Ida B Wells Athletics Weekly
May 20, 2024
"They give you a round bat, and they throw you a round ball, and then they tell you to hit it square." - Willie Stargell
Guardian Athletics
Be Courageous
Be Encouraging
Be Helpful
Be Gracious
Be Energetic
Be A Guardian
Be A Guardian - Be Energetic
· If nobody will help you do it alone.
· "As a leader your every action has a consequence, make sure it is one you intend." — Katherine Bryant
· A person who is okay with being alone is a powerful person.
· Don't call it a dream. Call it a plan.
· Hard work puts you where good luck can find you.
· Be selective about who you give your time and energy to.
· Until it's my turn, I will continue clapping for others.
· "No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." — Plato
· Happiness is not about getting all you want. It's about enjoying all you have.
· You are rich when you are content and happy with what you have.
· The most damaging lie you can tell is the lie you tell to yourself.
· Give everybody a second chance, but never a third.
· Stop trying to change people who don't want to change.
· "It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it." — Seneca
Be A Guardian - Be Helpful
The 2024 Heart walk will be on June 1st and the Athletic Department has put together a team named the Guardians. We hope to have Student-Athletes, parents, staff, community members join our team!
Click here to go to Athletic Director, Mike Nolan's personal page to join the team: https://bndfr.com/36w73 or to make a donation.
The overall goal is to raise $2500.
Greetings Sports Fans!
First up, I spent three days at the PIL District Tennis Tournament assisting the PIL run the event and what an event it is! Got to watch Logan Horvat and Tyler Donner play in an epic Doubles Match. Sam Oneja made it all the way to the consolation finals as a freshmen! Avery Dorfman and Carly King stormed back after a first round loss and win the consolation finals. Great year for both programs!
Women’s Lacrosse wrapped up their season with an impressive victory over Westview but had a loss against LO in the second round. Men’s Lacrosse beat Forest Grove in the first round of the playoffs and will head to Thurston on Wednesday for their second round game. Men’s Golf finished 12th at state this past week and Lucia Donovan and Elise Madore had a great showing with Lucia finishing 17th at the state tournament.
Softball finished league play strong with a win over Cleveland to get into the playoffs. They will play Westview today in the first round of the playoffs. Our Baseball Team will face off with McNary in the first round of the state playoffs here at Clopton Field today at 5pm. Come out and support our Guardians!
And finally, what a great state Track and Field meet for our program! Asher Danielson came in 2nd in the 3000m in a very close race and is 6A State Champion in the 1500m! Avery Coker is the 6A State Champion in the 100M Hurdles! Charlie Kramer placed 7th in the 200m while Josie Fale finished 11th in the 3000 and the 4 X 100 team finished 9th. What a great year for the program!
Watch for our Spring Re-Cap edition next week!
Great to Be A Guardian!
Athletic Schedule - Week of May 20
Varsity Baseball, First Round Playoffs vs. McNary, Clopton Field, 5pm
Varsity Softball, First Round Playoffs @ Westview, 4:30pm
Wednesday, May 22
Varsity Men's Lacrosse, 2nd Round Cascade Cup Playoffs @Thurston, 6:00pm
Spring Media Guide
Athletes, if you are pictured in our Leadership Photo and would like a copy of the poster, please come by Room 121. We have extra copies for you.
Click here to see the 2024 Spring Media Guide https://www.ibwathletics.com/mediaguide
Teague Zimmer, Junior
Golf - Men
Jacob Meurer, Junior
Jacob Meurer is our Men's Golf athlete of the week. At the State Tournament he had his best performance of the season and personal best score on his second day. Shooting an 83, he was the lowest Guardian for that day. He's only beginning to see what his potential is and I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do next season as he'll be a strong returning athlete.
Cheers to Jacob Meurer!
Lacrosse - Women
Sofie Lafrenz, Sophomore
Amber Barbour, Freshman
Track and Field - Men
Asher Danielson, Senior
Track and Field - Women
Avery Coker, Junior
Avery had a wonderful end to her season at the Oregon State Meet. Avery came into the meet with the 3rd fastest time in 6a. She was able to dial in and strike at the right time as she ran a personal best and state leading time in the finals to secure her second consecutive state title in the 100m hurdles. Her poise and competitiveness allowed her to perform when she needed to most. She bettered her school in a time of 14.59. She is also the school record holder in the 300 hurdles and a member of the 2nd fastest 4x100m and 4x400m relays in school history. Her confidence and relentless pursuit of bettering her craft put her in a position to capitalize at the right moment.
Upcoming Cheer Team Tryout Information
Letterman Jacket - Group Discount Offer
Settlemier's, a local maker of Letterman Jackets, is offering us the opportunity for discounts based on the number in the group order. The base cost of a jacket is $475.
1-4 jackets, $100 off
5-9, $150 off
10-14, $175 off
15-19, $200 off
20+, $250 (wholesale cost)
Show your school spirit and pride in earning your varsity letter with a letterman jacket!
Please contact Leanne Van Horn in the Athletic Department at lvanhorn@pps.net if you are interested.
Unified Kickball
IBW is starting Unified Kickball this spring! Come join your fellow Guardians in the sunshine as we prepare for two tournaments later this spring. Unified is a lot of fun and 100% positive. Practices are held during 8th period and the tournaments will be on Saturdays. See Mr. Bradach if you have any questions. Go Guardians!
2024 Flag Football Jamboree
On Friday, May 31st, join us for a fun-filled evening of flag football! Use the QR code below to sign up now! Also, volunteers are needed in the Snack Shack that evening. Sign up here https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/204796288082/false#/invitation
Upcoming Youth Opportunities
Please help us spread the word about these opportunities for the youth in our community.
New Dates! Here is the link to sign up for the Girls Soccer Summer Camp Grades 2nd-5th
Here is the link to sign up for the Girls Soccer Summer Camp Grades 6th-8th
Stay tuned for more opportunities as they get planned!
Sign up for basketball camps here: https://wellsprep.com/registration
Athletic Leadership Visits Jackson Middle School
Last Tuesday, members of the Athletic Leadership Council visited Jackson and Robert Gray MS students during their lunch periods. Along with letting the students know about all the great opportunities we have at IBWHS, they set up some fun competitions.
I. It’s Okay Not to Know
I think one of the most powerful things that you can say when you're working or when you're leading, or when you're trying to figure something out is, "I don't know."
· "I don't know. let's talk it through."
· Or "I don't know, what do you think?"
Some of my favorite things to say, and I hear myself saying it all the time, is:
· "Teach me how to do this. Teach me what you mean."
· "Tell me what you mean. Educate me."
I'm confident enough in what I do know that I can tell you what I don't know. And that's what we as leaders have to get to.
Source: MasterClass, Ava DuVernay, Award-winning Filmmaker
II. Designing Your Life
How do you build a good life?
· Relentlessly follow your intuition.
· Build with people who also love to grow.
· Take responsibility for your healing.
· Love yourself so deeply that you feel at home in your own body and mind.
· Teach yourself to forgive.
· Never stop being a kind person.
Source: Yung Pueblo, The Way Forward
III. A Wish For You
· I wish you the courage to be warm when the world would prefer that you be cool.
· I wish you success sufficient to your needs.
· I wish you failure to temper that success.
· I wish you joy in all your days.
· I wish you sadness so that you may better measure joy.
· I wish you gladness to overbalance grief.
· I wish you humor and a twinkle in the eye.
· I wish you glory and the strength to bear its burdens.
· I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey.
· I wish you peace in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner of your heart where truth is kept.
· I wish you faith to help define your living and your life.
More I cannot wish you except perhaps love to make all the rest worthwhile.
Source: Robert A. Ward
V. Question
If someone observed my actions for a week, what would they say my priorities are?
VI. This Week, I Will
1. Release what no longer aligns.
2. Breathe deeply and give myself grace.
3. Spend time with more people that inspire me.
4. Keep showing up and trusting everything is going to work out.
5. Remember, mindfulness and gratitude transform everyday moments.
"There will be moments in your current chapter where you feel like the life you desire to live feels out of touch and out of sight. That all the reveries in your mind will stay stagnant there, never fully manifesting into where your feet are. Those moments will be puzzling—you'll feel like you've gone backward in your life trajectory that you've always imagined and that you're far from experiencing all that you want to take in from this life. But then there will be a moment where you get a glimpse of the life you've always desired—you'll have a taste of the lifestyle you know you were destined to have, the people you want to be surrounded by, and the happiness you know you've been yearning to feel. In that moment, hold onto it. Cherish it. Take note of it. Write down the experience by describing the sensations and feelings associated with it. Because soon after, you'll have another moment. And then a third. And then a fourth, and so on. And you will think back to the very first, remembering where and how this all started. Those moments will show how the life you pictured yourself having no longer just holds a place in your mind—it'll be the life you start to live, sustaining the joys associated with each. That life is worth sticking around for."
― Karin Hamadan, Beauty in the Stillness
Website: https://ibwathletics.com
Phone: 503-916-5280, ext 75318
Athletic Director, Mike Nolan, mnolan@pps.net
Athletic Assistant, Leanne Van Horn, lvanhorn@pps.net
Instagram: ibw_athletics
Facebook: Ida B Wells HS Athletics
Trivory App: A great way to see the daily Athletic Schedule
Thanks to our 2023-2024 Athletic Department Sponsors!
Interested in being a sponsor? Contact Athletic Director, Mike Nolan, at mailto:mnolan@pps.net