The Panther Prowl
Week of March 3rd - 7th
From the Counselors!
If you haven't turned in your Course Requests, please get them in as soon as possible. If you have any questions contact the counseling office.
Mini-Parent Conferences
MIni Parent Conferences will be held on March 6th from 3:00-4:00 pm. This is the last chance to work with a teacher on assignemnts, quizzes or missing tests!
Term 3 ends on March 14th!
Climb TV
Here is the latest Climb TV episode that was shared with students on 3/3.
These are the birthdays for the week of March 2nd - 9th
Climbers of the Week!
Electronic Permission Slip
Here is the link parents need to sign so students are allowed to go on Field Trips!
News from PTSA
Mount Nebo Parents we are holding a general PTSA meeting on Wednesday February 26th at 9:00 AM. at Mount Nebo Middle School. We would love to have you there. We will be discussing the final PTSA event of the year which will be teacher appreciation week in May. We would love many members of our school community to help in recognizing the amazing staff we have at Mount Nebo. If you would like to help out that week please come to the meeting or email Mistymendenhall72@gmail.com. Also if you are aware of any businesses who would like help recognize our teachers by donating please let us know. We would like to thank all the families that have been able to support our spirit weeks, they have been a huge success. We are looking to build a stronger PTSA program for the 2025-26 School year if you are interested in being involved next year in any way please reach out. We have board member positions opening up as well as opportunities to help for shorter term activities such as: Reflections Sept-October Red Ribbon week October White Ribbon week November Parent Teacher Conference Meals 3X a year Spirit Nights Throughout the year Battle of the books February Book Fair 3x times a year Teacher Appreciation Week May
In Focus Lesson's
Here is the link from this week's lesson:
Term 3 Summit Celebration
High School Musical Jr.
Choir Auditions!
Roses are red, violets are blue, register for choir and do it real soon!
Register for choir!
If you are interested in the auditioned choir please come see Mrs. Jacobson!
Reality Town
The annual 7th grade Reality Town activity is scheduled for March 18, 2025.
A letter asking for volunteers to help man the various businesses has been sent home with students. Haven't seen it? Please ask your student to locate it and give it to you or get a copy from their CCA teacher.
It takes 50 volunteers to pull this off, if you're able to volunteer, fantastic, if not, we will miss you. Either way, the document needs to be signed and returned by MARCH 6, 2025. This is a change due to an activity on the 7th. If you have any questions please reach out to your student's CCA teacher.
March Parent Seminars
Detention Times for March
Boys and Girls Clubs
Here are the links for the Girl's and Boy's Club registration.
We need to clarify the bus stops for the Spring Lake and Santaquin bus stops! This bus will be 19C.
Lunch Menu
Question of the Week!
What dates for the school play, High School Musical Jr? (you have to have all of the days!)
Answer by emailing to blake.mortensen@nebo.edu, the first 10 correct responses will recieve a treat!
Yearbooks and Fee's
About Us
MNMS adheres to Nebo School District policy in regards to discrimination and/or harassment issues (Spanish version).
Website: mnms.nebo.edu
Location: 851 W. 450 S. Payson, Utah 84651
Phone: (801) 465-6040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mt-Nebo-Junior-High/285045584930180
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtNeboJr
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mtnebomiddleschool?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ==