Newsletter Week 11 Term 1
Turua School 14th April 2022
Today we said thank you and farewell to Kim Radisich who has been mowing our lawns for free over the past eight years. She has done an amazing job and we will now need to find a contractor to keep the field mowed. Any recommendations please forward to the school office.
Enjoy a wonderful break from the school routine and we will welcome your return on Monday 2 May.
Kia haumaru. Noho ora mai.
Be safe. Stay well.
Ngā mihi nui
Tracey Fisher
BOT News
Kia ora koutou from the Board of Trustees.
Our first opportunity to meet in person was on Monday 11 April where we reviewed the Annual Plan. This will be shared on our new-look school website – launching later this month.
The Board acknowledged the success of the Giant Pumpkin Festival, and thank all the volunteers involved and the parents who supported their children to take part.
We were updated on the resignation of our Learning Support Co-ordinator, Kerie Richardson; and the retirement of Kim Radisich who has mowed our school grounds for many years. The LSC vacancy will be advertised, and we thank Kerie for her contribution to our school over the past two years. Kim has volunteered many hours to keep our school grounds looking great and we appreciate her kindness and long-standing support of our school. If you’re able to recommend a mowing contractor, please let our Principle know.
The Board also discussed holding a parent ‘working bee’ on Sunday 15 May to assist in tidying up some areas of our school as we head into the Winter months. More information on this will follow.
Our next meeting will be held on 9 May at 6pm in the school staff room.
Junior School
There was lots of excitement today at our last Junior School assembly of the Term. Te Wheke shared their insect creations and Charlotte’s Web art, Pātiki shared their Easter diamond art creations, and Te Ika Iti shared a Lego creation story.
Well done to all our stars of the week and to our students who earned points for their Waka for showing kotahitanga (unity and team work).
Contact Us
Location: Hauraki Road, Turua, New Zealand
Phone: +678675003