Bulldog Bark
Week of January 21st
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
- Our MISSON is to create a legacy of excellence with the support of our families and communities.
- Our VISION is to empower ALL BULLDOGS to become productive and compassionate members of society.
- Our theme for 2024-2025 is Bulldogs Unleashed!
Principal's Message
Hello Bulldog Families,
With the first semester completed and the many challenges that came with it, we are off to a strong start in the second semester. We appreciate your continued support and dedication to our students' success.
We need your help with student attendance. Many students missed multiple days during the second quarter. While many of these absences were understandable and excused due to factors outside of the family's control, it is crucial that we improve attendance during the second semester.
First semester report cards are now available in the parent portal. If you have any questions about your child's grades, please reach out to the teacher directly.
January's Resiliency Skill: Honesty
This month, we are focusing on honesty, which means telling the truth. To support this at home, please refer to the attached Honesty Parent Guide for ways to discuss this important skill with your child.
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Bulldog Bark newsletter and for being our partner in your child’s education.
Josh Borders
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
(813) 794-6500
Upcoming Week Events:
Monday 1/21:
No School for Students or Staff
Tuesday 1/22:
Girls Soccer (cancelled due to weather)
Boys Basketball Practice 2pm-4pm
Girls Soccer & Boys Basketball Practice 2pm-4pm
Thursday 1/24:
Girls Soccer & Boys Basketball Practice 2pm-4pm
Pre- Purchase a Yearbook
Happy Birthday Shout out on Marquee
Literacy Week 1/27th-1/31st
Raymond B. Stewart Middle School
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Contact us: 813-794-6500