Mohegan Update 1/31/2025
January 31st
There are a lot of upcoming events at Mohegan this month. Please see all the information below so your child doesn’t miss out on any fun events.
Our Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser ends tonight! Please make any last minute donations today!
We will be holding our Jump Rope for Heart Day on Monday, February 10th.
Thank you all so much for your support and donations!!
Here is the information for you and your child to register and how to donate:
Sign up at: heart.org/Schools
Download the App on your phone or device: AHA Schools
A special "thank you" to the award winning Shelton Gaelhawks for coming to Mohegan and sharing their experiences with us. This talented group of high school students participate in robotics competitions nation wide. We are proud of them and we were honored to have them come and speak to our students. See a few pictures below.
Mohegan School will celebrate the 100th day of school on Tuesday, February 4th. Students and staff are encouraged to dress up to look like they are 100 years old! See the flier at the end of the newsletter for ideas.
Friday, February 7th is Football Friday. Students and Staff are encouraged to wear their favorite football jersey as we get ready for Super Bowl Sunday!
Our Pre-K program will be closed on Monday, February 10th. A letter was sent home with all students. Students in Grades K-4 still have school.
Classes will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with Valentines for all students on Thursday, February 13th. This is also an early dismissal day. Teachers will be sending home a list of all student names so you can bring them in for everyone. Room sponsors will provide a heart healthy snack. Please do not send in any food items with the Valentines. This is in line with our Jump Rope 4 Heart fundraiser as kids learn about eating healthy and staying active for a healthy heart.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin next week. Please call the school to set up an appointment.
In the event of inclement weather, here are the Mohegan School Hours.
2 hour delay
K-4 - 11:00am - 3:50pm
Pre-K AM - No Class
Pre-K PM - 12:50-3:45
3 hour delay
K-4 - 12:00pm - 3:50pm
Pre-K AM - No Class
Pre-K PM - 12:50-3:50
Weather Related Early Dismissal
K-4 - 9:00-1:50
Pre-K AM - 9:00-11:20
Pre-K PM - No Class
Shelton is holding a special election on Tuesday, February 25th. School will be in session. Since Mohegan School is a voting site, community members will be coming in to vote in the gymnasium. Voters will enter and leave the building through the back door near the gymnasium; no voters will be allowed in the front door. Once they are done voting, they will exit the same way they entered. Voters are not allowed to enter any other parts of the school. There will be no gym classes in the gymnasium that day. Extra security will be in the gymnasium to ensure voters stay in the designated areas. I am working with the Shelton Public Schools Security Supervisor to ensure a safe environment for all our staff and students. As always, your child’s safety is our top priority.
Any student with 1 or fewer office referrals in the month gets to participate in the monthly school wide PBIS reward. Today we had BOARD GAME DAY!
Here are this week’s PBIS raffle winners:
Pre-K - Nolan S., Chase P.
Kindergarten - Austin S., Sienna R., Matthew F.
Grade 1 - Tyler M., Aliana V., Christian R.
Grade 2 - Dayne B., Maksym M., Killian P.
Grade 3 - Chase E., Jordan N., Kasia V.
Grade 4 - Alessandra R., Khaleese P., Carolina M.
See their picture below.
- Celebrating a February Birthday? Surprise your child with a Mohegan Birthday Yard sign. Flyer is attached
-Wacky Wednesday- 2/5 Wear Tie Dye
-Sweetheart Dance - 10th annual Girls Choice event, Friday, Feb 7th from 6pm-9pm.
Email Christina Giacobbe with any questions: Chrismj908@gmail.com
-Class Valentines Day celebrations will be on 2/13. Room Sponsors please check your email for further information regarding the celebration.
- Lunch Duty signup https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BACA72AA1FBC34-51827300-mohegan
-PTO meeting: February 11th @ 6:30 in the Mohegan Media Center
See below for community events.
Mr. John Coppola
Mohegan School Principal
Important Dates and Times
February 4th - 100th Day of School - Dress like you are 100 years old
February 7th - Football Friday Jersey Day
February 10th - Jump Rope for Heart Event
February 13th - Early Dismissal Day and Valentines Day parties
February 14th-17th - NO SCHOOL
February 25th - Special Election Day (School is still in session)