The Compass
"Unlock the Treasure in Every Child" - September 16, 2024
Reminder: No School
- Friday, September 20 - Teacher Work Day
Our PTA is hosting their first meeting of the school year virtually! The shift in format is a response to parent feedback to make the meeting more accessible. Please plan to join the meeting on Wednesday, Spet 18 at 2:30pm.
PTA Meeting
Wednesday, September 18 · 2:30 – 3:30pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/hob-ccrk-jtv
Positivity Project - Curiosity
This week, our school community will focus on the character strength of Curiosity. Curiosity means you like exploration and discovery. You ask lots of questions because you want to learn more about anything and everything.
Curiosity is essential to our character, driving our desire for wisdom and knowledge. It keeps us engaged in stories and encourages us to try new activities or travel. Everyone experiences curiosity differently — behaviorally, intellectually, and emotionally.
People with strong curiosity are more likely to ask questions and try new things. Curiosity is a form of courage because asking questions shows we don't know something, and trying new activities risks failure. However, it's through questions and exploration that we learn and grow.
To practice and encourage curiosity at home, please visit the mobile-friendly P2 for Families. There, you will watch a video clip together and discuss a quote and three questions related to the strength of curiosity.
Thank you for your support!
We’re less than ONE week away from kicking off our Buckhorn Creek Fun Run fundraiser! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together to reach our fundraising goals.
Get an overview of our fundraiser by clicking HERE!
Anyone who signs up online before kickoff will be entered into a drawing to win principal for an hour.
Key Dates to Remember:
💻 Sign up online at MyBooster.com – 09/04/2024
🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 09/18/2024
👟 Event Day – 09/27/2024
Check out our school's Buccaneer Gear: https://bceshs.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Our PTA has worked with a vender to ensure this link is open ALL YEAR!
Parent Lunches with Students
We will open up the opportunity for parents to eat lunch with their children in early October. We appreciated the understanding for the delay. Our focus for the first month of school will be to ensure students know procedures and routines. Focusing on this at the beginning of the year strengthens our work for the months to come. Thank you!
Buckhorn Creek Parent/Student Handbook 2024-2025
Important Dates!
- Sept 12 - All Grades - Open House 5-7pm
- Sept 18 - PTA Meeting @ 2:30 Virtually
- Sept 19 - PTA Boosterthon Begins
- Sept 20 - No School - Teacher Work Day
- Sept 24 - Fall Pictures
- Sept 27 - PTA Matey-Move-a-Thon!
- Oct 3 - No School - Teacher Work Day
- Oct 11 - PTA Family Movie Night
- Oct 11 - Spirit Day - Super Hero
About Us.
Email: dsimons@wcpss.net
Website: www.wcpss.net/BuckhornCreekES
Location: 5651 Honeycutt Road, Holly Springs, NC, USA
Phone: (919) 694-8970
Twitter: @BuckhornCreekES