Boyden Weekly Update
November 22, 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
We had a great week at Boyden ending with HAT DAY on Friday sponsored by the Student Council. Please remember that next week is a short week due to Thanksgiving.
~Wednesday (Early Release 12:25)
~Thursday (No School)
~Friday (No school)
Have a great weekend!
Picture Retake Day
Tuesday, November 26th is Picture Retake Day. Picture retakes are for students who were absent on the original picture day or for families who would like a new picture taken of their child. If this is the case, please send in the original pictures with your child.
Outdoor Recess
The cold winter weather is approaching and this is a friendly reminder to have all students wear the appropriate outdoor winter clothing. As long as the temperatures allow, we will continue to have students go outside for recess. It is extremely important for students to wear boots, hats, mittens/gloves, and winter coats on cold winter days.
Dedham Savings Bank Holiday Card Contest
For more than 25 years the Walpole Elementary Schools has partnered with Dedham Savings Bank and participated in their Holiday Card Contest. Though these past years have been a little different we would still like to offer this opportunity to our students. If students would like to participate in the contest, we are asking that this take place at home. Cards will need to be turned in to their classroom teacher no later than Friday, December 13th. Good Luck!
Here are the details:
All cards should be on 8.5 by 11 white paper
On the back of the card, please put the student's name, school, and grade.
The cards need to be returned to school by Friday, December 13th
Below are the generous prizes for each grade district wide donated by the Dedham Savings Bank:
1st Prize $100
2nd Prize $50
3rd Prize $25
Baked Good Pickup (NOVEMBER 26th ONLY)
Google form to select pick-up time:
Sign-up genius to volunteer to help distribute baked goods:
Student Council Warm Clothing Accessories Drive
Can you help us help others in this Season of Giving? Student Council will be running a warm clothing drive to support VA Hospital in West Roxbury.
What: New warm hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, socks, slippers or for men, women, and children
When: Monday, December 2nd through Friday, December 13th
Why: To show kindness toward those in need
Donations can be dropped off in collection boxes at the Boyden School Office. Thank you for your generosity.
Student Support and Absenteesim
Please click on the link below to check out this months newsletter from Ed Connor, Dean of Student Support and Absenteeism
Holiday Breakfast and Holiday Shop
The Boyden PAC is excited for our annual Holiday Breakfast and Shop on December 7th. For new parents , there is a breakfast in the cafeteria with some great raffle prizes for the students to win. In the gymnasium, students go into the "Holiday Shop" by themselves (older students help younger students) to shop for parents and loved ones!
To have this be a successful event we many volunteers:
- CLICK HERE to volunteer
For raffle prizes, the PAC puts together grade-level baskets that will be raffled off that morning. If you are able to donate to the basket(s) please click on the links below to sign up.
SEPAC Meeting
Boyden/Walpole Apparel
The Run House, located at 15 West St, Walpole, MA, is proud to be the official retailer for Boyden Elementary School, with 20% of all profits going back to the Boyden Elementary School PAC. Chcek out all the great gear!
Virtual Backpack
Check out the Walpole Virtual Packback for upcoming events around town. Just added is the Tommy Quinn Scholarship Street Hockey Tournament
2025 MCAS Schedule
Important Dates
November 26 - Picture Retake Day
November 27 - Early Release (Thanksgiving)
November 28/29 - No School (Thanksgiving)
December 7 - Holiday Breakfast and Shop
December 13 - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
December 20 - SPIRIT DAY: Comfy Cozi Day
December 23 to January 1 - School Closed for Vacation
January 2 - Students return
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz