Raider Basketball Tshirts!

Order a Raider Basketball Play-Off T-Shirt
Deadline: Monday!
Your Raiders are playoff bound! If you would like to order a playoff shirt, orders are due MONDAY, February 10th, at 10:00 am. Payment method is cash, or a check made to Sunnyvale ISD ONLY (we do not accept Venmo payments). If you have any questions, please contact Coach Prince by email (jason.prince@sunnyvaleisd.com).
Important Details:
Price:Short sleeve cotton $15.00
Short sleeve Dri-fit $18.00
Long sleeve cotton $18.00
Long sleeve Dri-fit $20.00
- Order Deadline: Monday, February 10th at 10:00 a.m.
- Pickup Date: Monday, February 17th at the campus you selected. Pickup dates are flexible if you need additional time or if the shirts have not arrived.
- Please make sure to give payments directly to Coach Prince or to the front office staff at the campus where you will pick up your shirt.
- Payments must be made before you can pick up your shirt.
- Accepted forms: Cash or checks (made out to Sunnyvale ISD).
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Coach Prince.
Sunnyvale ISD
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