Evergreen Middle School
September 6, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families,
We completed our first 4 days of this school year. It was so exciting to have our 7th and 8th graders return and welcome our 6th graders on campus. This week we worked on learning all of our building wide expectations and how we are all a part of a learning community. We also started our fall sport’s season, scholars practiced the first day of school. We can’t wait to cheer on our teams. All are welcome to come out and support our athletes.
Unfortunately, in the midst of this joy, we are reminded of the senseless tragedy that can strike during these precious moments. My heart is shattered for the victims of Wednesday’s tragedy and their families. School is supposed to be a safe place, where students learn and engage with their peers, and where educators and school staff do one of the most important jobs in the world. I’m proud of the steps we have taken in Washington state to reduce gun violence—not just on our school campuses, but in our communities as a whole. According to research by Everytown for Gun Safety, Washington state ranks #9 for the strength of our gun safety laws. Schools are still a safe place for our scholars and staff to be each day. If you have concerns regarding this or anything else please feel free to call or email me.
In the next few weeks our students will start taking the iReady assessments. i-Ready is an online program for reading and/or mathematics that will help your student’s teacher(s) determine your student’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows your teacher(s) to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student’s learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction. They will be tested in reading and math.
Staying Informed- Evergreen Middle School Newsletter will be communicated via ParentSquare every Friday. These can also be found on our website. Occasionally, we may send additional emails and/or text messages for more urgent or important information. I do my best to communicate all of the important happenings at EVG via these newsletters. If you are not receiving them, please double check your spam folder. If it’s not there, please let me know, and we can verify the email address it needs to be sent to. We also post them on our school website under the “Resources/Newsletter" section and our Facebook page. Since school has started below is most of the pertinent information your child and you may need in order to help your Grizzly get ready for the 2024-25 school year.
BACKPACKS- Belongings, school supplies, tech devices, textbooks, etc. are to be kept in backpacks with the student at all times during the day. Please keep all valuables and non-school-related items at home. *If purchasing a backpack is a financial hardship, please reach out to your student’s Counselors for assistance.
ATTENDANCE REMINDERS -State law tell us that it is important for schools to monitor the attendance of students very carefully. It is a challenge to follow the absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals of over 789 students. Students and parents can make the job easier by being aware of the rules and making sure they follow them.
- All students must check in at the Attendance Office when arriving late or departing early from campus
- Students returning from an absence must have the absence excused by a parent or guardian. This can be done by telephone (253-945-5100) or with a written note with parent's signature.
- Students arriving late for school must bring a note to the Attendance Office before going to class. Alternatively, parents can also walk them into the Attendance Office or call in ahead of time (253-945-5100).
- Parents/authorized adults must come to the Attendance Office to sign out their students if they are leaving early.
By adhering to these attendance expectations, you help to ensure the safety of your child and make the job of the Attendance Office much easier. Call us at 253 945 5100 if you have any questions. Evergreen adheres to the attendance policy in the Federal Way School District’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, which is available on the FWPS website.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES- Expectations • Electronic devices (cell phones, headphones etc.) must not be seen or heard anywhere on campus during school hours. As students enter the building they are to turn off devices and place them in their backpack until the end of the day.
- Electronic devices cannot be used for pictures or audio/video recording on campus at any time without teacher approval.
- Texting and/or messaging is NOT permitted at any time during the school day.
- Evergreen is not liable for theft or damage of electronic devices.
- Please do not call, text and/or message your student directly during school hours as discipline could result. If a student needs to contact a parent/guardian during school, they are welcome to use the student phone in the Main Office or in their teacher’s classroom.
For safety and liability reasons, please make sure to follow the expectations during arrival and dismissal. Do not park in the bus loop. Park in the Evergreen parking lot. Please slow down and watch for pedestrians.
Breakfast and Lunch- Each child will be entitled to one complimentary breakfast and one complimentary lunch daily. These meals will continue to meet the USDA standards, including fruit, vegetable, main entree, and milk in age-appropriate serving sizes. Breakfast and lunch menus will be available on our District website.
Early Release- This year early release days will be every Friday. Early Release Days are set up for Teachers Professional Learning and will start Friday, September 20, 2024. Our scholars will be released at 1:15.
I know this is a lot of information for the beginning of the school year. Thank you for taking the time to read it all. Please remember that you are always welcome at Evergreen. I want you to take an active role in your child's education. Your involvement in your child’s academics as well as extra-curricular activities will result in their success. If you ever have any questions regarding your child, please call me 253-945 5100 or come in to see me.
In partnership,
Mrs. Collins
Principal Evergreen Middle School
253 945 5100
School Picture Day - Tues, Sept. 10th
Perler is our new photography company for school pictures. Reminder, all scholars are required to get their photo taken even if you are not purchasing any prints.
ALL pictures will be ordered via online ONLY. This benefit includes ability to order your child's pictures anytime during the year.
Please order via the QR Code in the attached flyer or at bbprepay.com
Join Evergreen PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
Welcome Back to School!
PTO Vision Statement:
Promoting achievement in our schools, Cultures, and Communities as one Village.
We hope you join us in building this community and supporting the students. If you have questions email cecyevergreenpto@gmail.com
Interested in signing up to support Evergreen Students- Scan the QR Code in the above flyer.
Is this an Excused or Unexcused Absence? See Below
Important Dates
**** Yearbook $25 & ASB cards $15 on sale now. Purchase online or in person: https://evergreen.fwps.org/resources/fwps-payment-portal
Sports have begun...all athletes must have a sports physical turned into the office, register on Final Forms, and pay $15 for an ASB card.
09/03-09/04- Washington State Fair Tickets will be passed out during 0 hour class. If your student did not receive one, have them check with their "Intervention" Teacher.
09/10 Tue- School Picture Day. ALL students are required to get their photo taken even if they are not purchasing prints. Order your school pictures online at: bbprepay.com
09/16 Mon- Fall Fundraiser Kick Off! Sell cookie dough and win cool prizes! (fundraiser ends 9/30)
09/18 Wed- Middle School Open House- Time to be determined
09/20 Fri- Early Release Friday's begin. School ends at 1:15pm