Legacy Brick Fundraiser - 1/23/25

North Carolina ACT State Test Administration for Grade 11 Students
Dear Parent or Legal Guardian:
The State Board of Education is required by General Statute §115C-174.11 (c)(4), to plan for and require the administration of the ACT test to all public school students who are enrolled in the eleventh grade. Your student will take the statewide ACT test, free of charge, on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The ACT is used as part of North Carolina’s school accountability program. In addition, colleges and universities may use ACT scores for admissions decisions, course placement, academic advising, loans, and scholarships. Students participating in the statewide ACT administration have the option to select up to four colleges or other reporting agencies to receive their ACT scores for free. Students are not required to send scores to college or reporting agencies as part of the statewide ACT test administration.
If your student participates in the NC Extended Content Course or the Occupational Course of Study, they will be administered a required alternate assessment on the same day. Please consult with your student’s teacher for more information on this assessment.
Sending Student Scores to Colleges for Free
To send ACT test scores from the state-sponsored administration to colleges or reporting agencies, your child must create a MyACT account. A unique student code provided on the MyACT Non-Test Information: Instructions for Students form, (which your student received in Advisory on Monday, March 3rd) will link your child’s state ACT test scores to their MyACT account. Account creation is optional and not required if your child does not wish to send their ACT test scores to colleges or reporting agencies.
If a student chooses to create their MyACT account, only the following information is required for North Carolina students taking The ACT during the school day, statewide administration:
- Name (first, middle initial, last)
- Date of birth
- Student code (provided by ACT)
- ACT high school code name: Voyager Academy 341079
- Mailing address
- Email address: The student must provide an email address to create an account. Students should not use their @voyageracademy email address so that they can still have access to this account after they graduate.
- Score Preferences: The student may select up to four colleges or scholarship agencies to receive their ACT score at no cost. This is optional, but only available through MyACT account creation.
- Preferences: Students may provide a parent’s first name, last name, and email address if they would like their parent to receive notifications about their scores. These notifications are the same notifications the student receives from ACT. Adding notification preferences is optional.
Note: Parents and legal guardians should be aware that ACT allows students to input additional information through the MyACT website. Any information voluntarily shared by your child within the MyACT website beyond the account creation criteria above may be used by ACT. The NCDPI does not require or condone the sharing of additional information with ACT, but if a student, parent, or legal guardian decides to supply additional information, the NCDPI recommends students and families review and understand the ACT Terms and Conditions and ACT Privacy Policy before doing so.
How Do Students Receive Information About the Test?
Students received the following information from their school in Advisory on Monday, March 3rd:
a letter for North Carolina juniors containing NC college and university codes, a MyACT Non-Test Information: Instructions for Students form with instructions for creating their MyACT account, and a Taking the ACT booklet, which includes the following information:
- checklist for taking the ACT
- terms and conditions
- testing rules and policy
- information about sending and receiving scores.
ACT Testing Exceptions
Students who have taken either the SAT or the ACT before February 14, 2025, and have scores that meet the college readiness benchmark standards below, do not have to participate in the statewide ACT administration.
Students may not combine test scores from prior, separate administrations to meet college readiness benchmark scores. All college readiness benchmark scores must be attained during the same test administration. For consideration of an ACT testing exception, students must complete the ACT Testing Exception Request Form available from the school.
If you have questions or concerns about the upcoming ACT administration at Voyager Academy, please contact me at lhowell@voyageracademy.net
Laura Howell
Voyager Academy
Testing and Accountability Coordinator