Conway Catch-Up
Summer Edition #1
Goooooood Morning #OneFamily!
What's happening #OneFamily! I sure hope you are having a great start to summer! I sure hope our kiddos are doing well and they are diggin' their summertime freedoms! Here is a quick summer newsletter to keep you in the know!
Summer Happenings and News:
- Conway is LOOKING GORGEOUS! Mrs. Leyda has our building looking gorgeous already! The floors are waxed, carpets shampooed, and furniture and walls are being cleaned as we speak. Your kiddos will return back to a freshly cleaned, painted, and top notch place here in August!
- Summer School: We are super excited to have summer school starting today and going through July 12th. It was great to have kiddos back in our building!
- Summer Construction: The 2 new learning cottages have been installed and are being finalized this week! This is 4 months sooner than two years ago!!! :) We also have a brand new piece of playground equipment being installed this week!
- Staff: We are a full go and are fully staffed for next year!!!!!! We are so super fortunate to have an incredible group of educators ready to do amazing things for your kiddos next year! We will be sending out introduction videos and bios to you in two weeks.
- 4th Grade: For the 2024-2025 and 2025 - 2026 school years, 4th grade will be in the learning cottages here at Conway. The rationale behind this decision for this year is because they are the only grade level at 6 classrooms and there are 6 learning cottages. It allows us to ensure we are not breaking grade levels up. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel to reach out now so I can help answer any questions. Here is a quick implementation guide.
- Summer Library is BACK! Starting tomorrow!!!! We will be opening our library once a week over the summer. Every Tuesday, we will open the library for kiddos to come to the library to check out books and read with their friends from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Kiddos must be accompanied by a guardian that is at least 18 years old. Come on by for some great fun and to keep your reading going over the summer! Summer Library will be closed on June 18th. It will go until July 12th (last day).
- School Supply List for 2024-2025 - Click HERE for the school supply list for next year.
- School Transportation Needs Your Help: As we close out this school year, Transportation is already looking ahead to next school year and we need your help! ALL families should complete this form by June 15, so we can create the most efficient routes to get our students to and from school on time by knowing early which students will not be riding the bus next year.
Parents and guardians must respond separately for each student enrolled with Stafford Schools. If circumstances change, parents and guardians may reach out to their student’s school to change their selection in Synergy at any time.
Summer Athletic Camps: Each year our high schools offer a variety of summer athletic camp opportunities for our students to help maintain their physical fitness and skill development over the summer break. Learn more and register for camps at www.staffordschools.net/summercamp. If you have any questions concerning a summer camp offering, please contact the coach listed on the informational flyer.
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration is OPEN! Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school is open. Parents and guardians of children who are five years old by September 30, 2024 are encouraged to complete the online registration process. Families with younger children may also apply for the Head Start, Early Head Start, and Virginia Preschool Initiative programs. These early childhood programs are open for 3- and 4-year olds, infants, toddlers, and pregnant women of low-income families that live in Stafford County and meet the federal or state income-eligibility guidelines. Spanish, Dari, Pashto, and Urdu translators will be on-site during the events.
Energy Assistance for anyone in need:
Dial 211 or visit Dominion energy.com / search energy share.
- For PIPP (percentage of income payment program) Visit: commonhelp.virginia.gov
Thanks and hope to see you around town soon!
Much love to our kids and your family!
JR :)
P.S. Check out our new AP below....Ms. Ashley Hall!
Upcoming Events
Events Coming up this week:
- Tuesdays: Summer Library (see times above)
- June 18th and 19th: Summer School closed in honor of Juneteenth
- July 4th and 5th: Summer School Closed in honor of Independence Day
- July 12th: Last Day for Summer School
Nutrition Over the Summer - Free Food Programs
For 10 weeks, both grab-and-go meals and eat-in-place meals will be available throughout the greater Fredericksburg region provided by the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank. Locations, dates, and times for the summer follow:
Grab-and-go meals may be picked up through the summer at the following locations and times:
Brooke Point High School: 1700 Courthouse Rd, Stafford VA 22554
Monday Grab N Go June 3, 2024-August 5, 2024, 11:15AM-12:45PMGood Hope Baptist Church: 17223 Good Hope Rd. King George, VA 22845
Friday Grab N Go, May 31, 2024-August 9, 2024, 11:15AM-12:45PMJohn J Wright Educational and Cultural Center: 7565 Courthouse Rd,, Spotsylvania, VA 22551
Thursday Grab N Go, May 30, 2024-August 8, 2024, 12:00PM-1:30PM, no delivery July 4, 2024Lotus Academy: 7278 Ladysmith Rd Ruther Glen, VA 22546
Wednesday Grab N Go May 29, 2024-August 7,2024 10:30AM-12:00PM, no delivery June 19, 2024Mt. Tabor Baptist Church: 21795 Mattaponi Trail Milford, VA 22514
Wednesday Grab N Go, May 29, 2024-August 7, 2024, 12:00PM-1:30PM no delivery June 19, 2024New Liberty Baptist Church: 33030 Sparta Rd. Milford, VA 22514
Wednesday Grab N Go May 29, 2024-August 7, 2024, 11:00AM-12:30PM, no delivery June 19, 2024Oxford Mt. Zion Baptist Church: 25215 Zion Rd. Ruther Glen, VA 22546
Wednesday Grab N Go, May 29, 2024-August 7,2024, 11:15AM-12:45 PM, no delivery June 19, 2024Patawomeck Park: 25 Chopawamsic Pkwy, Stafford VA 22554
Monday Grab N Go June 3, 2024-August 5, 2024, 10:30AM-12:00PMRehobeth United Methodist Church: 18580 Partlow Rd, Beaverdam, VA 23015 Thursday Grab N Go, May 30, 2024-August 8, 2024, 10:30AM-12:00PM, no delivery July 4, 2024
Sealston Elementary School: 11048 Fletcher’s Chapel Rd. King George, VA 22845 Friday Grab N Go May 31, 2024-August 9, 2024, 10:30AM-12:00PM
Thornburg Middle School: 6929 N Roxbury Mill Rd, Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22551
Tuesday Grab N Go May 28, 2024-July 30, 2024, 1:30PM-3:00PMWalmart Supercenter: 2533 Germanna Hwy Locust Grove, VA 22508
Tuesday Grab N Go, May 28, 2024-July 30, 2024, 10:00AM-12:00PM
Children not receiving weekly boxes must remain onsite while consuming their meals at these locations:
Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank 3631 Lee Hill Dr. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Friday On-Site Meals, May 31, 2024-August 2, 2024, 4:30PM-6:30PM *Family Game Night*
Howell Library 806 Lyons Blvd. Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Tuesday-Friday On-Site Meals June 4, 2024- August 9, 2024 11:45AM-12:45PM, no service on June 19 and July 4Salem Church Library: 2607 Salem Church Rd. Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Tuesday-Thursday On-Site Meals June 4, 2024- August 8, 2024, 12:00-1:30PM, no service on June 19 and July 4Spotsylvania Farmers Market 12150 Gordon Rd. Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Saturday On-Site Meals June 1, 2024-August 24, 2024, 10:00AM-12:00PM
Summer Learning
Report card Information for Parents: Wondering about your child's progress on the last report card? Wondering what something means? Click on the link below for help with what the academic codes mean, what your kiddo learned and were assessed each quarter, and what standard based grading is: https://www.staffordschools.net/k5grading
Internet Safety: As you head into the summer months, here is some information to help keep your kiddo safe on their devices.
Reading help for the summer: The importance of summer reading is significant. Children who do not engage with reading over the summer can lose 20% of their academic success from the previous school year. No matter what kids accomplish during the school year, if they don’t read over the summer, their learning will stall or regress. Use this document below to find ways to support your kiddo's reading over the summer.
Math help for the summer: Use this document below to help support your child's math learning over the summer (I promise you.....it is filled with fun ways to engage in math so your kiddo does not fight you! :)
Conway #OneFamily Members Doing a Different Role at Conway Next Year
Cameron Blankenship: Cameron will become an intervention paraprofessional here. She is super excited to be able to focus 100% on intervention next year.
Shelly Benke: Shelly is going to be our new interventionist next year. She is super excited to be able to put her bag of tricks to work from her prior life as a special education teacher mixed with her skills from being a general education teacher.
Marykate Coulter: Marykate will become our classroom management coach next year. She will work with teachers on complex behaviors, classroom management, and will help respond to tier 1 behaviors.
Tammy Hunt: Tammy is heading to 3rd grade to return to her roots! She is super stoked and will possibly loop with this class.
Joyce Shepherd: Joyce is heading to 3rd grade as well and is super excited to be heading closer to her roots.
Pierce Pelletier: Pierce is heading to 2nd grade to also return closer to his roots (taught 1st grade in Oakland, CA)
Jackie Cacciola and Marcy Kuker: Marcy and Jackie are coming as a package deal. They decided to give another grade level a try and bring their knowledge of teaching reading to third grade. They are super excited for this new opportunity.
Katie Holloway: Katie is heading to 4th grade to bring our new 4th grade team together next year. She is excited to loop with her amazing kiddos!
Kelly Gray: Kelly is looping with her amazing class to 5th grade.
Cindel West: Cindel is moving from the cafeteria team to our paraprofessional team.
Tonya Pedersen: Tonya is moving from the cafeteria team to our special education paraprofessional team.
Amy Allen: Amy is joining our level 1 special education program.
Gail Seablom: Gail is moving from our building level substitute position to a special education paraprofessional position.
Kerri Sandbakken: Kerri is moving from a special education paraprofessional position to a special education level 1 teacher!
Glen Miller: Breaking News! Glen is moving from a 5th grade classroom teacher to Conway's Reading Specialist!
Siham Fathi: Siham is going to join our special education team as a level 1 paraprofessional.
Conway #OneFamily Members Heading On to Bigger and Better Places
- Jamie Shull: Jamie is going to branch out into private practice to provide counseling to children at Resilience Counseling and Social Skills Center.
- Kayla Stadler: Kayla is staying home to be a full time mommy and to help watch teacher's children.
Alice Warren - Alice is moving to Richmond to be closer to family and will be teaching children with special needs there.
Martha Clark: After 33 years of teaching in 4 different states, in elementary and middle school classrooms, coaching girls sports and physical education, Martha has decided to retire. We wish her all the best in her retirement.
Meg Danyluk: Meg received a promotion back in March to become the new Assistive Technology director for SCPS! While it was hard for us to let her go after 19 years, we are super proud of her!
Destiny Ogden: The Ogdens have military orders that will take them to a new place in the Country.
Heather Chavez: The Chavez family has new military orders that will take them to a new place in the Country.
Jackie Savage: Ms. Savage is moving to Virginia Beach.
Cynthia Ward: Ms. Ward is heading to PWCS.
Amy Ellis: Amy was able to satisfy a lifelong dream to teach art in high school. She was able to return back to her roots at MVHS.
Meagan Murphy: Meagan is moving to Richmond with her family.
Jalita Johnson: Breaking News!!!! Jalita is heading to Park Ridge to become an Assistant Principal with Mrs. Simms!
Jenna Sypolt: Jenna is going to stay home to be a full time mom.
- Our incredible paraprofessional team heading on to do different things:
- Angie Vega: Angie and her family have new military orders……heading to Bucharest, Romania.
Ali McLean: Ali will be working with children with autism as an ABA therapist for a private practice.
Nicole Howard: The Howards have military orders to Charleston, SC! She remained here to finish out the year with us and will join her husband now for the summer.
Angie Sturm: Angie is heading to SHS for a promotion.
Clara Cosma: Clara moved to NY to be with her new grand kiddo a few months ago.
Directions on how to access ParentVue:
Video on how to access: Click HERE or https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Au8BpRzOZapcEn7jZGptdDxfXKAuffSf/view?ts=65b65ea9
Instructions from SCPS: Click HERE or https://www.staffordschools.net/cms/lib/VA01818723/Centricity/Domain/32/ParentVU%20StudentVUEInstructions.pdf
Step by Step Written Directions: Click HERE or https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IkN_46V_jbZ5IDI4Zo18Nc0btSnbWOQbe9beoyN1z-I/edit
Family University Resources
Attendance Matters!
Report Your Kiddos Absences
When do I keep my kiddo home from school?
Science of Reading
SCPS Nutrition
Parents.....Need help with ANYTHING?
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How to Translate Smore
- How to Translate Smore newsletters: If you would like to translate this newsletter into another language, please click on these links for directions on how to do that. Directions in English click here. Directions in Espanol click here. Directions in Pashto click here . Directions in Dari click here.
The Conway Elementary
Friend us on Facebook - Conway Elementary School
Email: rayboldws@staffordschools.net
Website: https://www.staffordschools.net/ces
Location: 105 Primmer House Road, Fredericksburg, VA, USA
Phone: 5403611455
Facebook: facebook.com/Conwayelemsch
Twitter: @conwayelemsch