Principal's Update: Week 25
Thursday, February 29th, 2024
Good Evening HHS Students and Families,
Happy Leap Year! Today is February 29th, a date that appears on our calendars only once every four years. Let's take advantage of this extra day and make the most of it. As we look forward to March arriving tomorrow, we find ourselves in the midst of the semester. Spring sports are in full swing, and we're seeing the results of our students' efforts, both in and out of the classroom.
Even though we're in the middle of Semester 2, this point in the academic year is crucial. I have consistently highlighted the interventions and support that HHS provides throughout the year, and I will continue to share these resources. Keep up the hard work, enjoy the changing seasons, and let's make the next three weeks of the quarter the best they can be before we take a break for Spring Break.
One final note, just a reminder that HHS does not allow students to accept food delivery services. Please see the guidelines below.
Have a great weekend!
Charles Dunn
Your Principal
Para asegurarse de que todas nuestras familias tengan acceso a estos mensajes, haga clic en la función de traducción en la parte superior derecha de este mensaje para el idioma que prefiera. Gracias.
- SAT Morning Preparation
***Don't forget to check out our weekly episode of The Weekly Bite! (Video below)***
Highland High School's Student Learning Outcomes
Students embody our BARK core values. At Highland High School:
Brilliant students have multiple experiences and opportunities for academic, collegiate, professional and personal growth.
Accountable students are academically proficient and prepared for college and career readiness.
Respectful students cultivate a safe and secure, positive school culture that supports all students’ personal and academic growth.
- Kind students communicate effectively and continue to build relationships with all community members.
Just a reminder: HHS does not permit any food delivery services on campus. Deliveries brought to the front office will be refused. Any food left will be discarded, or a parent can collect it after the school day ends. If a student receives food from an unauthorized area, it will be confiscated, and a parent can retrieve it after school hours. This policy is for safety, and no exceptions will be made.
SAT & CAASPP Preparation for all 11th Graders
Are you gearing up for the SAT and CAASPP exams and looking for an edge to ace them? Look no further! We're thrilled to announce that we've just introduced daily morning Math sessions tailored specifically to help you excel in these crucial exams. Don't wait until the last minute to start preparing! Seize the opportunity to boost your scores and enhance your confidence. Our dedicated morning Math sessions run Monday through Friday in our specialized classrooms, ensuring you get the focused attention and support you need to succeed.
THE HHS WEEKLY BITE: Season 2: Episode 22
We take great pride in presenting the remarkable talent of our students in the HHS Film class through their production of "The Weekly Bite." This captivating show is crafted and brought to life by our students on a weekly basis. We cordially invite you to watch and immerse yourself in each episode, as it provides a wonderful opportunity to witness the creativity and dedication of our students firsthand. Prepare to be amazed by their hard work and artistic prowess!
2023-2024 Bell Schedule
March Calendar of Events
3/10: Daylight Savings Time
3/11: Academic Awards
3/12: SAT Administration for all 11th Grade
3/12: Prime Time Flag Football vs KHS
3/22: End of Quarter 3
3/25: Spring Break Begins
March Home Varsity Athletic Events
3/1: Baseball vs Victor Valley HS
3/5: Golf vs LnHS
3/5: Softball vs QHHS
3/5: Tennis vs LHS
3/6: Swim vs KHS
3/6: Baseball vs QHHS
3/6: Volleyball vs LHS
3/7: Tennis vs AVHS
3/8: Volleyball vs AVHS
3/12: Softball vs KHS
3/13: Baseball vs KHS
3/14: Tennis vs QHHS
3/14: Swim vs LHS
3/14 Golf vs LHS
3/15: Volleyball vs QHHS
3/19: Golf vs AVHS
3/20: Track and Field Meet
3/21: Softball vs LHS
3/22: Baseball vs LHS
Saturday School Information & Forms (Semester 2)
Are you behind on assignments or need to make up missed school days? If you're looking for a quiet place to study, we have the perfect solution for you! Starting in September, HHS will be hosting Saturday School sessions for Semester 2. Signing up is simple, just choose one of the Saturday School Applications below and select your preferred dates from the provided links. Remember to bring the completed application with you, whether it's a digital or hardcopy version.
Saturday School Semester 2 Dates:
3/2, 3/16, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/18, and 6/1
DAILY Math Tutoring & Support
Every Week, Monday thru Friday, HHS students will have an amazing opportunity to benefit from a variety of interventions aimed at enhancing their math skills and ensuring success in their math classes. These sessions, which run from 7:45 AM to 8:30 AM, also offer valuable preparation for several important assessments such as the PSAT, SAT, CAASPP, AP, and NWEA.
Morning All-Subject Tutoring
We are excited to announce that all subject morning tutoring will be available. Morning general tutoring will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 7:45 AM to 8:40 AM in the Student Union. Our tutoring services cover all subjects, providing students with a valuable resource to enhance their learning.
High School Administration Team Contact Information
We encourage you to reach out to our administration if you have any questions regarding their areas of supervision. They will be more than happy to assist you.
Principal: Charles Dunn
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Griffey: jengriffey@avhsd.org
Activities & MTSS Vice-Principal: Jose Cortinas jcortinas@avhsd.org
Special Education Vice-Principal: Amanda Palmer apalmer@avhsd.org
Athletics, Alt. Placement, Attendance Vice-Principal: James Dunlavey mdunlavey@avhsd.org
Outreach, Interventions & Alt. Placement Vice-Principal: Peter Blanton pblanton@avhsd.org
HHS Counseling Contact Information
Accessing your Student’s Grades in PowerSchool:
To view your student's grades in the Antelope Valley Union High School District, you have three options:
AV High School District App (Parent Link): This app is available for both Apple and Android devices. You can find it in the App Store by searching for "AV High School District." Download the app to access news, information, and track your student's progress.
PowerSchool App: The PowerSchool app is directly linked to the PowerSchool parent portal, providing real-time updates on your student's grades and attendance. You can find it in both the Apple App Store and Android App Store. Search for "PowerSchool" and use the district code NWMZ to access your student's information.
Parent Portal: Access the Parent Portal directly at https://powerschool.avhsd.org. This portal allows you to view your student's grades and other relevant information.
Choose the option that suits you best to stay informed about your student's academic progress in the Antelope Valley Union High School District.
Don't Miss Any Important Information: Download Parent Link TODAY
To stay well-informed and receive important updates, it is essential to download the AVUHSD app. This app, in addition to email, will be one of our main communication channels during the school year. Here are the steps to download it:
1. Open the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your device.
2. Search for "AVUHSD" and download the app.
3. Once the app is downloaded, open it and select the checkboxes for HHS to receive updates specifically tailored to our school. That's all!
By following these steps, you will have the AVUHSD app installed and customized to receive relevant information and updates related to Highland High School.
Follow Us On Social Media!
Stay updated with all the exciting news and updates by following HHS today!
Instagram: highlandhighschool1989
Facebook: Highland High School Bulldogs
Attendance and Absences (Contact Information)
At HHS, we believe that attendance is vital for student success. We understand the importance of regular attendance in achieving academic goals. Therefore, for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, we are dedicated to actively encouraging and promoting daily attendance and punctuality. Our goal is to ensure that all students are present and on time for every class, every day.
To report an absence, please use the following contact information:
Phone: (TBD Soon)
Highland High School
Website: https://www.highlandhs.org/
Location: 39055 25th Street West, Palmdale, CA, USA
Phone: 661-538-0304
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/highlandhs