MLC Family Resource Newsletter
Connecting Families to Support, Community, and Care
⛄ FEBRUARY 2025 🧣
Dear MLC Community,
Hope you are staying cozy and warm in these colder temps! I wanted to share with the community that I will be out on personal medical leave in February (starting next week). I will be totally unreachable during the time I'm away and requesting privacy at this time. I will be back in March and will look forward to reconnecting with folks then.
Please continue to use the request for social work support form to request support while I'm away, including grocery gift card support. It will go to our principal Suezann who will make sure to follow up and support as best she can.
Our amazing support team is here to support you while I'm gone. As well as our admin team Suezann and Darren. Don't hesitate to reach out if and when you need social work support.
Counselors - Gretchen Benner (gbenner@pps.net), Ethan Risom (erisom@pps.net)
Restorative Justice Support - Beriah Empie (bempie@pps.net)
I look forward to reconnecting with you when I return in March.
In community,
Clement Wilson, LCSW
School Social Worker, Metropolitan Learning Center
Work Cell - w/ texting: (503) 568-2570
Office Line: (503) 916-5737 Ext: 7602
Check out our awesome Black History, Futures, Art, Wisdom, Joy, & Life Board!
Located by the front office. Big thanks to Beriah for making this beautiful collage in honor of Black History Month!
*NEW* Low-Cost Groups for Adults at William Temple House (next to MLC)
See flyers below for more details and how to sign up
Grounding Through Motion
Discover how movement and creativity can help you manage anxiety and feel more grounded.
Co-Parenting in Blended Families
No Contact: A Family Estrangement Process Group
FREE Mental Healthcare for Youth who identify as Native American & LGBTQ2S
Paths Remembered is free mental health resource for youth who identify as Native American AND LGBTQ and/or Two Spirit. From the program director: "Our services are open to anyone 15 or older in Oregon who identifies as Indigenous. For those who are 2SLGTQ+ the sign up form is here. For those who do not, the sign up form is here. Either form goes to the same place so anyone can use either form. The services are free and currently there is no cap for number of allowed sessions. All counseling is provided through telehealth (Simple Practice platform) and by Indigenous licensed mental health professionals."
See this link for more information. This is not a PPS program, and youth and their families will need to decide for themselves if it's the right fit. We cannot guarantee that it will be, but feel free to check it out!
PSU Community Counseling Clinic - Low Cost Therapy
Latinx Specific Counseling
OYEN Emotional Wellness Center is a bilingual and bicultural clinic that offers an array of mental health support. Individuals can access counseling virtually or long-distance via phone. OHP accepted.
If you are in need of food, dial 211 by phone or visit 211.org.
If you have internet access, check out Urban Gleaners' Free Food Market by clicking that link.
Also check out the Oregon Food Bank Food Finder for information on food pantries, food hubs, meal services, and meal sites. This website is free to use and is open throughout the week.
Also, Street Roots' Rose City Resource Guide is the most comprehensive list of services for people experiencing homelessness and poverty in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties.
Government Food & Financial Support Agencies
- State of Oregon: Food Benefits
- SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) 1-800-723-3638. Apply online
- Oregon Helps is free and confidential and estimates food stamp benefits, provides downloadable applications, and includes detailed information on other useful programs.
- WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program provides monthly benefits on a debit card for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and/or with children up to 5 yrs of age. Participants can purchase specific foods at grocery stores, convenience stores and some farmers markets.
Oregonians can apply for medical, food, cash, and child care assistance in one place online at ONE.Oregon.gov, over-the-phone at 800-699-9075, or in-person at a local office. Due to COVID-19, Oregonians are encouraged to call ahead before their local office.
Student Health Centers in PPS - free for all PPS youth
Student Health Centers are like having a doctor’s office at school. We offer comprehensive primary and mental health care services to all Multnomah County youth ages 5-18. There are no out-of-pocket costs.
Any youth in grades K-12 who live or go to school in Multnomah County can come to our clinics. You don’t need to attend the school where the center is located.
Free Day Care Benefits
The Employment Related Day Care program (ERDC) helps families who are working, in school, or receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) pay for child care, including registration fees. We also work with partners across the state to help families find and keep good child care.
This benefit would apply to getting access to before and after school care with MLC's community partner - KCLC (Kids Community Learning Center) who operate out of our building.
OHP Ride to Care
PPS PTA Clothing Center
Please email Clement if you would like a referral to the PPS district clothing closet.
You will need to do that before visiting.
Marshall Campus: 3905 SE 91st Ave. Room B-60, Portland, OR 97266
503.293.0783 ptaclothingcenter@comcast.net for information
Open Mondays & Thursdays (except on school closure days)
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Students may visit the center twice during the school year, with 60 days between visits
Y.O.U.T.H Clothing Closet
Join us every Wednesday, 10am to 2pm, at The Center Powered by Y.O.U.TH to pick up free clothing for youth and adults at our Clothing Closet!
Address: 16126 Se Stark Portland, OR 97233.
If you or someone you know needs assistance to pay rent, mortgage or utility bills, please call 2-1-1 or visit https://www.211info.org/. There are many programs available and 2-1-1 can provide information and referrals. You may also contact your school counselor or social worker if you need more information or resources.
Eviction Resources
- Oregon Law Center Eviction Defense Project
- Clients must make contact before their first court date. Ask about the Eviction Prevention Rapid Response funds, they may be able to provide rental assistance. (888) 585-9638
- The Commons Law Center
- Free legal advice, may also provide a formal referral to Bienestar de la Familia.
- Bienestar de la Familia- contact MLC social worker Clement for referral to Bienestar for possible rental assistance
Rose Haven Day Shelter - A Place for Women & Kids
Rose Haven is a day shelter and community center serving women, children and gender non-conforming folks experiencing the trauma of abuse, loss of home and other disruptive life challenges.
We break the cycle of homelessness by providing meals, clothing, first aid, mailing addresses, hygiene, restrooms, showers as well as educational programs and guidance through medical and social services. By meeting basic needs and building trust, we empower our guests to explore long-term change.
its also right down the street from MLC! For more information click here
*NEW* Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Housing Benefits
Starting Nov. 1, 2024, OHP members may qualify for housing benefits. Housing benefits are a health-related social needs (HRSN) service. HRSN housing benefits are for OHP members with certain health conditions.
What Are HRSN Housing Benefits?
- Help paying rent for up to six months. This includes late payments.
- Help paying for utilities like gas, electric and water. This includes set-up and late payments.
Up to six months of storage fees.
Tenancy support – help understanding your lease, speaking with your landlord and referrals to other services.
Home changes for health and safety, including pest control, heavy duty cleaning, and installation of ramps, grab bars, and drawer pulls.
Oregon Energy Fund - Help With Utility Bills
The Oregon Energy Fund is a 34-year-old nonprofit that provides energy bill assistance to low-income Oregonians in support of household stability. Since 1989, OEF has helped over 300,000 people pay their bills in times of crisis, ensuring that families in need don’t have to sacrifice food, rent, or medicine to pay for electricity. Through the direct service of energy assistance, we supply a basic need that prevents the triple traumas of illness, homelessness, and hunger, and gives children and adults alike the support they need to lead healthy and productive lives.
Affordable Housing
These organizations have affordable housing units, household income must be at least 1½ times the amount of the monthly rent. Most of them have a wait list, we encourage families to call the property directly and inquire about availability.
SEI - Rent & Energy Assistance
SEI (Self Enhancement Inc.) receives short term rental assistance dollars for families with school-age children, and or individuals from the African American community whose income meets the eligibility requirements. SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT or call 211 and ask for "Culturally Specific Services"
To schedule an Energy Appointment at SEI, please call our Energy Appointment Line at 503-713-5590. This is a 24/7 automated system that allows you to book an appointment right away if appointments are available. This scheduling line allows you to: schedule an appointment, verify an existing appointment, cancel an appointment or hear general information about our energy program. Please note, appointments do not guarantee assistance. LEARN MORE
Help With your Water Bill
The Portland Water Bureau bill discount is a discount on every sewer, stormwater, and water bill you receive. You can qualify for the program if you meet income guidelines and have a single-family residential account. See the online application for income eligibility amounts for households of different sizes.
Free Cell Phone Service
You may qualify for free cell phone and data service through Oregon Lifeline if the following service provider offers service where you live. If the service is not available in your area, then consider discounted Lifeline service options. Free Cell Phone Service Application
Your child could be eligible for a free hotspot & more.​ Get 200GB at no cost and an optional data pass for $10—all current and newly qualifying customers included. It takes 5 minutes to apply and you’ll have it for 5 years.
No annual fees or re-certifications. Check eligibility or see the list of qualifying programs below.
Due to the high demand for Project 10Million, those approved for the program may experience a slight shipping delay. We appreciate your patience and are working hard to get your hotspot to you as quickly as possible. Apply now
Gas Bill Discount
NW Natural’s Oregon bill discount program can save you 15% to 40% on your monthly NW Natural bills. Discounts are available if your household income is less than 60% of Oregon state median income.
There is one simple application to fill out. No proof of income is required to apply. And the application only takes a few minutes to complete online, by email or traditional mail, or over the phone. See below for qualifications and to apply.
You can learn more about these programs at nwnatural.com/BillDiscount, or contact us: 503-226-4211 or 800-422-4012, Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. csst@nwnatural.com
PGE Energy Assistance
We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to pay your energy bills. Help may be available through a variety of resources.
Set up a payment plan
To help get your account current, you can pay off your PGE bill over an extended period instead of all at once by setting up a Time Payment Arrangement.
Request more time
You can request a payment extension 24/7 by logging in to your account or calling our automated phone system.
Change your due date
If you need to change the day your bill is due each month, you can do that online or by calling us. Please note that it will take a full billing cycle for any change to take effect.
Income-Qualified Bill Discount
Our Income-Qualified Bill Discount program provides ongoing, monthly help with your PGE bill that’s in addition to any other assistance you may be getting from us or other agencies.
We have options and are here to help. Call us at 503-228-6322.
People with substance use disorders can live meaningful, healthy and rewarding lives. PPS is honored to support this work and celebrate recovery and wellness. Below is a list of some of the innovative and exciting programming and supports that are offered here in Portland. Many are low cost or free.
Resources for Parents and Families:
4D Youth Recovery Support
4D offers FREE peer recovery supports and community to youth 14-17 who are facing substance use challenges. Peer recovery services differ from traditional counseling in that the peer mentors have shared life experiences in recovery and focus on supporting the youth with goals and supports that the young person identifies.
They do this by offering;
- Peer recovery services
- Substance free social support and activities
- Active family engagement
For additional information, please see this slide presentation or this calendar of meetings and events. Or to request a peer recovery mentor - click here!
Access to Insurance = Access to Substance Use Supports
Who Qualifies for the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) As of July 1, 2023, people of all ages who meet income and other criteria qualify for full OHP benefits and other services and supports, no matter their immigration status. This is possible thanks to a law called Healthier Oregon. Once students and families have OHP, they can generally access mental health and substance use services free of charge - no deductibles or co-pays.
All help is free and available in multiple languages. People can apply:
Online at ONE.Oregon.gov.
Through a local certified community partner.
At an ODHS office near them.
Or call 1-800-699-9075 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time.
Fentanyl Awareness
Fentanyl is involved in more deaths of Americans under 50 than any cause of death, including heart disease, cancer, homicide, suicide and other accidents. Illicit fentanyl is driving the recent increase in US drug overdose deaths.
Learn more about the danger of illicit fentanyl at https://facingfentanylnow.org or www.dea.gov/onepill.
- What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About Fake Pills
- Lo que todo padre y cuidador debe saber sobre las PASTILLAS FALSAS
- How Teens Misuse Medicine
- Buying Drugs Online – What You Should Know & How to Protect Your Kids
- 10 Strategies to Prevent Your Young Person from Using Drugs
- Fentanyl Drug Fact Sheet
- Hidden in Plain Sight Video
- Four Common Myths about Fentanyl
SMYRC: LGBTQ+ Youth Resource Center
Here at SMYRC we provide a safe, harassment-free space for queer and trans youth ages 13-24, where you can create art, play music, and join in on our open mic nights, drag shows, and support groups. You can access services like counseling, school support, and much more. Whatever you are looking for, we are here to honor, empower, and support you.
PPS Youth Resource App (NEW & IMPROVED)
This is a collection of essential resources and information for youth curated by the Portland Public Schools Student Success and Health Department mental health advisory team together with the feedback of over 100 PPS students. The information is also available online, extending its reach to all Portland youth.
I am here as an advocate for you! Please reach out if your family needs support accessing school & community resources, rent/utility assistance, mental health support, food & clothing resources, and for general help assessing what help and support your family may need. We will work together to come up with a plan that fits your needs. Email me clwilson@pps.net or text/call (503) 568-2570.