30-9:10: Dance with Keene/Cervantes
9:30-10:00: Library
10:00-10:40: Music with Anaya
10:40-11:20: Farm with Latimer
3-5th grade( total of 5 students)
8:30-9;10: Farm with Lawson
9:10-9:50: Dance with Wallace
10:00-10:30: Open library, check out only plus recess
10:40-11:20: Music with Bloodsworth
Upcoming important dates:
- February 10th: 1:20-2:30 /February 4th 11:30-12:15: Intervention with Miss Breuinger
- February 11th: Intervention with Miss Breuinger 11:30-12:15
- February 12th: Intervention with Miss Prestwood: Middle school 10:30-11:00; High 11:00-11:30
- February 12th: Art with Carissa: 10:30 a.m.
- February 17-21st: President's Break, no school
- February 27th: Permission Slip for the SD zoo is due
- March 6th 9-2:30 San Diego Zoo field trip
- March 12th Career day @9:30 for grades 6-12. Photographer, Welder, Mechanic, and Indexer. Donuts will be provided. High school students earn community service hours.
Academic goal setting for the new year
Academic Goal setting for 2025
Academic Goals
- Create a Dedicated Workspace: "I will set up a quiet and organized area for my studies."
- Stay on Track: "I will log into all my virtual classes on time and stay for the entire session."
- Participate Actively: "I will turn on my camera (if possible) and engage in discussions during virtual lessons."
- Improve Time Management: "I will use a digital or paper planner to schedule study sessions and breaks."
- Communicate with Teachers: "I will email or message my teachers if I have questions or need help."
Social/Emotional Goal setting
Social/Emotional Goals for 2025
Personal Development goals for 2025
Personal Development goals
Contribution to Community goals for 2025
Community Goal setting
Self Reflection and Growth Mindset for 2025
Self Reflection and Growth Mindset suggestions 2025
Pet Supply Drive
Valentine's day party
Art with Carissa
Tell us how we are doing!
Quick survey
Please tell us how we are doing so we can provide the most optimal learning for your child!
Field trip San Diego Zoo
Career Day: March 12th at 9:30 a.m.
Students hard at work!
Welcome New students and families!
BUSD/Bonsall Women's Club Art Contest
Art work by Max Cueva
Calling all TK-12th grade artists!
Art show
Calling all Artists!
Calling all TK-12th grade artists!
3rd annual Bonsall Woman’s Club/BUSD Stages of Inspiration Art Contest & Show: “Belong, BELIEVE, Achieve”
Art Show date: April 30, 2025
Art submissions due: March 17, 2025, submit to teacher/front office
PRIZES Sponsored by Nessy Burgers will be awarded by age/category.
2D (“fine arts”)
Watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting; oil pastel, chalk pastel, pen and ink, or graphite drawings; mixed media work
3D (“crafts”)
Sewing, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, needlepoint, embroidery, pottery, sculpture, woodwork, metalsmithing, jewelry, “trash-to-treasure” etc.
grades 6-12 only, 8x10 prints only
Original art only; pre-packaged “kits” not allowed.
BUSD students will also be “taking the stage” for musical and dance performances during this celebration of THE ARTS!
Bonsall High’s Athletics Information
Multicultural Literacy night
Girls Who Code Programs
Daddy/Daughter dance
Early College Updates
Important information regarding early college enrollment
Reminder: FAFSA pizza party will be February 14th
Contact Eryn Barker at eryn.barker@bonsallusd.com for more information
High school updates
High school update
Upcoming Important dates and the flyers below for important resources.
If you would be the first generation in your family working toward a college degree, then the first generation group is for you!! SUPPORT IS INDIVIDUALIZED BASED ON STUDENT’S NEEDS!! Contact Eryn Barker, Early College/CTE Coordinator eryn.barker@bonsallusd.com JUNIORS & SENIORS Email to sign up: eryn.barker@bonsallusd.com
High School Athletics
Bonsall High School Athletics
Spring Sports are starting SOON!! We will offer Boys’ Volleyball, Track and Field (Feb. 10th), Softball, and Baseball!! The first official practices will be the week of Feb. 17 (which is a holiday week)! Please be sure to register on Home Campus if you plan to participate! Link Here You will need to upload a copy of your sports physical as well as a copy of your medical insurance. Some teams are having open workouts already so if you would like to get the information for those please reach out to me at: andrea.breuninger@bonsallusd.com
Student Shout outs
Student shout outs
Shout out to the following students for being on track in your classes: Jake Casillas, Janet Casillas, Luke Ferrante, Clare Ferrante, Zach/Gabby Forsman, Lilly De Leon, Rowan Miles, Porter Goforth, Emmett Gendro, Kaylie Ausano, Autumn Vega, James Fitz, Josi Zumpone, Emily Trujillo, Sophie Lawler Ehr, Maritza Villanueva, Kayla Lopez, Monique Sanchez, Victoria Bravo, Kylee Miner, and Jolie Kennedy
Raffle Winners:
Raffle Winners
Congratulations to the following raffle ticket winners: Please come in and claim your prize the next time you are in the learning resource room: Kylee Miner, Monique Sanchez, Gabby Forsman, Clare/Luke Ferrante, Autumn Vega, Alan Ontiveros Cortez, Valerie Torres, Olivia Ferrante and Jake/Janet Casillas.
High School Announcements
Senior announcement: Early College
Attention High school students!
Check Out Our New College & Career Newsletter!
Topics include: Senior Updates, Early College & CTE Updates, new programs, supports and opportunities, as well as important dates to know!https://secure.smore.com/n/fm5p8
SOS campaign for students
Save our students campaign
Parents please see the flyer below from the Bonsall Education Foundation. The Foundation wants to help support our students directly by creating a fund to be used by teachers in our amazing school district. Please review and donate if you feel comfortable. All funds raised for BVA go directly to BVA students!
Staff shout outs
Shout out!
Shout out to Ms. Prestwood and Miss Breuinger for providing intervention for our students this week!
Shout out to Mr. Quinn , Miss Carissa, Miss Anta, and Miss A for your outstanding dedication to our ATP students!
Shout out to Mr. Jonathan and Mr. Chris for your hard work this week!
Outreach/Parent resources
District resources/news
BUSD Community Resource Center's Monthly Newsletter
view BUSD community Liaison's Monthly Newsletter : https://secure.smore.com/n/5ecgd
BUSD Love on your back program
3597 Kellington Ct., Oceanside, Ca. 92056 760 224-1098
501c3 Nonprofit Charity #83-1210023
loveonyourback@yahoo.com loyb.weebly.com (website)
After school enrichment
Did you know the District has after school enrichment opportunities at all the school sites? Please click on the link to register through 6 crickets for fabulous opportunities. Click the school site closest to your home to register.
Mental Health Resources
Bonsall Unified School District partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students, staff, and their family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of circumstance.
If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
- Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365
- Visit www.caresolace.com/bonsallusd and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
(Bonsall Unified School District se asoció con Care Solace para apoyar el bienestar de los estudiantes, el personal y sus familiares. Care Solace es un servicio gratuito y confidencial de coordinación de la atención que puede ayudarlo a encontrar rápidamente opciones de tratamiento de salud mental o abuso de sustancias que se ajusten a sus necesidades, independientemente de las circunstancias.
Si desea utilizar Care Solace para encontrar un proveedor:
- Llame al 888-515-0595 disponible 24/7/365 en cualquier idioma.
- Visite www.caresolace.com/bonsallusd y busque por su cuenta O haga clic en "Reservar cita" para obtener asistencia por video chat, correo electrónico o teléfono.
Mental Health Systems: TURN 858-573-2600
In addition, Care Solace offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you and your child with appropriate community-based providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need.
To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/bonsallusd: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Upcoming events
Upcoming important dates:
- February 10th: 1:20-2:30 /February 4th 11:30-12:15: Intervention with Miss Breuinger
- February 11th: Intervention with Miss Breuinger 11:30-12:15
- February 12th: Intervention with Miss Prestwood: Middle school 10:30-11:00; High 11:00-11:30
- February 12th: Art with Carissa: 10:30 a.m.
- February 17-21st: President's Break, no school
- February 27th: Permission Slips for San Diego Zoo field trip due
- March 6th: San Diego Zoo field trip 9-2:30
- March 12th: Career day @9:30 grades 6-12. We will have a photographer, welder, mechanic, and an indexer. Donuts will be provided.
Additional online Math support
Khan Academy is a great resource and wonderful way for your child to get additional help with what they're learning in school or to learn something new. Check it out!
Online resources Reading grades K-5
Florida center for reading resources is a collection of research based/teacher created Student Center Activities for use in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms. The activities are designed for students to practice, demonstrate, and extend their learning of what has already been taught, sometimes with teacher assistance and sometimes independently. Students can complete the activities in small groups, pairs, or individually.
Accompanying these Student Center Activities is a Teacher Resource Guide that offers important insights on differentiated instruction and how to use the Student Center materials.
Bonsall Virtual Academy
Email: tina.calabrese@bonsallusd.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/bonsallusd.com/bonsallsvirtualacademy/enrollmentcontact
Location: 31505 Old River Road, Bonsall, CA, USA
Phone: 760-631-5200, ext. 1027