Saint Ambrose School Daily Bulletin
March 26, 2021 SEASON OF LENT
Littlest Angels Mission Statement
Ever focused on each student's faith formation, our teachers will apply new thinking and best practices in Early Childhood Education to empower our boys and girls to thrive in Kindergarten and beyond.
Saint Ambrose School Mission Statement
"Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God." — St. Ignatius of Loyola
Spiritual Start
"The word for patience in Galatians 5:22 means “long temper,” in the sense of “the ability to hold one’s temper for a long time” (
How can patience lead to hope and peace, even in these situations?
As we learn to “keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25 ESV), learning restraint and endurance under the most difficult of situations, our impatience can be replaced with hope in Jesus, because he is the only one who can resolve the injustice, who can turn the heart. And with that hope, when our eyes are fixed on the Giver of this patience, we gain true peace.
Whatever you are facing today, whatever is trying your patience, Jesus understands, and he has given you the power of the Holy Spirit to put your hope in Jesus rather than trying to fix the situation yourself."
St. Patrick
St. Patrick's Breastplate
"St. Patrick's Breastplate is a popular prayer attributed to one of Ireland’s most beloved patron saints. According to tradition, St. Patrick wrote it in 433 A.D. for divine protection before successfully converting the Irish King Leoghaire and his subjects from paganism to Christianity. (The term breastplate refers to a piece of armor worn in battle.)"
The Deer's Cry
Only This I Want
Good morning!
Eighth Grade will be enjoying an Easter egg scavenger hunt beginning at 10:20 am. If you or your students see eggs around campus, please leave them there. So fun, 8th Grade Teachers!
Father Andrew is leading a Tenebrae service tonight at 7:00 pm.
- For all Holy Week and Easter liturgies, events and activities, go to
Bring your family in person or online!
Students are to help deep clean your classrooms, desks, tables, lockers, floors today. Clean your workspaces. Take things home. Have them check lost and found. Refresh hallways and classrooms. Let's all be ready to start the 4th Quarter strong with a tidy, fresh and renewed school building!
Each teacher is to send home an email to your students' families thanking them for their children, for the hard work over the last quarter, wishing them a safe and relaxing time with family, have a blessed Holy Week and Easter (share our parish website), come back ready for a strong 4th quarter, etc. Thank you!
Please take time to rest, renew and rejuvenate next week. You have worked so hard and we are beyond grateful for you!
Have a blessed day and holy Easter ahead!
Peace and prayers,
Notes from Chris
- Enjoy your time off and have a blessed Easter!
- Report cards will be due on Wednesday, 4/7 at 7:00AM. Please make sure you have done the following when closing out your grade books for the quarter...
- Expand the columns and mark Effort and Conduct for all classes (Grades 4-8) Encore too!
- Make sure when you mark Effort and Conduct for each class to enter letters in capital letters.
- K-3 - Make comments one time for each student.
- Encore make comments for grades 4-8 only.
- When complete, be sure to mark ALL grade books ready.
- Continue to ensure that students are spaced properly throughout the day in your classrooms, the hallway and in line. Keep up the great work you've been doing all year long!
- We have several windows that have had to be repaired over the last few weeks. Some are still waiting on parts. Please do not allow students to open/close/lock your classroom windows. This should be done by faculty and staff only. Also, do not open windows more than halfway as this is a potential safety hazard for students (Especially on the top floor where the windows are lower).
- As the weather begins to improve, be sure to close windows daily as you leave. Also, adjust blinds to the same level(just above the middle of the window).
Important Field Trip Information
- Last day for field trips using Brunswick City School buses is 5/21/21.
- Last day to submit a bus request is 4/23/21. Please allow a week for approval from Lisa.
Daily Calendar Update
Monday, 3/22
Rachel out/Sub - Angela DiTeodoro
Susan out/Sub - Dawn Hill
- Gala Goal Dress Down Day for Students & Staff!
- Prayer in Laurie's room at 7:10 am (or use Google Meet link)
- Morning broadcast at 7:55 am
- 2:20 - Pray decade of Rosary together
Tuesday, 3/23
Lisa Miller out
- Prayer in Laurie's room at 7:10 am (or use Google Meet link)
- Morning broadcast at 7:55 am
- HSP Exalt Praise & Adoration at 1:30
- 2:20 Pray decade of Rosary together
- Gr. 6 Seder Meal at 5:30-7:30 pm
Wednesday, 3/24
Lisa Miller out/Sub - Angela DiTeodoro
- Prayer in Laurie's room at 7:10 am (or use Google Meet link)
- Morning broadcast at 7:55 am
- Stations of the Cross at 1:30 pm
- Pray decade of Rosary together
Thursday, 3/25
Homeroom Teachers - Please pick up Family Easter kits located by the trophy case and distribute today. (1 per family youngest/only child)
Lisa Miller out
Cheryl out/Sub - Angela DiTeodoro
- Prayer in Laurie's room at 7:10 am (or use Google Meet link)
- Morning broadcast at 7:55 am
- Pray decade of Rosary together
- No Faculty Focus Meeting
Friday, 3/26
Lisa Miller out/Sub - Angela DiTeodoro
- Faculty/Staff Dress Down Day!
- Prayer in Laurie's room at 7:10 am (or use Google Meet link)
- Morning broadcast at 7:55 am
- Lunch in Gym
- Pray decade of Rosary together
Monday, 3/29 - Monday, 4/5 - Easter Break!
2020 - 2021 School Calendar
19 Stations of the Cross
24 Living Stations of the Cross
23 Gr. 6 Seder Meal
26 End of Third Quarter
29-31 Easter Break
1 – 2 Easter Break
4 - Happy Easter!
5 - No School
6 NJHS Inductee Mass/Breakfast
13 Family STEAM Night
20 Spring Concert & Art Show
7 PTU Muffins with Mom
18 May Crowning
28 Kindergarten Spring Program
31 No School/Memorial Day
3 Gr. 8 Dinner
7 End of Fourth Quarter
7 Gr. 8 Last Day of School
7 Gr. 8 Graduation Mass & Reception
8 K-7 Last Day of School/Promotion Mass
Happy Birthday!
Month of March:
Lisa Millar - 3/9
Lisa Cinadr - 3/14
Catherine Mitchell - 3/21
Dawn Smith - 3/29
Mellissa Massery - 3/31
School Safety Reminders
- Take your temperature and complete your own health assessment before you leave home each day. Mask up, back up, wash up, clean up! Do your part to keep everyone safe and healthy.
- Make sure classroom doors are locked.
Turn on your emergency radio to channel 1 first thing each morning and carry it with you when leaving the classroom. A radio check will be conducted throughout the week. Please follow the check-in order listed below:
- 201, 202, 203, 208, 204, 207, 205, 206, 105, 106, 104, 107, 103, 108, 101, 102, LL1, LL2, LAPS 1, LAPS Purple, LAPS Green, LAPS Blue, LAPS Orange, Music, P.E., Nurse, Enrichment Center, GIC, Library, Tech, Visual Arts, Spanish, Sensory Room (JPS), Recess, Office, Admin 1 (Lisa), Admin 2 (Chris D.) PLC Front Desk, Maintenance, Fr. Bob
- Wear safety vests during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal of students and during lunch/recess coverage (aides).
- Recess radios are on channel 2.
- No outdoor recess if temperature is 19 degrees or below with windchill.
Student Absences
We recognize that in addition to Covid19, we will still have routine illnesses with similar symptoms such as head colds, viruses, the flu, allergies, and strep.
Area doctors are reporting that children are able to get COVID19 test with a prescription if they have multiple symptoms(more than 1 which is our rule for staying home). Doctors report that Covid19 testing in children with prescription and multiple symptoms are still having a 93% negative test rate when tested. This reminds us that the normal colds, allergies, and such are still here with us! We also know that mask-wearing should help cut down on the transmission of all of these!
Thank you for your dedication and commitment!
Daily Reminders
- As you enter through the school main door, please use the left side of the stairway.
- For office information/payments/lunch orders/etc.,: place your green office bags on your classroom doorknobs for office staff to pick up by 8:30 am.
- Students should not be sent to the office for teacher errands. Please send a hangout to Beckie if your request is urgent before 11:00 am, after 11:00 am contact Maryellen.
- Student lunch tickets will be placed in the holder outside your classroom door and should be distributed prior to lunch.
- Teachers please check your mailbox daily.
Recess Schedule:
Gr. 5 - 9:20 - 9:40
Gr. 3 - 9:40 - 10:00
Gr. 8 - 10:00 - 10:20
Gr. K - 10:20 - 10:40
Gr. 2 - 10:50 - 11:10
Gr. 7 - 11:30 - 11:50
Gr. 1 - 11:50 - 12:10
Gr. 6 - 12:20 - 12:40
Gr. 4 - 12:50 - 1:10
Google Applied Digital Skills for Social Emotional Well Being Lessons
From Google Applied Digital Skills:
Promote a positive learning environment
Especially in times of transition, it's important to create a supportive learning environment for students. Our latest collection of lessons was compiled to help you cultivate those strong, supportive connections—anytime, from anywhere.
*You can assign these right through Google Classroom! There are multiple lessons, but this year they have added some for Social Emotional Well Being. You can also assign them to individual students! If some of your students are struggling to be back or struggling being home. Click below to check out this great resource!
Technology Corner
Today we learned that you can pair the Swivl with the Promethean Board and the iPad. If you weren't able to stop by some of the rooms today to see this in action here are the steps.
- Plug the USB A cord into your Promethean Board (this will pair with the Marker for microphone)
- Plug the iPad into the Swivl as normal.
- Start the Google Meet on Promethean and iPad.
- MUTE the microphone on the iPad!
- Shut off the camera on the board and use camera from iPad (or leave on and use both).
- You can now SHARE the Promethean board and everything happening on it with the students at home this way through the Meet app on the Promethean board.
- IF you are recording......for "Async" students you will still need to run the meet on your computer and record, ALSO.
Please let us know if you need help.
Our current help desk is no longer working. Please don't use moving forward. We will now use THIS GOOGLE FORM for all technology service requests. Please use this moving forward! I have also linked this to the Staff Resource Page.
Thank you!
As a reminder........
- You should have installed the new extension for casting to your Promethean board.
- You have to cast in order to show Wake Up Angels to your students.
- The link for Wake Up Angels is on the staff resource page you can also click here to access the link. The link is
- When you access the link it will most likely have an X on the screen and you will need to unblock flash. See the pictures and instructions below on how to fix that.
- I will have a student helper coming room to room tomorrow to check on each of you. His name is Jacob Ragazzo!
- Have an amazing first day!
The Website
- You will see the X
- Click the lock at top left (Not Secure)
- Click Settings
Settings Page
- Scroll to Flash
- It will say Blocked
- Click the drop-down and change to allow
- Then go back to the tab where you started and reload and then it should appear.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Swivls, iPads, and Chromebooks.
Swivl recommends you sanitize with disinfecting wipes or spray cleaner on a rag and and wipe. I have microfiber cloths I will provide for each classroom. I'm also working on getting each classroom a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol. This can be used for sanitizing your boards, iPads and Chromebooks. Please make sure your Chromebooks are assigned to students in grades 3-8. Do not allow students to use any other Chromebooks except for the one assigned to them. Also in grades K-2 we will be assigning devices to each student. We will sanitize them after each use. Thank you!
Click Here for instructions from Swivl.