Rutherfordton Elementary
Rocket Family Weekly Update - Welcome!!
Week of September 9-13, 2024
September 17, 2024
Dear Rocket Families,
It is hard to believe that this is week 6 of the school year! The grading period ends next Monday, September 23.
I want to again thank you for your care, concern and support of our school last week. I've included some literature from the National Association of School Psychologists focusing on Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers which is linked below for your information. I encourage you to review this literature, especially in light of recent events in our national news, should you wish to have some additional guidance. As always, do not hesitate to contact me or reach out to our school counselor, Brittany Myers, if you have ANY questions or concerns that we may help you address with your child.
Please see some important items to note below:
- Fall Picture Day is THIS Tuesday, September 17. These pictures will be the ones featured in our School Year Book. You may go to and enter Job Key: 5A7CK4FF to order online if you like.
- PLEASE help us with our 50/50 Fundraiser! We have about 1/4 of the school selling tickets at this time. Our goal is for every student to sell 5 or for every family with more than 1 student to sell a 10!!!!
- Next Tuesday, September 24 is an early dismissal day for students. Dismissal will take place at 11 AM.
- ****VERY IMPORTANT**** PLEASE help us with interruptions to class instruction by limiting early check-outs. EVERY MINUTE COUNTS at RES!!!! Beginning this week, early check-outs must occur BEFORE 2 PM. If a request is made after 2 PM, students will not be dismissed until our full-school dismissal begins. THANK YOU for your help in limiting these constant interruptions. If you are trying to avoid carline just come a bit later. If you come at 2:45 you will have little to NO wait time!!!
Learning happens every day at Rutherfordton Elementary. An important skill for learning is focusing attention. When we focus our attention we use our ears, our eyes, and our brain! This week in our morning meetings, scholars will put on their attent-o-scopes and notice how they help with listening and learning. Our older students will learn how to use positive self-talk and listen with attention.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me anytime should you have any questions, concerns and/or suggestions. I may be reached at, by way of Class Dojo or by calling the school at (828) 287-3778.
Thank you for your continued support!
Michelle Clement
50/50 Fundraiser
Upcoming Events & Important Information
Tuesday, September 17 → Fall Picture Day
Tuesday, September 17 → Flat Rock Playhouse Performance for 3rd & 4th grades; 9:30 AM RSCHS
Monday, September 23 → End of 1st 6 Weeks
Tuesday, September 24 → Early Dismissal
Thursday, September 26 → Open House 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Friday, September 27 → 1st 6 Weeks School-Wide Behavior Celebration
Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4 → Bullying Prevention Spirit Week
Rutherfordton Elementary
Location: 201 Bob Hardin Road, Rutherfordton, NC, USA
Phone: 828-287-3778