Board Brief
Top things to know from the Nov. 9th Governing Board Meeting

1. Superintendent, Dr. Andy Johnsen shared a presentation to the Board and community.
During the November 14, 2024 meeting, Dr. Andy Johnsen shared an update highlighting several important items. First, Dr. Johnsen provided a brief recap on local election results pertaining to SMUSD races, including that Measure JJ has reached over 57% of the vote, which means the bond passes and will provide funding for construction and facilities modernization.
Dr. Johnsen also provided an update on the BRIDGE (Building Relationships, Increasing Dialogue, and Gaining Empathy) which is a meeting between district leadership and union leadership.
Dr. Johnsen concluded the presentation by sharing previews of several items on the meeting Agenda.
2. Student Board Representatives shared school updates.
During the November 14th meeting, Student Board Representatives, Sydney Corke from San Marcos High School and Avery McCallister from Foothills High School shared school updates.
Sydney Corke shared an update on school activities at San Marcos High School including a recent Link Crew Conference, Inclusivity Club event, Knights Regiment wins and ended with an Athletics Update. She concluded with a heartfelt goodbye to honor the recent passing of SMHS student, Yoltzin Hernandez.
Avery McCallister, a student at Foothills High School, shared her story of her personal struggles with mental health. She read an excerpt from a personal essay outlining her journey. Avery’s message of reaching out when you’re in need of support, and to check on loved ones in your life who may need help, is one she hopes will resonate with anyone listening.
3. Principal Update: Woodland Park Middle School.
Principal Katie Buffum, Assistant Principals Steve Chavez and Dr. Kelly Brown shared a presentation providing an overview of Woodland Park Middle School.
The team began sharing about how they are bringing the Portrait of a Graduate vision to life for all of their Bulldogs. They then shared about how they are working to enhance the middle school experience for their students which include, the Empathy Project, a focus on Community and Culture in ASB and the new elective, the California Cadet Corps. WPMS students also shared their experience engaging in these projects.
4. Dr. Tiffany Campbell shared an update on the SMUSD Strategic Promise.
Dr. Tiffany Campbell shared a presentation with an overview of the Strategic Plan, or what we refer to as our Strategic Promise to all students. This Strategic Promise provides a roadmap to how we are ensuring all students graduate from SMUSD Future Ready, or ready to pursue whatever path they choose.
Dr. Campbell began with a brief timeline, outlining when the work began in Spring of 2022 to where we are today. Dr. Campbell noted that in this time we have moved the plan from a vision, to goals to action steps, and now are in the phases of implementation and progress monitoring to reach our goal of Future Ready students.
Dr. Campbell then explained how Future Ready progress is measured which include Academic Skills and Mindsets, Social Emotional Wellness, and Self Regulation and Agency. Dr. Campbell also explained the various data we utilize in measuring this progress amongst students. One of these is the Social Emotional survey students take called the Panorama Survey. She was pleased to share that since Winter 2022 to now, response rates have gone from 64% to 87% of students responding to the survey.
“While so much of our data is favorable, this data allows us to better pinpoint what areas to address and how we can better improve and connect with students” remarked Dr. Campbell.
5. Second reading of Ordinance for formation of CFD 17.
Community Facilities Districts or CFDs, are special tax districts that enable local government entities and special districts to access certain public funding opportunities and financing for facilities.
CFDs, or special tax areas, are formed to issue bonds to provide needed financing for school facilities. Local funding generated by CFDs is an important component of the District's overall facilities program. It is the responsibility of the District to, among other things, complete all steps required to form new CFDs and annually establish the special taxes for each unit within the CFDs pursuant to the legal provisions.
As part of this process, during the October Governing Board meeting, the Board previously moved forward with initial actions to form CFD 17. During the November 14, 2024 meeting, the Board conducted the public hearing and approved items associated with the Resolution of Formation for CFD 17.
The Board also approved the issuance and sale of special tax bonds for CFD 12. The Bonds are very similar to special tax bonds issued on behalf of other School District community facilities districts in the past. Through the proposed bonds, CFD 12 allows the School District to receive facilities funding greater than what it would otherwise receive through statutory developer fees without a CFD. The bond proceeds supplement the overall funding program.
6. Gifts to San Marcos Unified School District.
The Board also approved multiple gifts donated to the District from generous PTO organizations, community members, and businesses.
For a complete and detailed overview of any of the items above, please see the full Board Meeting Agenda by clicking here.
For a link to the Board Briefs on the SMUSD website, please click here.
To watch a video of the Board meeting, please click here.