SCH Weekly
Scott E. Miller, Superintendent
Issue 17 - December 16, 2019
Greetings SCH Family,
As this is the last newsletter of the year (and the decade) I want to thank each of you for your contribution to student success in 2019. I know the blood, sweat and tears that you’ve shed and you’ve earned the next 2 weeks off. As much as possible, try to unplug and give yourself some physical and mental rest from all the challenges that we face on a daily basis.
As we look forward to 2020, I am resolute in providing both students and staff with as many opportunities as possible for success. Organizational change will still be prevalent in 2020, but I look forward to working and serving alongside each of you as we make the needed changes for SCH to grow and adapt.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Scott
Area Career Center
Thanks to a generous partnership with the Hammond Education Foundation and the American Writers’ Museum, ACCU Sophomores visited the AWM and learned about many great Americans’ literary contributions. Students were engaged with the museum’s numerous interactive displays, from the typewriters to magnetic poetry and poetry builders, and more.
Food & Nutrition
Hammond Academy for the Performing Arts
Christmas Joy - Yavette McGee (HS Junior at Morton HS)
People are like Christmas trees
Walking around
Decorative evergreens
We don't lose our leaves
But we can't live forever
We know snow melts in the heat
And grief brings us together
In this of cheer
Children with bright eyes
Like the diamonds in chandeliers
Hold on to their families
That pull them near
We never seen to appreciate the cold
But it isn't christmas without snow
It's that time of year when people decide
to give a little joy
And be grateful for things we never thought about before
Wrapping paper littered on the floor
But how would you feel if it stopped
Would you be grateful for life
That you survived through the night
Cause there's children alone
Wondering why the world is so cold
With no presents under the tree
And some without a family
So hold yours close
Cherish the moments
And the ones you love the most
Appreciate every breath
Every drop of sleep
That you have
Blankets to sleep underneath
Find the beauty in every snowflake
Whisper secrets
In the smoke of the air
Fall in love with yourself
And wish a merry christmas to everyone else
Security, Safety, & Energy
I would like to thank all the staff members at the various schools for allowing me to attend their staff meetings and giving me the opportunity to introduce myself this year. I appreciate all the feedback that you all have shared with me. If I have not yet attended a staff meeting at your school please know that I plan on attending more staff meetings in January after the Winter Recess.
Since the school will be closed for Winter Recess, please remember to turn off or unplug any electronics that will not be used during the break.
Additionally, since winter is here, this is the perfect time to go through your car checklist:
- Make sure your tire pressure is accurate according to your manufacturer’s suggestion; cold air will affect tire pressure.
- Inspect your tire tread for uneven tread wear or insufficient tread.
- Make sure your wipers and defrosters work; replace any worn blades.
- Have the windshield wiper fluid filled, as well as the coolant in the cooling system and check for any leaks on the hoses.
- Check your headlights, brake lights, emergency lights.
- Have the battery checked to make sure your vehicle has enough power because the cold will lower the battery power.
- If possible, try to keep a bag of rock salt or kitty litter and a shovel in your vehicle in case you get stuck in the snow.
I hope that these tips will help you make it to-and-from home and to all of your holiday travels safer. Merry Christmas to all!
Special Education
When celebrating the holidays, keep in mind the unique needs of students with disabilities. For example, children with Autism can experience heightened anxiety with increased social demands. They can also be sensitive to sensory overload such as loud noises or bright lights. Students with emotional or behavioral challenges can escalate before the holidays, especially if there are substantial issues in the home. Upcoming breaks, (especially long ones), may cause nervousness in some children because they need the structure and the routine that a school schedule provides.
Depression can be a huge issue during the holidays, especially when fueled by the loss of a loved one. Students with depression often fall through the cracks because they tend to be “silent sufferers” who are often overlooked because children with behavior problems consume staff attention. Remember that therapy provided by Regional Mental Health or Crown Counseling is available in most schools.
For staff with anxiety or depression issues, don’t forget that the Employee Assistance Program is a very generous benefit that our district provides free of cost to all full-time staff and their families. Call 219-662-3730 for more information.
On behalf of the Special Education Department, have a wonderful, restful winter break.
SCH Events
Monday, December 16th
- Clark MS Boys Basketball @ Whiting - 5 p.m.
- Clark HS Girls Basketball @ Calumet HS - 5:30 p.m.
- East Chicago Girls Basketball @ Gavit HS (C Team) - 5 p.m.
- Irving ES - 5th Grade Field Trip to the Museum of Science & Industry
- Lincoln ES - Pictures with Santa (Dress to impress)
- Morton HS - Football Award Dinner - 6 p.m.
- Morton HS Girls Basketball @ 21st Century - 6 p.m.
Tuesday, December 17th
- Clark MS/HS Winter Band Concert (Auditorium) - 6:30 p.m.
- Lincoln ES - Student Leadership Team Meeting - 8:15 a.m.
- Lincoln ES - Think First & Stay Safe Presentation
- Lincoln ES - Student Council Meeting - 3:30 p.m.
- Morton HS Boys Wrestling @ Clark HS - 6 p.m.
- West Side Girls Basketball @ Gavit HS (C Team) - 5 p.m.
- West Side Girls Basketball @ Morton HS - 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 18th
- Harding ES - Family Movie Night - 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Irving ES - Christmas Program
- Irving ES - PTA "Cookies with Santa"; Class pictures with Santa
- Lincoln ES - Leadership/Plan Team Meeting - 8:30 a.m.
- Lincoln ES - MTSS Meetings
- Lincoln ES - PTSA Movie Night - 5:30 p.m.
- Lincoln ES - Think First & Stay Safe Presentation
- Morton HS - Dress Down Day
- Morton HS - Meeting with the Principal (Library) - 5 p.m.
- Munster HS Boys Basketball @ Morton HS - 6 p.m.
- West Side HS Boys Basketball @ Clark HS - 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, December 19th
- Clark MS/HS Winter Choir Concert (Auditorium) - 6 p.m.
- Gary Lighthouse Girls Basketball @ Clark HS - 5:30 p.m.
- Gavit HS (C Team) Girls Basketball @ Munster HS - 6 p.m.
- Hammond HS Boys Basketball @ Morton HS - 6 p.m.
- Hobart HS Swimming @ Morton HS - 6 p.m.
- Hobart HS Girls Basketball @ Morton HS - 7 p.m.
- Irving ES - H.O.M.E. Parent Meeting - 9:15 a.m.
- Lincoln ES - Think First & Stay Safe Presentation
- Lincoln ES - Preschool Side-by-Sides
Friday, December 20th
- Clark HS Boys Basketball @ River Forest HS - 5:30 p.m.
- Highland HS Boys Basketball @ Morton HS - 5:30 p.m.
- O'Bannon ES - Pajama Day for students and staff
Saturday, December 21st
- Gavit MS/HS Wrestling @ Hobart Super Duals - 9 a.m.
- Hammond HS Girls Basketball @ Gavit HS - 12 p.m. (JV) & 1:30 p.m. (Varsity)
- Merrillville Girls Basketball @ Morton HS - 5:30 p.m.
- Morton HS Swimming @ Rensseleaer Central - 9 a.m.
- Morton HS Wrestling @ Crown Point - 9 a.m.
- Morton HS Boys Basketball @ Lake Central - 5:30 p.m.
- Valparaiso HS Girls Basketball @ Clark HS - 5:30 p.m.
SCH Highlights of the Week
Gavit MS/HS
Gavit National Honor Society, Key Club, and National Junior Honor Society members spent the week playing “Secret Santa” to the Gavit staff members. Seventy staff members participated and throughout the week they were surprised with decorated doors, ornaments, letters of appreciation, small gifts, and a culminating breakfast in their honor. Staff members that participated brought a gift for a child in need to be donated to the Salvation Army. During breakfast, the staff members eagerly awaited to find out who their Secret Santa was and the kids couldn’t wait to tell them! At last, students were able to surprise the staff by announcing who their teacher(s) were. Many thanks rang through the room as the students and teachers talked about this week and all the wonderful things that were done. Many of our teachers even surprised the kids with a small gift of appreciation for all of their hard work throughout the week! This was such a successful event beloved by the staff and students! Happy Holidays!
Morton HS
Morton High School has a monthly character focus for students and staff called “Governor Character Focus.” We encourage our students and staff to exemplify the character focus for that month and use them as the basis for our student and staff member of the month nominations. The Governor Character Focus for November was Responsibility. Responsibility is defined as the ability to act independently and make good decisions without the need of someone else telling you to.
Congratulations to our students and staff of the month for November! We are glad you are a part of the Governor Family!
Stay Informed
An update from the Superintendent is distributed at the beginning of the week.
View previous weekly updates from Mr. Miller here.
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Location: 41 Williams Street, Hammond, IN, USA
Phone: (219) 933-2400
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