Bear Blast
September 13, 2024
Dear Bradley Middle School Parents,
Week 5 is in the books! We are moving quickly through this first 9 weeks, and we have been encouraging our students to check their grades on Skyward at least once a week on Tuesdays. As parents, we would love for you to continue those conversations about accountability in all that we do.
I have been in the hallways and loving the conversations that I am having with our students. I am seeing students become more and more comfortable with me (the crazy one in the hallway shouting how much time is left before the bell rings); this allows for those conversations to be had. I have students come and share some concerns they have; I have had some come to just chat and tell me a joke; and I have had students walk by smiling and wishing me a great day. Thank you for instilling those qualities in your children. It sure has been fun getting to know your kids!
The Bradley Library is seeking up to 3 parent volunteers to serve on the Bradley Campus Library Advisory Committee. In the event that a book or resource receives a formal complaint, all members of the committee shall review the challenged resource in its entirety. As soon as reasonably possible, the committee shall meet and determine whether the challenged resource conforms to the principles of district selection policy. Finally, the committee shall prepare a written report of its findings and provide copies to the principal, the Superintendent or designee, and the complainant. If you would like to serve on this committee, please pick up an application from the front office or download and print the linked application—upon completion, please turn in your application to the front office or email to by September 20, 2024.
You will be notified of your place on the committee or your place on our standby list by Sept. 27.
Thank you all; enjoy your weekend with your families and friends.
This Week's Events:
9/16-20: Book Fair
9/18: SCHOOL PICTURES - Smile :)
9/18: Football vs. White (7H/8A) 4:30 pm
9/19: Volleyball vs. White (7A/8H) Go 4:30; B 5:30; A 6:30
Estimados padres de la escuela secundaria Bradley:
¡La quinta semana ya pasó! Estamos pasando rápidamente las primeras 9 semanas y hemos estado alentando a nuestros estudiantes a que revisen sus calificaciones en Skyward al menos una vez por semana, los martes. Como padres, nos encantaría que continúen esas conversaciones sobre la responsabilidad en todo lo que hacemos.
He estado en los pasillos y disfruto las conversaciones que estoy teniendo con nuestros estudiantes. Veo que los estudiantes se sienten cada vez más cómodos conmigo (el loco del pasillo que grita cuánto tiempo queda antes de que suene la campana); esto permite que se tengan esas conversaciones. Algunos estudiantes vienen y comparten algunas inquietudes que tienen; algunos vienen solo para charlar y contarme un chiste; y algunos estudiantes pasan sonriendo y deseándome un buen día. Gracias por inculcar esas cualidades en sus hijos. ¡Seguro que ha sido divertido conocer a sus hijos!
La biblioteca Bradley está buscando hasta 3 padres voluntarios para formar parte del Comité Asesor de la Biblioteca del Campus Bradley. En caso de que un libro o recurso reciba una queja formal, todos los miembros del comité revisarán el recurso cuestionado en su totalidad. Tan pronto como sea razonablemente posible, el comité se reunirá y determinará si el recurso cuestionado se ajusta a los principios de la política de selección del distrito. Finalmente, el comité preparará un informe escrito de sus hallazgos y proporcionará copias al director, al superintendente o persona designada y al denunciante. Si desea formar parte de este comité, recoja una solicitud en la oficina principal o descargue e imprima la solicitud vinculada; una vez completada, entregue su solicitud en la oficina principal o envíela por correo electrónico a antes del 20 de septiembre de 2024.
Se le notificará su lugar en el comité o su lugar en nuestra lista de espera antes del 27 de septiembre.
Gracias a todos; disfruten su fin de semana con sus familias y amigos.
Eventos de esta semana:
16-20/9: Feria del libro
18/9: FOTOS DE LA ESCUELA - Sonríe :)
18/9: Fútbol vs. White (7H/8A) 4:30 pm
19/9: Voleibol vs. White (7A/8H) Go 4:30; B 5:30; A 6:30
The Big Give - United Way
The Big Give is kicking off! I know, I know...we are asking for money again :) Even if you have a few bucks to spare, we will gladly accept what you have to give.
We are focusing on the continuation of campus beautification by "wrapping" the windows in our Fine Arts hallway and our doors that lead to the exterior down the Fine Arts hallway.
REMINDER -- HB 114. Zero-tolerance stance on vaping within schools. This went into effect on September 1, 2023 and remains in effect. This encompasses all tobacco and nicotine products, including e-cigarettes. Any student caught in possession with a nicotine, tobacco, or e-cigarette type device will automatically be recommended for AMS (Alternative Middle School).
RECORDATORIO -- HB 114. Postura de tolerancia cero sobre el vapeo dentro de las escuelas. Esto entró en vigor el 1 de septiembre de 2023 y sigue vigente. Esto abarca todos los productos de tabaco y nicotina, incluidos los cigarrillos electrónicos. Cualquier estudiante que sea sorprendido en posesión de un dispositivo tipo nicotina, tabaco o cigarrillo electrónico será recomendado automáticamente para AMS (Escuela Intermedia Alternativa).
Our UIL Kick Off was a great success! We were happy to see so many interested students. If your child of any grade level still wants to join us, have them stop by Mrs. Chesnut's room (or any other UIL Coach) to get information. It's never too late to join in on the fun! We also want to give a huge shout out to our local Brook Hollow H-E-B. They were extremely generous and donated lots of great snacks for our UIL Kick Off! Thank you, H-E-B! A huge welcome to our newest UIL members, and welcome back to our returning members!
PTA Information
September is National Suicide Prevention month. NEISD Guidance Services and the Wellness and Well-Being Counselors will implement these activities on campus this week.
NEISD National Suicide Prevention Week
Sept. 9-13, 2024
Book Club is back and bigger than ever!! Our first book is a title by Margaret Peterson Haddix, our spotlighted author! The students got to choose one of six of her books that they wanted to read after they previewed their choices last week. Giving students choice on what they want to read is a proven way to boost literacy and enjoyment while reading. We are so excited to see these student-led (and librarian-facilitated) book clubs flourish!
Building opens for students at 7:45 am
The instructional day is from 8:25 am - 3:40 pm
Mrs. DiFilippo -- Student Last Names A-L
Ms. Perez -- Student Last Names M-Z
Mrs. Jackson - Mental Wellness Counselor (Tues/Thurs/Every Other Friday)
Mrs. Di Filippo
Student Last Names A-L
Ms. Perez
Student Last Names M-Z
Mrs. Jackson
Mental Wellness Counselor (Tues/Thurs/Every Other Friday)
Mr. Vega
Student Last Names A-L
Ms. Machingo
Student Last Names M-Z
Mrs. Ruiz
Academic Dean
Reference the link below for the most recent updated attendance policies for BMS.
*NEW JULY 2024*
North East ISD’s Student Dress Code is designed to ensure consistency and uniform application of standards that are necessary to support the overall educational goals of the school. The student and parent or guardian may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards if they comply with the general guidelines outlined here and support the overall learning environment by emphasizing standards of neatness, cleanliness, and safety in dress and grooming. School staff shall enforce the Student Dress Code consistently with all students regardless of race, sex, gender, ethnicity, culture or religion, household income, body size/type, or body maturity.
Note: The Student Dress Code applies to all students while attending school, school functions, or school-sponsored activities on or off school property.
Exceptions to the Dress Code will be communicated through your school principal.
General Guidelines
1. Basic Principles:
· Certain body parts must be always covered for all students.
· Clothes must be worn in a way such that the abdomen, genitals, buttocks, breasts, and back are fully covered with opaque fabric.
· All items listed in the “must wear” and “may wear” categories below must meet these basic principles.
· North East ISD shall not discriminate on hair texture or protective hairstyles commonly or historically associated with race that includes protective hairstyles include braids, locks, and twists.
2. Students Must Wear (while following the basic principle of Section 1 above):
· A Shirt (with fabric that touches the waistband in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms), AND
· Pants/jeans or the equivalent (for example, a skirt, sweatpants, leggings, a dress or shorts), AND
· Shoes.
3. Students May Wear (if these items do not violate Section 1 above):
· Religious headwear
· Hoodie sweatshirts (wearing the hood over the head is not allowed)
· Fitted pants, including opaque leggings, yoga pants and “skinny jeans”
· Ripped jeans, if undergarment and buttocks are not exposed.
· Tank tops, tops with straps that cover undergarments
· Athletic attire
4. Students May Not Wear or Display Imagery of:
· Violent language or images.
· Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity), or any other substance prohibited under FNCF(LEGAL).
· Hate speech, profanity, pornography.
· Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments.
· Swimsuits (except as required in class, field trips, or athletic practice see “Extracurricular Activities”).
· Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon.
· Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance).
· Body piercing ornaments and other similar ornaments that present a safety concern for the student and the educational activity. (i.e. wearing protective clothing or athletic protective equipment).
· Hats, hoods on hooded sweatshirts, shirts or jackets may not be worn during instructional passing periods, or while inside the school building or facility.
· Costumes of any type are prohibited unless expressly approved by campus administration.
Extracurricular Activities
The principal, in cooperation with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity. Students who violate dress and grooming standards established for such an activity may be removed or excluded from the activity for a period determined by the principal or sponsor and may be subject to other disciplinary action, as specified in the Student Code of Conduct.
Dress Code Enforcement
To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently using the requirements below.
School administration and staff shall not have the discretion to vary the requirements in ways that lead to discriminatory enforcement. Campuses may have a more restrictive dress code with approval from the Campus Improvement Committee and the Department of School Administration if a more restrictive policy aligns with the “Purpose” defined in the policy.
· Students will only be removed from spaces, hallways, or classrooms because of a dress code violation as outlined in Sections 1 and 4 above. Students in violation of Section 1 and/or 4 will be provided three (3) options to be dressed more to code during the school day:
o Students will be asked to put on their own alternative Student Dress Code-compliant clothing.
o Students will be provided with temporary school Student Dress Code-compliant clothing.
o If necessary, the student’s parent or guardian may provide Student Dress Code-compliant clothing.
To the extent possible, student violations of the Dress Code are to be addressed discretely and respectfully by all staff members.
The school principal will make the final determination as to the appropriateness of dress. Any student who chooses not to comply with the dress code will be removed from the classroom setting until the student complies with this code.
You can report any security issues or concerns to the North East Tipline ( would like to encourage you to continue using the tipline and non-emergency NEPD line on your screen (210-407-0925).