Ozona Elementary
Parent Update: Third Quarter 2025
A Message from Principal Freeman
Dear Ozona Families,
February is a great month to dive deep into reading! We just participated in Celebrate Literacy Week and are seeing the impacts of your student's focus and effort in improving their reading. Reading should be happening at home either reading together for those in PreK-1st or student's reading independently in grades 1st-5th. Some of our Kindergarten students are even able to read their just-right books independently now too.
The end of year assessments for grades 1st-5th each include a variety of text types - Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry. The more practice they have on the variety of text types the more prepared they will be. The assessments in 1st and 2nd grades can take up to a hour and in 3rd-5th the reading assessments can take 2 hours and more. It helps our students to have practice with quiet reading to build their stamina. In addition, reading is needed across all subject areas - science, social studies, and even math to read directions, questions, and word problems. Reading is the one subject that connects all others.
Remember the more you read the smarter you get!
Thank you and Go Ospreys!
Lisa Freeman
Helping at home...
Ways to help your student with reading at home:
Read together, then ask:
- Who are the characters?
- Where & when is the setting?
- What are the actions/events?
- How has the character changed over time? Did this change the plot?
- Why do you like or dislike the book?
- What was the author's purpose?
- What is the main topic?
- What text features were there? If the author includes them...they are important
- bolded text
- captions
- illustrations / photos
- Glossary
- Table of Contents
- index
- diagrams / charts / graphs / timelines
- subheadings
- labels
- sidebars
- How did the text features help you better understand the content?
- What kind of research did the author need to do?
- Does the location / setting / geography matter to the topic?
- Why do you like or dislike the book?
- What was the author's purpose?
Math - play games, look for numbers, shapes, patterns around you
Dreambox and Istation Expectations
We have two programs that are individualized for each student. The programs provide support or enrichment for learning.
Our teaching time is tight, and at Ozona we know the best utilization of the teachers' time is being able to work directly with the students.Teachers are teaching lessons in person to support & enrich children, however, the computer programs should be completed at home. Thank you for being a partner in your child's education.
Your child is responsible for the following at home.
Dreambox Math
- Kindergarten - 2nd Grade students are expected to complete 5 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
- 3rd - 5th Grade students are expected to complete 10 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
Istation - ELA
Students take a monthly assessment which provides important information about their progress in ELA. They are then provided lessons specific to their needs. It is important that students spend 30-40 minutes per week on their Istation pathway.
Some students have a suggested 60 minutes, your child's teacher will make you aware if your child needs 60 minutes weekly.
Science 60 Power Words!
How many words and definitions do you and your child know?! Check out the science vocabulary connected to science content elementary students are expected to master.
A Message from Assistant Principal Mrs. Downes
Hello Families,
We have had a great first part of the school year.
We recently celebrated our First Semester PBIS grade level cookie event.
Students had the opportunity to purchase this fun event to celebrate our work towards our Tier 1 Positive School Climate.
Students that purchased this event came down during grade level times to decorate a cookie with icing and enjoy some candy treats on top.
Thank you to our PTA PBIS committee for organizing this event, getting the supplies and those that volunteered the day celebrated.
For our academic focus, this winter, we tested our Progress Monitoring Cycle 2.
PreK and Kindergarten took the Star Early Literacy online test.
First Grade and Second Grade took the online Star Reading.
Kindergarten through Second Grade also took the online Star Math.
Third Grade through Fifth Grade took the FAST Cambium Reading and Math online assessments.
Your teachers have been communicating your students’ present level. If you have any questions about interventions and enrichments, please reach out to your teacher to see the small group work your teachers are focusing on so you know where to continue the learning from home.
Please helps us ensure your child is getting their Istation Reading minutes as well as their Dreambox minutes from home. These are computer based intervention and enrichment programs depending on where your child is functioning based on grade level expectations. Teachers assign specific skills for students to practice from home according to what their Cycle 2 data has shown.
Thank you for your continued support and partnering with us to help your child succeed.
Mrs. Downes
AP Ozona Elementary School
Look at us Grow...
3rd-5th grade FAST PM 1 to PM 2
PreK Early Literacy PM 1 to PM 2
K-2nd grade FAST PM 1 to PM 2
Annual Stakeholder Survey
Hello! Below please find the Pinellas County Schools Parent/Guardian Survey. We need families to complete this survey as the district reads the information to gather feedback from important stakeholders such as yourself. We appreciate you taking the time to complete it!
In order to participate in this survey, you need to enable JavaScript on your web browser. Currently, your browser options are set to disable JavaScript.
Attendance matters!
In living the Ozona life, we believe that every school day is an opportunity for your child to learn, grow, and thrive. Consistent attendance is crucial to their success, as even missing one day can lead to gaps in their learning. By attending school regularly, students not only stay on track academically, but they also build valuable habits of responsibility and perseverance.
To celebrate and encourage good attendance, we offer exciting incentives for students who consistently show up and engage in their learning. These rewards help motivate our students to be present and active participants in their education. Together, we can help your child develop a strong foundation for success, both now and in the future.
Let’s work together to make every school day count and celebrate the effort it takes to be here! If your child is unwell or facing challenges, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can support them in any way we can.
Dress Code Reminders: Action Item
We need your help in enforcing the district dress code. We are seeing short shorts, shorts rolled at the waist band, midriffs showing and leggings without proper outer garments covering mid-thigh length or longer.
Please refresh your understanding of the dress code included below.
No Student Drop Off Prior to 8:15 AM: IMPORTANT!
Per new safety legislation. there are to be no students on campus prior to 8:15 AM. This is non-negotiable.
If you arrive prior to 8:15 in car line, the student is to stay in the car with you. If you walk or ride a bike, please adjust your schedule so that your child arrives between 8:15-8:45 AM. The school does not provide supervision for students prior to 8:15 AM. Club students & Patrols are the only exceptions and will be greeted by their sponsor. We need YOU to adhere to this safety concern. Thank you!
Ozona's School Improvement Plan
We have had a strong start to our year with PBIS. Teachers and Staff started awarding PBIS points to students for demonstrating the Osprey Guidelines for Success beginning the first week of school. Thank you to our PTA for supporting and funding the use of our PBIS Rewards program again this year. The school store has been open various weeks already for students and they have enjoyed purchasing their prizes these first few months of school.
We will be looking to do a Semester PBIS event coming up in January. Students will use their points, if they wish to participate, and come down with their grade level celebration to decorate and enjoy a cookie and some social time with myself and their grade level friends. We are also looking at doing an end of year PBIS event. More details will be out about that specific event closer to the final Quarter of our school year.
Our Staff PBIS committee has been working on verbiage to help create posters in our common areas such as: PE, Cafeteria, Hallways, Media Center, etc., defining the Osprey Guidelines for Success words and what they would specifically look like in these common areas. You can help from home by asking your students what “Persevering” may look like in the Media Center, what does “Respect” look like in the cafeteria, what does “Supporting Others” in the hallways look like, etc?
Thank you again to our PTA PBIS committee as well as our school Staff PBIS committee for promoting a positive and supportive school environment for our students.
Parent Portal
Have you been in your Parent Portal this year?
Do you know your parent ID and password?
Have you completed the convenient online back to school forms in your portal?
Is your portal account linked to your child?
If your answer is no to any of these questions, please contact our school office for help.
Please note: You must be linked to your child to use the new Focus forms.
If you are not linked to your child, you will need to bring your ID to school to complete the linking process.
If you have questions about the forms or your login information, please contact our school.
If you need technical support, contact the PCS Help Desk at 727-588-6060.
Important Dates
2/7: Midterm Reports
2/10: SAC 6 pm & PTA 6:30 pm
2/22: Father/Daughter Dance
3/4: All Pro Dads
3/5: Spring Pictures
3/14: Megathon event
3/17-3/21: Spring Break
3/24: School reopens
4/3: Report Cards
4/9: All Pro Dads
4/15: Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
4/18 & 4/21: No school for students
4/24: Student Showcase
Hurricane Make Up Days
We now have school January 6, February 17, and a full day on May 29.
Learning Style
During this time of year, we begin to plan for the upcoming school year. We gather and utilize a variety of data and information as we begin the process of creating next year’s class lists. If you would like to provide input into your child’s learning style and classroom environment, please write a letter via email to Assistant Principal Downes no later than Friday, April 11th. Her email is downesj@pcsb.org
Submissions after this date will not be considered.
While we do not take specific teacher requests, we understand that your prior experiences, successful (or not), would provide additional information in determining the best setting for your student’s success. If your child will not be attending OES next year, or you have an address change, now is the time to inform the front office with the school he/she will be attending. Thank you!
Mrs. Narkier's News
The Counselor's Corner
Hello Parents!
All parents want their children to be respectful. Teaching respect is a big job! Keep in mind that children learn respect when they are treated with respect. Try making these simple efforts a daily habit:
- Communicate with respect. Listen attentively to your child. Don't interrupt. Make sure you understand what he or she is saying. Focus on the positive.
- Practice solving problems calmly. Use "I statements" ("I feel ignored when you don't answer me") instead of hurtful statements ("You never listen").
- Take responsibility. When you make an agreement with your child, stick to it, and expect him or her to do the same. If something goes wrong, the person responsible should own their actions, make amends, and learn from the experience.
- Care for belongings. No matter the amount (or price) of belongings your child has, it is important to take care of all of them. For example, cleaning up (toys), organizing (clothes), and handling with care (using not abusing). Also, make sure your child knows to treat other peoples’ belongings like they would their own.
- Be encouraging. Support your child's interests and strengths. Help your child find something they love and/or they excel at.
Nicola Repetosky
School Counselor
Healthy Happenings
Managing Seasonal Allergies:
As spring awakens, many people look forward to enjoying the outdoors. However, for some, the arrival of spring also brings the unwelcome arrival of seasonal allergies. During the spring, trees such as oak, birch, and maple release pollen, contributing to the rise in allergy symptoms.
Common Signs and Symptoms
- Congestion
- Sneezing
- Headache
- Red, itchy, watery eyes
- Post nasal drip (drainage in the throat)
- Coughing
How can you minimize exposure to seasonal allergy triggers?
Even when pollen seems to be covering everything outside, there are steps you can take to prevent allergies from acting up:
- Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands and face after spending time outdoors to remove pollen particles. Showering before bedtime can also help prevent pollen from transferring to bedding
- Monitor Pollen Counts: Check the forecast for pollen levels, and limit outdoor activities when pollen counts are at their highest
- Keep Windows Closed: While it may be tempting to let in the fresh air, keep windows in your home and car closed and use air conditioning to filter the air. Make sure the air conditioner is on re-circulating mode.
- Use Air Purifiers: Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters to reduce airborne allergens.
How do you treat seasonal allergies?
In combination with taking steps to limit your child’s exposure to allergy triggers, there are many safe, effective allergy medicines that target specific symptoms your child is struggling with the most.
Most allergy medications are now over-the-counter and generally fall into the categories of oral antihistamines, nasal sprays and eye drops. The frequency and severity of allergy symptoms can help determine the best allergy treatment for your child. Talk with your child's pediatrician about the best way to help manage their symptoms.
With care,
Nurse Kimmie
PE Information
Hello Osprey families!
After the brisk weather the past few weeks, we look forward to the beautiful climate ahead! Some important things to remind our scholars: remember to take your jacket back to class, wear the proper footwear for PE and as always bring a water bottle.
We want to take a moment to extend a huge thank you to our incredible Pre-K Physical Education teachers Coach Hanna and Coach Richards! Their passion, dedication, and creativity in introducing our youngest learners to the joys of physical activity are truly inspiring. They create a warm, engaging environment where every child feels encouraged to participate and explore!
As always, we're committed to helping our students build a strong foundation for lifelong physical activity and well-being. We've been continuing to provide a high level of Physical Education utilizing both the court and amazing turf! Lastly, we're excited for the Meg-A-Thon, which is right around the corner!! Some students who have been shining lately include:
K- Charlie S. and Gavin M.
1st- Kelsie T. and Delilah D.
2nd- Quinn S. and Xavier L.
3rd- Mateo S., Theresa V. Kai S. and Frederika A.
4th- Sebastian G., Kevin S. and Emery H.
5th- Zeke Z., Landree D., Devin B. and Lee V.
Thank you for your continued support in promoting physical activity and healthy habits for your child. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our PE program, feel free to reach out!
The PE Department
A Colorful Note from Art
Ozona artists have been recognized is several county wide art exhibitions.
Word and Image ‘My Favorite Thing’ at The Morean Arts Center in St. Pete. 3rd graders Lucy Brannigan and Mya Davidson have their favorite dessert prints on display and 5th grader Eve Fugit received an Honorable Mention Award for her one-point perspective room drawing about her cats.
Dunedin Fine Arts Center exhibit ‘Creative stART’ featured three Ozona artists. Kindergartener Anna Tatoris with her ‘Sunflower’ painting, Presley Stigleman with her ‘Fruit Bowl Still Life’ painting and 4th grader Abigale Englert with her ‘Great Wave’ painting.
Clearwater Arts Alliance’s ‘March is Youth Art Month” at Creative Pinellas will showcase the ‘Buzzing Bees’ Prints by 4th grader Emma Ahern.
State of the Digital Arts (SODA) Exhibition will feature 1st grader Fiona Robinson’s ‘Sailing at Sea’ digital artwork.
In March, all scholars in grades K-5 will be working during art class with local artist Autumn Pearson on a school wide Ocean Themed ‘Up-cycle’ Art Sculptures that will be installed around our campus. Mrs. Pearson has a background in education and currently serves as SHAMc’s Director of Art and Community Outreach. This project is possible through the Visual Arts Referendum Funds.
We are looking for up-cycle donations to use for the sculptures.
- Colorful Plastic Large Lids (example: large yogurt container lid)
- Colorful Plastic Caps (example: soda lid, Gatorade lid)
- Plastic Beads Any Size
- Legos
- CD’s
- Plastic Egg Cartons
Thank you,
Mrs. Keller & Mrs. Romney
Keyed into Music
We are well into our winter concert season! The Kindergarteners are having their annual concert “Music and Me” on Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. They will sing songs that we have been learning in class to show how we learn music. The first graders just finished their concert “Pajama Party” on Thursday, January 30th and did a fantastic job! They will be learning about the instruments of the orchestra in class. The second graders are just beginning to learn their songs for their upcoming concert “Journey Into Outer Space” which will happen on Thursday, March 13th at 6:00 pm. They will also learn more about how their body works while it is singing and playing instruments. The third graders have been enjoying learning how to play the recorder, and have been composing songs to play on their recorders. They will also soon be preparing their concert which will be all about earth day. The Third grade concert will be the evening of April 22nd. The Fourth graders are learning to play the ukulele. The fifth graders will be finishing their ukulele unit and be creating music to go along with a movie short.
We have just started our beginning band rehearsals and look forward to learning more about our instruments and getting ready for a concert on May 1, 2025. Finally, our chorus is going to be singing at a Toronto Blue Jays game on Sunday, March 23rd at noon in Dunedin. The Blue Jays will be playing the Pittsburgh Pirates. This is our annual fundraiser for the music department. Ticket purchase information will be available soon. Come on out and support our chorus and have a family fun day at the ballpark!
Thank you,
Ms. Folstad
A Message from Mrs. Moncrieff (Family & Community Liaison)
We have many great events coming up at Ozona Elementary. Remember to become a registered volunteer early so that you can volunteer if you are interested, as these are processed at the county level. The link to sign up to be a volunteer is below. A few important dates to remember are:
· Father/Daughter Dance Feb. 22nd
· All Pro Dads is March 4th
· Spring Pictures March 5th
· Our annual Megathon event is Friday, March 14th
· Spring Break March 17-21st
· All Pro Dads is April 9th
· Volunteer Appreciation Lunch April 15th
· Student Showcase is April 24th
Sign Up To Be A Volunteer Today! https://asd.pcsb.org/schoolwiresforms/volunteer/
Pinellas County Schools is looking for mentors to work with students throughout the county. It is a rewarding program that pairs a student with a caring adult to be another positive role model in their life. To learn more about the mentor program and sign up for a training, please see the link below.
Jenny Moncrieff
Family and Community Liaison
Greetings from your Ozona PTA! We have been busy collaborating on programs and events for our families. We are looking forward to our 10th Annual Move-a-Thon MEGA event on Friday, March 14. We hope you will join us as a volunteer (you must be Level 2) as we cheer on our students for a day of music, movement and fun! Watch your email and student's backpack for more information on our largest fundraiser of the year.
Our upcoming PTA meetings will be held on Mondays: February 10, March 10, April 14 and May 12 at 6:30pm. We will be appointing our Nominating Committee, accepting applications for next year's Board of Directors as well as helping to plan our Spring events and programs. We are also reviewing and revising our ByLaws and planning for our spring Teacher Appreciation events.
We are opening our Spirit Wear store from now until February 20 - see the attached flyer and place your orders by midnight on the 20th! There are some new color options to choose from. We love seeing our school in their Ozona Life and Osprey swag on our Friday spirit days. Shop here:
Finally, we hope to see you at one (or all!) of our Spirit Nights, with the first being held Thursday, February 27 at Rita's Italian Ice in Palm Harbor. Our March event will be held Thursday, March 27th at Fatty's Fish Shack in downtown Palm Harbor.
See the attached flyers for details and stay tuned for more details on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Ashley Gonnelli
Ozona Elementary PTA President
Ozona's Electronic Devices Policy
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Are You In the Know?
Ozona Elementary Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OEPTA?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Ozona PTA Instagram https://instagram.com/ozonapta?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=
Ozona Elementary Website https://www.pcsb.org/ozona-es
Ozona Elementary
Email: freemanl@pcsb.org
Website: https://www.pcsb.org/ozona-es
Location: 601 Tampa Road, Palm Harbor, FL, USA
Phone: 727-724-1589