The Weekly Update
February 3, 2025 A week
We hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Read down for our events, and remember that you can always stay up-to-date by checking our school website.
Joe Corbi's orders must be picked up at GK Thursday February 6th from 1:00-5:00
February Focus- Be Respectful
Starting the week of February 3rd- the availability of juice during lunch will be reduced to two days per week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Juice will continue to be served daily for breakfast.
Juice is not a requirement of the School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program.
Students that do not want milk but would like a beverage can access water in the cafeteria.
Envy juice will continue to be available for purchase for $1.50 and small water bottles for .50
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Many citizens are concerned about reports in the media relative to ICE Raids and want to know how their local school systems plan to handle the issue. SMCPS will adhere to the guidance provided by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Please read A Guide for Students, Families, and Local Education Agencies on the MSDE website. Our actions are bound by law, and our administrative staff consistently ensures compliance.
Testing for Lead in Drinking Water Information and Results. Attached is a copy of the recent lead water sampling results, next steps and action plan to remediate. These results are also posted on the SMCPS Maintenance website. Click here.
Maryland House Bill 636 (School Buildings - Drinking Water Outlets)
Become A School Volunteer
Both new and previously registered volunteers must complete a new volunteer application every school year. All volunteers must review the Child Abuse and Sexual Harassment (C.A.S.H) training and the Volunteer Manual annually.
CLICK HERE after you've completed the trainings in order to access the volunteer application.
Process of connecting student Schoology accounts
Please complete the meal benefit application.
Online Meal Benefit Application
Menus for School Meals are visible through Nutrislice. Check it out!
Negative Lunch Balance- Please visit My School Bucks or call the school to find out your child's lunch balance. We will serve the students even with negative balances so please continue to check the account.
Transportation reminders-
-Ensure kids are not trying to open the door while the cars are still moving in the car line
-Do not drive around cars that have kids still getting out (even on the side farthest away from the sidewalk)
-Do not drop students off by car on the side of the bus loop
Safety is our top priority!
Cell Phone Policy- Phones must be OFF and AWAY!!!
Please view THIS presentation and this VIDEO.
Code of Conduct can be found here.
GKES Attendance Matters - January grade level winner is 2nd grade!!
Pre K 90%
K 84%
1st 88%
2nd 92%
3rd 90%
4th 90%
5th 87%
GK Total 89%
0-9 Days Absent = 95-100% = Attendance Very Good: Best chance of success. Gets your child off to a solid start.
10- 19 days Absent= 90-94 % = Worrying: Less chance for school success. Makes it harder for your child to make progress.
20 + days absent = 80-85% Attendance = Serious Concern: Your child will find it very difficult to make progress.
Attendance Update-
There will be a School wide incentive - anyone who only misses 1 day or less between (1/27/25 - 3/7/25) will earn a ticket to the Glow Atten-DANCE!
From Nurse Farr!!!!!
Please report any communicable diseases to Nurse Farr for tracking purposes (COVID, flu, pink eye, strep, etc.), it would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Nurse Farr. Thank you!
What to do if your student is ill
While school attendance is vital to your student’s education, a sick child belongs at home. Please review the Sick Day Guidelines below to assist you in making that decision.
I have a temperature higher than 100°F.
I'm throwing up or have diarrhea.
My eyes are pink and crusty.
My symptoms have significantly improved or resolved.
I haven't had a fever or fever-reducing medication for 24 hours.
I haven't thrown up, had diarrhea or had medications to control these symptoms for 24 hours.
If antibiotics have been prescribed, I have been taking them for at least 24 hours.
I’ve had a temperature higher than 100°F for more than 2 days.
I've been throwing up or having diarrhea for more than 2 days.
I've had cold symptoms for more than a week and they aren't getting any better.
I still have asthma symptoms after using my asthma medicine (and call 911 if I'm having trouble breathing after using an inhaler).
The School Based Health Center has 2 locations and is a great resource and is open to all SMPCS students and staff. To enroll to receive health care services through the SBHCs, please click here or give the location center a call to make an appointment.
SMCPS Mental Health & Awareness website for Elementary School Students: Elementary Health & Wellness
From Ms. McFalls
The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum used to teach students how to regulate their emotions. You may hear conversations or comments from your students at home about the Zones Colors (red, green, blue and yellow) so we would like to take this opportunity to share with our parents/guardians some basic information.
Self-regulation is something everyone continually works on, whether we are cognizant of it or not. We all encounter situations that test our limits from time to time. If we are able to recognize when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do something about it to feel better and get ourselves to a better place. This comes naturally for some, but for others it is a skill that needs to be taught and practiced. This is the goal of The Zones of Regulation through the association of color visuals.
The Power of Everyday Moments
Checking in doesn’t have to be a formal sit-down event. Often, the best conversations happen during ordinary moments. You only need a few minutes to have an open conversation that connects you and your kiddo. Practice finding little moments, and asking even a simple "how are you?' throughout the day and see what sort of fun conversations you can spark up! To you, it’s a 5-minute car ride, but to your kid, it can be a huge stress relief or a little moment where they feel heard and loved. These small moments can change the whole trajectory of their day!
Driving to school or practice
When they are eating breakfast
Sharing a meal
Taking a walk together
Bedtime routines
Ms. Broom's Bitmoji room
🗓 Coming Up!
3 National School Counselor Week- Thank you Ms. McFalls for all that you do
6 Joe Corbi's pick up 1-5
7 Valentines Dance 5:00
10 Attendance Spirit Week- see flyer below
14 Two Hour Early Dismissal
17 Presidents Day- All schools and offices closed
The vision at GKES is to create a nurturing environment for all students that promotes lifelong learning where students work hard to become respectful, responsible, and resilient.
The mission at GKES, in partnership with parents and communities, we believe that every Students Success Story becomes a testament to their determination and our unwavering commitment to fostering their academic, social, and emotional wellness.