Avondale Athletics
January 22, 2025
Quote of the Week!
"Dreams are free. Goals have a cost. While you can daydream for free, goals don't come without a price. Time, Effort, Sacrifice and Sweat. How will you pay for your goals?"
-Usain Bolt
Yellow Jacket Sport Report
Please follow the avondaleyellowjackets on Instagram to see our Yellow Jacket Sports Report!
Each day we have 2 Avondale students that give us a report on the previous nights sporting competitions or events that will be played later in the week!
New Avondale Athletics Student Handbook and Code of Conduct
Here is the brand new Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for Athletics. Please take a moment to review as a lot of the polices have been changed or updated. Thank you!
Important Athletic News
High School News
Due to safety reasons all students including athletes must depart the school immediately after school unless they are accompanied by a coach. If a student isn't able to leave and return, they are welcome to stay the Board Office.
Winter Season has arrived and we have our new Senior Banners on display! If you would like to purchase your athletes banner, they are $45. (Will be on display till the end of the season)
The frigid temperatures did not cool down our Avondale Athletics. Tuesday night Avondale Freshman Boys hosted North Farmington with a WIN!
JV and Varsity Boys Basketball traveled to North Farmington and JV/Varsity girls travels to Notre Dame Prep.
On Wednesday, Competitive Cheer traveled to Southfield and Wrestling hosted Utica and North Farmington.
Thursday, Boys and Girls Bowling hosted Southfield at Classic Lanes, Boys Swim and Dive traveled to Athens, and Avondale Competitive Cheer hosted a Middle School Competitive Cheer Competition.
Tonight, Avondale Boys Basketball is hosting Rochester Adams, Girls Bowling will be traveling to Collier Lanes, and Ice Hockey will be at Crystal Fieldhouse.
On Saturday, Hockey will be traveling to Modano Ice Center, Bowling will be competing at 5 Star Lanes, and JV Wrestling will be at Warren Mott.
TEAM PICTURES were taken on November 20th!! Please reach out to VSN Photo if you'd still like to order. www.vsnmichigan.com
The Winter Season has started and the Athletic Boosters are in need of volunteers for the concession stands!! The Avondale Athletic Booster Club is always in need of volunteers. If we don't have volunteers, we are unable to open. If we don't open, we can't raise money to support our athletic programs. NHS Students can use this time as service hours. Please consider signing up for 1 or 2 events. It would be greatly appreciated! Concession Stand Sign-Up.
Avondale All Sports Passes are for sale! We have 2 passes, 10 games for $25 or 20 games for $50. This is a 50% savings. These passes will be for sale at Gate Entry.
We look forward to friends, families, and students attending these events. If you plan to attend, please see the Game Day Guidelines below.
Winter -Session 2 sports are starting very soon. Please see information below for Girls Volleyball and Boys Wrestling. Please sign them in Final Forms prior to try-outs/start of the season. Thank you!
Parents- The Winter Season has begun, please make sure to have your pay to participate turned in for your athlete.
Please make sure to check out Avondale Yellowjackets on Instagram where we have begun posting the Avondale Sport Report!
The Athletic Office is transitioning over to Final Forms. This will streamline the process of turning in your athletes physical, and know if they are compliant for the season. This also allows our coaches to have immediate access to emergency contact and insurance information for each athlete in case of an emergency .
A new Athletic Handbook has been presented to the Avondale Board of Education and is in the process of being approved. These rules and regulation's will be implemented for the Winter Season. We will be posting the complete handbook once we have final administrative approval. There have been changed made to attendance, grade checks, and other items.
Thanks again for all you do for athletic programs-
Melissa Tuccini - Athletic Director
Denise Scrase - Athletics Secretary
Final Forms officially begins today! Please take the time to register your Avondale Athlete.
LINK: https://avondaleschools-mi.finalforms.com/
Parent Playbook for Final Forms attached below-
Upcoming Sporting Events
Friday, January 24th
Girls Bowling @ Collier Lanes
F/JV/V Boys Basketball VS. Rochester Adams
Ice Hockey @ Crystal Field House
Saturday, January 25th
Ice Hockey @ Modano Ice Arena
Boys & Girls Bowling @ 5 Star Lanes
JV Wrestling @ Warren Mott
Monday, January 27th
Girls Bowling @ Perfect Game
Tuesday, January 28th
JV/V Girls Basketball VS. Athens
Unified Basketball VS. Grosse Pointe United
Wednesday, January 29th
Gymnastics @ Fraser
Boys Freshman Basketball VS. Ferndale
Wrestling @ NDP
Thursday, January 30th
Boys Bowling @ Classic Lanes
JV/V Boys Basketball VS. Ferndale
Boys Swim & Dive @ Ferndale
Ice Hockey @ DSC
Friday, January 31st
Wrestling @ Avondale
JV/V Girls Basketball @ Harper Woods
Saturday, February 1st
Gymnastics VS. Haslett
Cheer @ Avondale
Ice Hockey @ DSC
JV Wrestling @ Lake Orion
Monday, February 3rd
Gymnastics @ Groves
Tuesday, February 4th
Girls Bowling W@ Century Bowl
F/JV/V/ Boys Basketball @ Groves
JV/V Girls Basketball @ Rochester High
Boys Swim and Dive VSD. NDP
Gymnastics @ Grosse Pointe North
Wednesday, February 5th
Wrestling Districts @ Avondale
Thursday, February 6th
Boys Bowling @ Classic Lanes
JV/V Girls Basketball VS. North Farmington
Boys Swim & Dive Tournament
Ice Hockey @DSC
Friday, February 7th
F/JV/V Boys Basketball @ Detroit Country Day
Saturday, February 8th
Ice Hockey @ Onyx Ice Arena
Competitive Cheer @ Avondale
Wrestling District Individuals
Boys Swim & Dive County Meet
Sunday, February 9th
Boys and Girls Bowling
Middle School Girls Volleyball
Please see the attached flyer for MS Girls Volleyball
Middle School Boys Wrestling
Please see the attached flyer for MS Boys Wrestling
Boys Lacrosse
Boys Lacrosse is starting Winter conditioning. Any boys interested, please see the information below. Any questions, please /contact: JV Coach - Brennan McHugh - mchugh.brennan29@gmail.com / Varsity Coach - Justin Suarez - justins@wowway.com
Unified Basketball
The unified yellowjackets are looking for both athletes and partners to join us for our upcoming basketball season. Activities take place once a week and are a great way to have fun and meet some other students in the building. Practice starts on December 4 and the season ends on March 13 at Little Caesars Arena in Detroit! There are no planned activities over any breaks and we can teach you the basketball you need to know. Please see Coach Conklin in room C15 or email at chris.conklin@avondaleschools.org for more information. Also check out @Avondale_unified on Instagram for information as well.
Avondale Bowling Fundraiser
RARA Speed Academy
Game Day Guidelines
The Fall Season is beginning, here is a reminder of student expectations at sporting events at Avondale High School.
In order to attend athletic events, AMS students MUST go home and then return for the game with an adult over the age of 21. Students must remain in the bleachers and with their adult. Students must have their ID and GOCard to attend. We strive to model great sportsmanship whether on the the field or in the stands.
OAA Calendar - Please click below to see the Winter Schedule
Please click on the link oaklandactivitiesassoc.org Click on Avondale, on the right hand side menu please click on view schedules, and check the box on which sport(s) you'd like to view and hit view at the bottom.
Spectator Fees
We have to Pay?
Avondale School District DOES charge $5.00 per adult and student and $3.00 for Seniors for events. We often get told by other schools that their school doesn't charge. Avondale High School is very fortunate to have their own Sports Complex. All of our outdoor fields (baseball, softball, Aux, and Dick Bye Field) are fenced in and not open to public use like a city park that some schools may use for their events. This luxury does come at a price. Besides paying for officials, we are paying for field upkeep , coaches, and transportation.
We also have All Sport Punch Cards for sale. You can buy a 10-game punch card for $25 or a 20-game punch card for $50. This is a 50% savings when you purchase one. They will be sold at the ticket gates!
Avondale Athletic Boosters
Athletic Boosters are a vital part of athletics. This Club is led by parent volunteers. All money raised in our indoor and outdoor concession stands comes back to athletics. They are always in need of volunteers. Please sign-up , Concession Stand Volunteers
Important Information about Attendance and Grades
Attendance and Grades
With the start of the new season, we have started running DAILY attendance reports on all of our rostered athletes. If you student is absent for more than 4 periods (3 periods for AMS) , they are UNABLE to participate in practice or games.
We have also started the process of sending out weekly emails to High School Faculty. Any student with 2 or more failing grades will be ineligible.
Sports Physicals
Physicals for 2024-25
The MHSAA is requiring all athletes (high school and middle school) obtain a new physical for the 2023-24 school year. The physical must be completed on or after April 15, 2024 to be valid for the next school year (2024-25) season of sports.
You can obtain a sports physical at Honor Community Health inside Avondale High School. They will be open this summer. Please call 248-537-6235 to make an appointment. If your student is a minor, please send with them a completed consent form.
Honor Community Health Clinic Consent Form
MHSAA Sports Physical Form
Information about Pay to Participate
Pay to Participate
Avondale School District does require athletes to pay to participate in all Middle and High School sport.
High School Sports $150 per student per sport
$75 for a Student who qualifies for Reduced Lunch
FREE for students that qualify for Free Lunch
**There is a $300 student cap or a $500 family cap
Middle School Sports $100 per student per sport
$50 for a Student who qualifies for Reduced Lunch
Free for Students that qualify for Free Lunch
**There is a $200 student cap or a $500 family cap
Payments can be made by check to Avondale School District or through Avondale E-Funds.
Although breakfast and lunch are free this year, if you feel that your athlete would quality for free of reduced pay - please fill out this online application. Thank you!
Link for E-Funds
Please click on the link below for E-Funds. Once in E-Funds, please click on optional fees.