The PAW Print #2
August 25, 2024
Monday, August 19: Open House
Monday, September 2: Labor Day (all schools and offices are closed)
Friday, September 6: 6th Grade Dance
Friday, September 13: 7th Grade Dance
Friday, September 27: 8th Grade Dance
Thursday, September 19: Two Hour Early Dismissal (12:30PM)
Friday, September 20: Professional Day for Staff, School Closed for Students
School Year 2024-2025
We had a great opening to the 2024-2025 school year. A special shout out to the NJHS students who assisted our incoming 6th graders and their families at Open House.
As we progress through the school year, please take a few minutes to review the weekly Paw Print. New information will be listed at the top and previous information will be at the bottom to serve as reminders to families.
Track or Treat: An MTSS Event
Please join us at MBMS on Friday, October 25th from 5-7 PM for our Track n Treat Fall Fundraising Event! This year, we will have face painting, pumpkin painting, Halloween-themed games, trick or treating, costume contests, a food truck, and our 5K race! It is just $5 for kids (3 and under free) and no cost for adults if you have kids with you. If adults want to participate in the 5K, it is a $10 entry. Kids also gain automatic entry into the race with their $5 fee. Please direct any questions toward Patrick James (ptjames@smcps.org) or Summer Wood (smwood@smcps.org). Use the link below to sign up through Schoolbucks. Put on your best costume and come join the festivities!
Weekly Lunch Menu
School Based Health Center
Upcoming 6th Grade Dance
The 6th grade teachers are sponsoring a Back to School dance for all 6th grade students on September 6, from 2:30-4:30 in the cafeteria. Please see the attached flier for more information.
Holiday Bazaar Information
SMCPS Cell Phone Policy
News From the Nurse
Funds can be added to students' accounts online. Credit/debit cards by using this web address and creating/establishing an account.
Meal Benefit Forms Now Available
Student Accident Coverage
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents choosing to transport their child to school should enter the property at the north entrance closest to the sport fields and circle around by the tennis courts and form a line in front of the cafeteria doors indicated on the map with a smiley face. At 7:15 staff will dismiss students from cars that are along the entire sidewalk in front of the cafeteria. All students should exit their cars on the school side for safety purposes. Once students are safely out of the cars, parents will then proceed around the parking to exit.
Students arriving as parent drop off will not be permitted inside the building until 7:15 Staff is not on duty until that time. Students being dropped off will be directed to the cafeteria and dismissed to their lockers at 7:30. Students arriving after 7:35 will need to report to the main office to check in. Students not in their homeroom by 7:38 will be marked tardy.
Parents who are planning to pick up their child every day should complete the form below. Students will be dismissed at the end of the day to the cafeteria. The same process will be followed for pick up as we use for drop off. Please be aware that the first few days will take a bit longer until staff get to know you and your child. Your patience and understanding is appreciated Once the school year is underway, the pick up process goes rather quickly.
PTSO members are parents, teachers and students who are dedicated to promoting the education and welfare of our children. We highly encourage everyone to join our PTSO to show their support. As a member you are welcome to attend all meetings & functions; however, your membership does not require you to participate in these functions. The membership fee is $10. If interested in joining, you may email us at mbmspanthersptso@gmail.com! We will have a sign up table at Open House as well!
Your PTSO Board Members for the 2024-2025 School Year are:
Tiffany Wilson - President
Kimberly Rawlings - Vice President
Samantha Tuck - Treasurer
Nina Masri - Secretary
Make sure you follow us on Facebook (Margaret Brent Middle School PTSO) to stay up to date on fundraisers and other events.
Events to look forward to this school year:
PTSO General Meetings (all meetings are at 2:45pm in the Media Center)
- Wednesday, September 18
- Wednesday, November 20
- Wednesday, February 19
- Wednesday, May 14
- 6th Grade (November 15)
- 7th Grade (January 10)
- 8th Grade (May 16 - date subject to change)
Dodgeball Tournament
- Thursday, March 13 at Chopticon High School
- Joe Corbi's -September 9-27
Spirit Nights
- Tuesday, 8/27 - Red Robin - All Day
- Thursday, 9/12 - Rita's - 6-8pm
- Saturday, 9/28 - Drift Inn Crabhouse - 4-8pm
- Thursday, 10/24 - Texas Roadhouse - 4-8pm
Ongoing Fundraisers:
- Croc Charms & Magnets
- First come, First serve – limited quantity available. Orders will be delivered to students during homeroom as orders are placed. They will also be available for sale at the PTSO table during Open Houses. Order Forms attached.