The Colt Classified
April 29, 2019
IOWA Scores and Important Parent Information Meeting
Please join us!
Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair is taking place this week! Volunteers are needed! Please visit our Scholastic homepage (link below) to sign up to volunteer, learn of the latest updates and more!
Field Day Information
All students should bring their lunch to school on Wednesday as the catering service will not provide meals.
All elementary events will take place in the morning, 8:30-11:30, and middle school events will take place in the afternoon, 12:00 noon to 2:30.
Volunteers are still needed! Please sign-up via the following link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508054DACA929AAFC1-2019
Track Championship
Our team had many excellent performances throughout the day! It was a great team effort, including the support by our parents, coaches and volunteers. Cheers to another great season to put into the history books!
May Crowning Mass and Volunteer Appreciation this Friday
It is a Catholic tradition to honor Mary, our Mother, during the month of May by placing on her statue a crown of flowers. Each student is asked to bring a single flower to Mass to set at the feet of Mary as way of thanking her for bringing our Savior into the world. Two eighth grader scholars are chosen to have the honor of crowning Mary. We hope you are able to join us for this devotional ceremony, which is a favorite tradition at Corpus Christi.
Spring Fling News
A big THANK YOU to all of CCCS’s wonderful Spring Fling volunteers who worked game booths, counted raffle tickets, passed out prizes and assisted with activities! You make the big difference!
Spring Fling Raffle ticket sales for CCCS at last count is $15,987. Thank you for selling raffle tickets!
Last week’s weekly prize drawing winners are: Thursday- Cristina Boone (5th) $20 Academy gift card and Vidalael Granados (5th) $20 Chick-fil-A gift card. Friday-James Bauman (4th) t-shirt and Gemma Garza (3rd) $20 Cinemark gift card.
Congratulations to Zoe Meuser for selling the highest number of raffle tickets ($480) winning a $100 Amazon gift card and Zoe Bush, second highest in raffle sales ($464) winning a custom cake valued at $100.
Did you know...that 4th grade won the cake pop basket for selling the most raffle tickets! Great job!
THANK YOU to all who sold raffle tickets! The CCCS community supports the parish's Spring Fling raffle with the sale of raffle tickets. A portion of the proceeds benefit our students by providing operating dollars to the school. This fundraising helps to bridge the gap between tuition fees and the actual cost to educate each student.
3rd, 4th & 5th Graders Run the City!
Concepts covered include: Advertising, Business management, Careers, Check register, Circular flow, Economics, Financial Institutions, Free enterprise, Goods and services, Interests and skills, Jobs, Operating costs, Payment methods, Performance evaluation, Personal finance, Quality business, Resources (natural, human and capital), Running a business, Scarcity, and Soft Skills.
The students did a fantastic job in their roles!
Safety Inspector
The City Never Sleeps
Business Meeting at Schlumberger
Placing an Order at Chick Fil A
Lunch Break
Ticketed by the Judge
Teacher Appreciation Week Begins May 6th
Registration Referral Incentive
We are excited to announce that thanks to generous donors, Gilbert and Dee Dee Garcia, any current Corpus Christi Catholic School family, alum or parishioner is eligible to receive a referral fee of $500 for referring a new family to Corpus Christi Catholic School who enrolls at least one child during the 2019-2020 school year!
* The referred family and their child must meet all admissions requirements for Corpus Christi Catholic School.
* The referral fee of $500 will be disbursed on December 1, 2019 considering that the new family is still enrolled in CCCS.
* Disbursements will be made by either applying to current family’s tuition or check payable to referring family.
* The referral fee applies on a new per family basis; not new, per student basis (one referral fee of $500 if family registers four children or one child).
Upcoming Events
Field Day
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 08:30 AM
Colt Field
PSO Meeting
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 05:30 PM
20/20 Vision Important Parent Meeting
Thursday, May 2, 2019, 06:00 PM
Prefontaine Hall
May Crowning Mass and Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
Friday, May 3, 2019, 08:00 AM
Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Stella Link Road, Houston, TX, USA
Teacher and Nurse Appreciation Week
Monday, May 6, 2019, 08:00 AM
Family Dine Out
Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 04:00 PM
Firehouse Subs 170 Meyerland Plaza
Spring Program
Thursday, May 9, 2019, 06:30 PM
Prefontaine Hall
Sports Banquet
Thursday, May 16, 2019, 06:00 PM
Prefontaine Hall
Middle School Dance
Friday, May 17, 2019, 07:00 PM
Colt Dome
Prayer Requests
- For God's continued healing of Cardinal DiNardo
- For God's healing of Ms. Liz Fretz, mother of Zoe Meuser (8th)
- For God's healing of Mr. Raynaldo Estrada, father of Mrs. Ponce
- For God's healing of Mr. Roman Mejia, father of Mrs. Gomez
- For God's healing of Ms. Donna-Maria Lange, sister of Susan Miller
- For God's healing of Mr. Luis Gomez, uncle of Gabriella LaBarrie (1st grade)
- For God's healing of Mr. Jerry LaBarrie, grandfather of Gabriella LaBarrie (1st grade)
- For God's healing of Mr. Vince Freeman, stepfather of Ms. Fucheck(MS ELA)
- For God's healing of Mr. Frank Perez, Ms. Perez's (PreK4) grandfather
- For God's healing of Mr. Pete Perez, grandfather of Emman Perez (8th)
- For God's healing of Ms. Eva Rodriguez, cousin of Mrs. Ponce
- For God's healing of Bernadette Hornbeck, aunt of John Paul (7th), Gabby (4th), Alex (3K)