April 2023 Board Meeting Recap
Fremont School District 79
The evening opened with the Board accepting the official election canvass results. Gabriela Whipple, Michael Jandes, and Aga Macoch all were re-elected. Additionally, dates, time, and place were approved for 2023-24 Board meetings and Board member committee assignments were established. Board officers for the next two years are:
- Board President: Gabriela Whipple
- Board Vice President: Pam Shaw
- Board Secretary: Shawn Killackey
Regular Board Meeting
Gabriela Whipple, Board President, opened with highlights, including congratulating the Middle School students who competed at the Village of Mundelein Mayor's Cup STEM Challenge. The District's Business Office also was recognized for earning the Meritorious Budget Award for the 13th consecutive year based on its presentation of the District's Fiscal Year 2022 budget.
Dr. Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent of Schools, recognized the District staff members who are being honored at the upcoming Lake County Educator of the Year Awards. Honorees include:
- Middle Classroom School Teacher: Andrea Poglayen
- Student Support Personnel: Maria Servin (Elementary School)
- Student Support Personnel: Laura Hendricks (Middle School)
- Student Support Personnel: Lesley Bauer (Intermediate School)
Also recognized were the students who were honored at the Lake County Illinois Principal Association Student Breakfast. Dr. Kocanda congratulated all those who contributed to the Middle School musical and stated that the District's new student-voted mascot logo will be revealed in early May. The administrative team is working on drafting goals and objectives for the upcoming Strategic Plan as it relates to our communities' priorities. The draft will be shared with the Board at a May 18 work session.
The Board of Education recognized Lesley Bauer, a paraprofessional at Fremont Intermediate School. Lesley was nominated for her willingness to consistently go above and beyond to make connections with her students. Additionally, Lesley recently stepped into a long-term substitute role and ensured that students were consistently supported socially, emotionally, and academically throughout the transition.
Math Curriculum Review and Recommendation
Representatives from the PK-8 math committee presented details of the year-long math curriculum and resource review to advance our students’ math growth and achievement in the years ahead. The team discussed priorities that were identified to promote an engaging math learning experience for ALL students, including the importance of authentic, hands-on, fun, and rigorous learning. Course pathway structures were presented, with an emphasis placed on providing a more flexible and equitable approach to course recommendations that also allow for bridge opportunities each year as students may be ready for more rigor. Resource recommendations were presented to the board for Imagine Learning Illustrative Mathematics for grades K-5 (new adoption) and Cengage Big Ideas for grades 6-8 (renewal).
The facility assessment was commissioned this year to analyze and document both short- and long-term facility and system needs to guide planning. The District worked collectively with Wold Architects to finalize the assessment, which provides an objective and consistent evaluation of our buildings and identifies overall facility needs. The report is broken down into multiple categories and within the categories, a priority number was assigned based on the current condition. This will provide the District with a budgeting guide for future projects and help inform the upcoming Educational Master Facility Plan.
Informational Items
The Educational Programs update highlights information related to the District's preschool programs, multilingual programs, federal grants, gifted and enrichment programming, and accelerated placement.
Instructional Material Annual Report
The Board was given an annual curriculum resource inventory update. The inventory includes print and digital resources that are used to support our curriculum and instruction.
Assistant Director of Student Services Role
The District is committed to working toward increased inclusive educational opportunities for all students. In an effort to support the students and staff of the District as we advance our work in this area, the District is adding a position of Assistant Director of Student Services for
the 2023-24 school year. This position was approved in March 2023 as part of the 2023-24 staffing plan.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Custodial Services Bid Award
Annual Wage Increase for Non-Licensed Staff
2023-2024 Lincoln School Calendar
Fremont Education Association/IEA/NEA Letter of Agreement
Executive Director of Student Services Administrative Contract
Math Instructional Resources
Illustrative Math Professional Development
PLC Professional Development: Solution Tree Partnership
Resolution Authorizing Disposal of School District Personal Property
Bid Award for the Additional Fremont Middle School Tuckpointing Project
To view the Board Packet materials from the April 24, 2023 Meeting, click here.
Fremont School District 79
Address: 28855 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-0169
Website: fsd79.org
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79
YouTube: youtube.com/FSD79