3/13 Daily Announcements
Thursday, March 13th~ Dismissal Begins at 3:05

Fine Arts Night for Grades 1 & 2
Grades 1 & 2 will be holding a Fine Arts Night on Thursday, March 13th at 6pm
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Click Here for the links to the Full Month Menus for Breakfast and Lunch
Reminder to families: ALL STUDENTS are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunches through the rest of the school year.
Please complete the paper application that was sent home or for questions please reach out to Tammy Deso, Free and Reduced Meals Application Verification Officer: tdeso@maplerun.org and 802-752-2700
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Additional Daily Options:
Cheese Pizza
Sunbutter and Jelly Sandwich w/Cheese Stick
Fresh Dried or Canned Fruit, Skim White Milk, 1% White Milk, & Fat Free Chocolate Milk Offered with all meals
Weather at Your School with News Channel 5
Dear SATEC Families,
We are thrilled to announce that on Friday, March 14, SATEC will be featured on the Weather At Your School broadcast with Meteorologist Marissa Vigevani from Channel 5 News!
Students and staff are invited to join and be part of the live morning weather broadcast. Adding to the excitement, March 14 marks a lunar eclipse, making this a truly special event!
To get a preview of what a Weather At Your School event looks like, you can view past clips online at https://www.mynbc5.com/weather-at-your-school.
Event Details
The live weather reports will take place every 15 minutes, starting at 5:30 AM. Small groups of 5–6 students will participate in each segment, but all who attend will have a chance to be involved!
Weather Report Time Slots:
🕠 5:30 | 🕕 6:00 | 🕡 6:30 | 🕖 7:00 | 🕢 7:30
🕠 5:45 | 🕕 6:15 | 🕡 6:45 | 🕖 7:15 | 🕢 7:45
While waiting for their turn (or after participating), students can enjoy light snacks and watch the broadcast on a projection screen in the cafeteria—a warm space to relax before going on air.
To help us plan, we ask interested families to email Heather Lamson at hlamson@maplerun.org with the student’s name and grade level so we can create mixed-age groups.
After the live segments, Marissa will also be filming a special spotlight on our Kindergarten learners, who are just beginning their weather unit.
We are grateful for this exciting opportunity and appreciate Channel 5 News, as well as all parents who make this early morning experience possible for their children.
Thank you for your support!
Christina Boissoneault
Protecting Youth Brains: Nicotine and Substance Impact on Mental Health
Please Join Us for an Important Maple Run Community Event
Protecting Youth Brains: How Nicotine and Other Substances Impact Mental Health & Success
Maple Run invites all parents, caregivers, community members, students, and staff to an informative presentation and discussion with Amy Brewer from the Franklin Grand Isle Tobacco Prevention Coalition.
Date: Thursday, March 20th
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: Bellows Free Academy, 71 South Main Street, Saint Albans
Topics Include:
How substances impact growing brains, mental health, and learning
Why brain development is critical right now
Addiction, product appeal, and youth use
The latest tobacco and nicotine products
How to help and support youth
Let’s come together to protect young minds and promote their success.
For questions or more information, contact Erin Rocheleau at erocheleau@maplerun.org or 802-370-3937.
All are welcome.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
As we prepare for Parent/Teacher Conferences, we wanted to share that we will activate our online scheduling system on Wednesday, March 12th at 8:00 am until Sunday, March 30th, at 8:00am.
The Conference window will be 3/17-3/31. If the scheduler is no longer available please contact your classroom teacher to schedule an appointment.
To get to the Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduler please visit http://www.maplerun.org/o/satec and look for the Pick A Time link in the “Parent Links” section in the menu.
If you do not have internet access please contact Tammy Deso @ 752-2700 and she will be able to assist you.
SATEC is excited to offer a Track and Field program again this spring for Grades 5-8.
Registration will remain open until March 14th.
Once we know the level of interest we will confirm our practice schedule. To help gain a sense of the practice commitment, last year we tried to schedule 3 practices per week with many of them held at Collins Perley. We are hoping to start practices the week of April 7th (weather dependent).
Drama Schedule for the week of 3/10
Participants will meet in the cafeteria.
Monday, March 10th 3:15-4:45
Thursday, March 13th - 3:15-4:45
7th and 8th Grade Volleyball Information
Here is a link to the full schedule for the Volleyball Season. Schedule Link
Please check the announcements daily to confirm times.
Volleyball Month at a Glance Schedule
Changes- Thursday, 3/13 - The game at GEMS is for 8th Grade Team 1
St. Albans ~ Girls on the Run ~ Courtesy Post
Here are the details:
All 3rd-5th grade girls are welcome to join our team. We will meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:30 pm and pick up will be at 6 pm at Collins Perley. The fee is $130 but financial assistance is available as well as a payment plan.
Included with program registration fee:
Program journal
- Program t-shirt
- Program water bottle
- Program cinch sack
- Entrance into the end of season Celebratory 5K
20 research-based lessons
Information from the VT Dept of Health - U.S. Measles Cases are Rising
Please see the below information from the VT Department of Health:
U.S. Measles Cases are Rising – Make Sure Your Family is Protected
In the first few months of 2025, there have been multiple outbreaks of measles with
deaths reported. Notably, there is an ongoing outbreak of measles in Quebec. Most
cases have been in children and teens who are unvaccinated against measles.
Measles is not just a little rash. Measles is a highly contagious respiratory virus that
can be dangerous, especially for babies and young children. Some may suffer from
severe complications, such as pneumonia (infection of the lungs) and encephalitis
(swelling of the brain). Nearly 1 to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with
measles will die from respiratory and neurologic complications.
Measles is almost entirely preventable with vaccines. While most people in the U.S.
and Vermont are vaccinated against measles, communities with lower vaccine coverage
are at higher risk for outbreaks. Vaccinating your family protects other children from
measles who can’t get vaccinated because they are too young or have medical
conditions. Being vaccinated against measles is your best defense against measles.
Here’s how you can help keep your family, school, and community healthy:
1. Make sure you and your family are vaccinated against measles—especially
if you plan to travel outside of the U.S. Measles is still common in many parts
of the world. Every year, measles is brought into the U.S. by unvaccinated
travelers who get measles while they are in other countries.
*Children should get two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
vaccine—the first dose at 12-15 months and the second dose at 4-6
* Babies 6-11 months old who are traveling internationally should get an
early dose of the MMR vaccine at least two weeks before travel.
2. If your child is sick with measles symptoms, stay home and call your
* Symptoms usually start with a high fever, then a cough, runny nose, and
red and watery eyes. A rash usually appears three to five days after the
first symptoms.
* If you do not have a health care provider, call 2-1-1 to be connected to
* If you suspect measles, make sure to call before going to a doctor’s
office, the hospital, or a clinic to let them know about symptoms. Because
the virus is so contagious, the office will need to take precautions before
you arrive.
* While there is no treatment for measles, your doctor will have the best
guidance on how to care for a child with measles.
For more information on measles and vaccines, visit HealthVermont.gov/measles.
Baseball Information
Welcome to SATEC Baseball Information was emailed through Arbiter Sports for Registered Players. At this time registration is closed and we are unable to add additional players.
When do Practices Begin?
Pitchers and Catchers (only) begin practice on Tuesday, March 18th from 6:30-7:45. This first week of practice is for players that have experience pitching and/or catching.
All Players begin practice on Tuesday, March 25th
Comet Softball Youth Hitting and Pitching Clinic
School Calendar
- March 14th - NBC 5 Weather at your School
- March 31st - Parent/Teacher Conference Day ~ No School for Students
- April 21st-25th - April Break ~ No School for Students or Staff
Attendance Phone Calls and Emails
We wanted to take a moment to let families know that attendance can be reported to Michelle Dow by calling 752-2600 or by email at satec-attendance@maplerun.org should your child be out sick, coming in late from an appointment or for other attendance questions that you may have.
We'd also like to remind families that when sending in notes to school to please include both first and last name of your child and the name of their homeroom teacher.
Bussing and Student Transportation
Please visit our busing and transportation website to see routes, find forms and get other information about busing and transportation at SATEC. Click Here for the Website
Transportation changes can be requested by calling Ruth McCarthy at 752-2604 or by email at satec-transportation@maplerun.org
You can use this form to make transportation change requests. Click here for the form.
We ask that all notes sent to school for transportation changes include both the first and last name of the student and the name of their homeroom teacher.
Please call school by 1pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to request changes
Please call school by 12pm on Wednesday to request changes