Fourth Grade Weekly Update
Week of August 7-11
Welcome to 4th Grade!
As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!
It takes a village!
Meet your village!
We are here to help you and your child in any way!
Ms. Gibson
4A Teacher
Ms. Sebastian
Mrs. Smith
Ms. Johnson
Mrs. Manning
Mrs. Staphylaris
Mrs. Montgomery
Mr. Wilson
What will we be learning next week?
Learning and practicing the RACE strategy to answer short responses
Fiction and Non-fiction book tasting
We will also be reviewing adding and subtraction to 100.
Tips for getting child prepared for 4th grade!
- Continue to practice multiplication facts at home!
- Discuss place values in everyday situations. For example, if you are watching TV on channel 1,985, discuss the value of each digit. This can also be done with shopping receipts!
- Here is an additional video your child can watch if they need additional help with multiplication and place value.
What does IRR mean?
Immediate Reinforcement and Remediation
- The Immediate Reinforcement and Remediation (IRR) method is advocated as a systematic approach to aid in the success of mainstreamed elementary slow learning- and learning-disabled students.
- We focus on the foundational skills in Math, Reading and ELA to enforce the learning, understanding and application of grade level standards within the General Education classroom setting.
- Park Street Elementary IRR Team asks, that each student practices reading at home with a parent and or family members 10-15 min per day ( A text that they are -interested in, Newspaper, Comic Book, Magazine, Decodable Book, etc.).
- For Math, we ask that each student practices building their knowledge and understanding of Double-Digit Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Facts.
Important Dates
Friday, 11th- Coffee with the Principal (8:30 AM)
Tuesday, 15th- Open House (5:00 PM)Tuesday-Friday, 22nd- 25th - MAP Testing
Wednesday, 23rd- Vision 2 Learn
Thursday, 24th- ESOL Parent Meeting (9:00-10:00 AM)
Friday, 8th- Coffee with the Principal
Wednesday, 20th- Fall Student Pictures
Monday-Friday, 25th-29th - Fall Break, NO SCHOOL
Additional Information
If there is a change in transportation arrangements, we require notice from the parent before allowing students to be transported by anyone other than a parent. You may send in a note with your child or email with the details of the change. We do not allow students to walk or to ride home with unauthorized people. If you must make a change during the day, notify the school office staff before 2:30 p.m.
Pick-up by Car in the Afternoon
Anyone picking up a child must have his/her Panther Car Tag. If you do not have a Panther Car Tag, you may get one by coming to the front office.
Tardy Drop-Off
When a student arrives late (after 8:30), an adult must sign the student in at the office.
Early Pick-Up
Please limit early pick-up of children to emergencies and appointments. If a child is out for any portion of the school day, the missed time is recorded as a tardy. A note sent in the morning will help us to have your child ready. To avoid interruptions to instruction, no student will be released between 2:45 and 3:15. Parents will be asked to wait for the dismissal bell. Come to the office to check out a student. Please be prepared to present photo identification upon request. No student will be released to an unknown or unauthorized person.
Late Pick-Up
Students waiting to be picked up will be supervised until 3:30. After 3:30 they may be sent to the After School Program if they are pre-registered ($10 fee). Regular after school charges will apply. Many parents sign up for the program so their children can attend in case of emergency.