Falcon Ridge Elementary
August 2024

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🏫Principal's Message
From Mrs. McEachern
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year at Falcon Ridge Elementary School. I hope that you and your family had a fun and relaxing summer break. I am extremely proud to serve as the Principal of Falcon Ridge Elementary School for my 3rd year and to continue to support your student. As a school, we will continue to foster a safe and caring environment allowing students to be successful in their education. My goal is to meet the needs of every student emotionally, socially, and academically in order to help them develop and make growth.
I would also like to welcome all of our new families who are joining us this school year. We are excited for you to become a part of our FRE family. We can't wait to share with you all that FRE has to offer and we believe you will soon feel as we do, that FRE is a special place for all children. We encourage you to get plugged into our campus by joining our fabulous PTO, becoming a volunteer, or even a substitute.
As we begin the year, we know that there will be some transition time for students and teachers to get adjusted, learn routines, and build relationships. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work through the beginning of the year kinks at arrival and dismissal. After the first week or so of school, our arrival and dismissal schedules will smooth out and will become much quicker.
I hope to see each of you at our upcoming Parent Orientation. This is an opportunity for parents to learn more about the campus and the classroom. Please see the attachment below for more information about Parent Orientation.
Reach out to our front office if you have any questions or concerns. We want to partner with our parents and work together with you to ensure a positive experience at FRE. Below are a few campus reminders that may be helpful.
1. Label all jackets, lunch boxes, and water bottles with student's first and last names.
2. Water bottles may only contain water for the classroom.
3. The building opens daily at 8:00 AM.
4. To contact the front office call: (281) 324 - 7100 between the hours of 8am-4:30pm.
5. Students are counted tardy at 8:25 when instruction begins. If a student arrives after this time, you must walk your child to the front office to be checked in. For safety reasons, do not allow your child to cross the parking lot on their own.
6. Students who accrue 8 or more unexcused tardies and/or early check-outs in a nine week period will receive a consequence. Tardies or early check outs due to doctors appointments will be excused.
7. Please submit absence notes to the Attendance Clerk, Jennifer Bradford.
8. Transportation changes need to be made to the FRE front office by 3:00 daily.
9. Car rider dismissal begins at 3:45 and ends around 4:10. If you arrive after this time, you will need to park and walk into the office to pick up your child. You will need your identification or car rider tag. After three late pick-ups, students will be required to ride the bus home.
10. Questions concerning bus transportation or bus discipline, need to be directed to the transportation department at (281) 324-1711.
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*NEW Parent Hub*
Our Parent Information can all be found in this Google Drive folder. It is also linked in Parent Square under "Links".
This is the information found in the first day packets.
PTO Information
Welcome to our new nurse!
Nurse Notes 👩⚕️
Nurse Thomasson
Hi, I am Tiffany Thomasson and will be the School Nurse at Falcon Ridge Elementary School! I have been a Registered Nurse for 15 years. I am excited to embark on this new adventure! I look forward to providing a positive, healthy, and, safe environment. I graduated from Hargrave High School and married my high school sweetheart. I am a proud mother of 2 beautiful girls. I'm excited to be part of the Falcon family!
- Submit all updated immunization records as soon as possible.
- Classrooms run cold, so please send your students with light jackets/sweatshirts they can keep in their backpacks.
- Please report any absences due to illness or injury to our Nurse!
💕Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Foster
Character Trait of the Month: Responsibility
Backpack Buddy (food assistance) Form (If you need a paper form, please reach out to Mrs. Foster)
If you need assistance with school supplies, please reach out to me at my information below.
For bullying reports or requests for your child to see the counselor, please use this form.
Bullying SB 179 ("David's Law")
Meet the FRE Admin Team
Paige McEachern
Renee Foster
Assistant Principal (K,2,4)
Summer White
Assistant Principal (1,3,5)
Keeley Barr
House Spotlight of the Month📸
Front Office Staff
Receptionist: Christina Jimenez
Registrar/ AP & Counselor Secretary: Faith Vandiver
Student Accounting (Attendance): Jennifer Bradford
Principal's Secretary: Jennifer Eccles
Principal: Paige McEachern
Assistant Principal (1,3,5): Keeley Barr
Assistant Principal (K,2,4): Summer White
Counselor: Renee Foster
Instructional Specialist: Carmen Cook
Nurse: Tiffany Thomasson
School Resource Officer: Claudia Arellano
ISS Paraprofessional: Pam Neuman
Diagnostician: Grace Lack
📆 Upcoming Events 📆
- August 5: Meet the Teacher
- K-2 & Smith/Morace - 5:00 - 6:00
- 3-5 & Taylor - 6:00 - 7:00
- August 6: First Flight - 9:00 - 1:00
- Kindergarten, Teal Morace, & Teal Smith only
- August 7: First Day of School
- August 26: Parent Orientation - Green & Orange Houses Only
- 5:30 - 6:00 - Meet with Admin in Cafe
- 6:00 - 6:20 - Session 1
- 6:20 - 6:40 - Session 2
- 6:40 - 7:00 - Session 3
- August 27: Parent Orientation - Yellow House & Teal: Smith / Blue House & Teal: Taylor
- 5:30 - 6:00 - Meet with Admin in Cafe
- 6:00 - 6:20 - Session 1
- 6:20 - 6:40 - Session 2
- 6:40 - 7:00 - Session 3
- August 29: Parent Orientation - Purple House / Red House & Teal: Morace
- 5:30 - 6:00 - Meet with Admin in Cafe
- 6:00 - 6:20 - Session 1
- 6:20 - 6:40 - Session 2
- 6:40 - 7:00 - Session 3
- August 30: College / Career / and Military Day
- Wear a College / Career / or Military Shirt
- September 2 - Labor Day - Holiday - No School
- September 9 - Clubs Begin (more information to come)
- September 11 - Patriot Day - Wear Red / White / Blue - School Appropriate Clothing
- School information will be sent out weekly in Tuesday Folders and through Parent Square.
- Be sure you have sent updated shot records to the nurse.
- The instructional day is 8:25 AM - 3:45 PM.
- Office hours (including phone hours) are 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.
- Latest news and additional information may be found on our school website, Facebook page, and through the Parent Square App.
Morning Arrival
- FRE only has car riders and bus riders. Car riders should remain in cars and be dropped off in the car rider line in the front of the building.
- FRE doors open at 8:00 AM. For student safety, please do not drop students off early and leave them unattended.
- Students are counted tardy at 8:25 AM if they are not in the building.
- Morning arrival uses only lane B. Parents will pull forward to a numbered cone to unload students.
- Students who arrive after 8:25 are tardy and must be walked into the office by a parent to check in the student.
- To expedite our arrival process, please make sure students have everything ready to exit the car including their backpack, lunch or lunch money, and hugs and kisses from you. Parents are NOT to park or exit their vehicle unless you are visiting the front office.
Afternoon Dismissal
- Please be patient the first few weeks of school as dismissal takes longer. Once parents and students are in a routine, dismissal takes about 20 minutes.
- School dismissal begins at 3:45 PM.
- Please make sure that your child's dismissal lanyard and tag remains on their backpack at all times and backpacks come to school everyday.
- Anyone picking a student up from school must be an emergency contact and must have obtained a dismissal card from the front office to place in the front car windshield during dismissal. Dismissal cards will be scanned upon arrival to notify your child someone is here to pick them up.
- All transportation changes must be completed by 3:00 PM. Please notify the front office at 281-324-7100.
Food Service
- Breakfast and lunch are FREE for all students.
- A-la-carte items (snacks) are available for purchase.
- My School Bucks is used for student accounts.
- Parents may only eat lunch with their child during their designated lunch time in the Community Room (if space is available).
Interested in volunteering?
Reach out to a house leader for volunteer opportunities. We offer a variety of ways to volunteer from working with students, making copies, assisting with special projects, helping with the chicken coop, etc.
Red House: Amanda Zientek
Yellow House: Corona Nason
Blue House: Nikki Latta
Purple House: Vanessa Jaspe
Green House: Taylor Jordan
Orange House: Kim Padgett
Teal House: Jennifer Underwood
Pink House: Pam Phelan