BFH Falcons' View
March 10 to 15, 2025

Principal's Message
Dear Falcon students and families,
This past week was filled with activity as our Basketball teams completed their seasons and our Sr. Badminton teams started their season with an excellent result. This week we will be busy working with our incoming Gr. 10 students from F.R. Haythorne around course planning for the 2025-26 school year. All of our administrators and our counsellors will continue working with our current students and our grade nine students at other schools within EIPS, getting their course selection information packages to them. We will also be reaching out to our "out of district" students this week to let them know of their acceptance and to plan for their intake meetings in the first week after Spring Break.
We want to wish our Bev Facey Wrestlers good luck as they will be taking part in ASAA Provincials this Thursday and Friday down in Calgary. Our Handball teams will be starting their first games of the season, and we are excited to see our Badminton team take part in the Harry Ainlay invitational this weekend. Finally, our FLI students, in partnership with our Math Department, is excited to celebrate "Pi Day" on Friday, March 14.
We also want to invite our entire community to take advantage of our Bev Facey School Council's presentation of speaker David Irvine on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. Please see the article below to get more information and RSVP for this awesome informative night.
I hope you all have an amazing week, and as always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Ken Wlos
Bev Facey Community High School
BFCHS School Council presents speaker David Irvine - Tuesday, March 11, 2025
RAISING ACCOUNTABLE, CAPABLE YOUNG PEOPLE - Paving the Way for Your Child’s Success
Our Bev Facey School Council has joined forces with Fultonvale, Ecole Parc and Rudolph Hennig to host David Irvine on March 11, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.. Raising a child to become a responsible, respectful, resilient citizen requires deliberate action, intentional focus, and a strong, supportive community. Raising kids to be accountable and capable can be challenging and it takes courage to be a parent. With over forty years of experience as a family therapist, leadership advisor, author, parent, and grandparent, David Irvine offers a unique perspective for raising capable young people in a post pandemic world. Come prepared for an inspiring and thought-provoking presentation that will support, challenge, and shift the way you parent.
Learn how to:
• Raise capable, accountable young people in a self-indulgent world.
• Build citizenship in a consumer society.
• Balance support with demands to build capability.
• Deal responsibly and effectively with devices and technology.
• Support your kids without rescuing them.
• Guide kids who are facing anxiety.
• Let go and enjoy your kids.
David Irvine, the Leader’s Navigator, Bio
David Irvine is a world-renowned speaker, author, and trusted leadership advisor. He has
made a significant impact in the realms of leadership and personal development. Thousands
of individuals from the public, private, not-for-profit, entrepreneurial, and education sectors
attend his leadership development programs each year.
David is a bestselling author of seven books, with over 300,000 copies sold worldwide. His
most recent books are The Other Everest: Navigating the Pathway to Authentic Leadership
and Caring Is Everything: Getting To The Heart Of Humanity, Leadership, and Life. He also
hosts the podcast, The Leader’s Navigator, with his daughter, Hayley, a high school English
and Drama teacher.
David chairs the board of the Wayfinders Wellness Society, supporting military and first
responders suffering from PTSD. He is also a sessional instructor in the Faculty of Social
Work at the University of Calgary.
As a former nationally ranked distance runner, David maintains an active lifestyle of yoga,
boxing, and hiking, and lives with his wife in Cochrane, Alberta.
BFCHS Course Selection for 2025-2026
BFCHS 2025-26 Course Selection Process
This Monday, March 10 we are excited to meet with our incoming grade 10s (currently in Grade 9) from our direct feeder school, F.R. Haythorne. We also are also looking forward to meeting our incoming Grade 9 Parents on Tuesday, March 18th in our Library, to help parents with any questions they may have around helping their students with course selection. We also will be reaching out to all our out of boundary students at the other EIPS Junior Highs to get their course selection sheets from their individual school offices. Finally we will be setting up an evening meeting with all of our out of district students for the week following Spring Break to get them registered for next year.
On Tuesday, March 11 our grade 10 & 11 students will be getting their course selection sheets for the 2025-2026 School year. Students are asked to complete their selections, have their parents sign off, and return the sheet to their grade level secretary in the Bev Facey office by this Friday, March 14. Starting on March 17, our current grade 10 & 11 students will begin selecting their courses in sessions with administration. Please see the Course Program Guide 2025-2026 Registration Guide for course offerings. (The PDF link is below)
BFCHS School Council- March 13, 2025
Bev Facey's School Council meets every third Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in our school library. However, the next meeting will be on the Thursday, March 13th to avoid conflict with Student, Parent, Teacher conferences. The meeting will highlight our final consultation of the 2025-2026 school budget with our school council. Our council is vital to our school community, and we would love to see as many parents as possible attend for this important meeting!
Microsoft Teams Need help?
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Passcode: dy66FJ7N
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Phone conference ID: 504 974 986#
For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
Falcon Archery competes at Ardrossan Invitational!
Another great outing by the Facey Archery Team Friday night at the Ardrossan 8th Annual Archery Tournament. Everyone shot very well. Some stand outs were:
Top Male Archer: Alex Benade shotting 278 out of a possible 300 ( Personal Best)
Top Female Archer: Katelyn Butts shooting 255 out of a possible 300 ( Personal Best)
Personal Best shoutout to Samuel Camp shooting 251.
Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences - March 18 & 19, 2025
Online Bookings open at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, March 10th.
Student/Parent (Guardian)/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held on Tuesday, March 18th – 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday, March 19th – 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
We will be using an online booking system, as in the past, to book conferences. Bookings will open up on Monday March 10th at 10:00 a.m.
You will not be able to schedule any interviews before that time. Bookings will close Monday March 17th at 10 a.m..
You will need to enter your child’s name, the class, and teacher with whom you would like to schedule a conference. You are limited to one conference time per teacher. If your son/daughter has a particular teacher for more than one subject, please just book one 8-minute time slot. If you need more time with a teacher, please arrange a separate phone call at a later date.
Please enter an e-mail address to receive confirmation of your 8-minute interview time.
To book your interview times:
Click below the button below:
Grad 2025 - Parents and Grads Information
Please check out the Grad 2025 parents and graduates' information presentation from our meeting on November 5, 2024 below. Here are some important information pieces:
- Grad Lists posted: November 25, March 17, and May 5. (the grad list will have students who are "on track" with their credits or on a clear path to acquiring their graduation credentials).
2025 Parent Grad Meeting Presentation
Please click on the presentation below for more information:
Grad Baby Photos
All grads should submit a Baby Picture before March 23, 2025. At the current time we only have 15% of the photos submitted by our Graduates. Graduates, please take the time to upload this from your student account in the next month. You must submit by signing in with your student google account at the following button:
Artist of the Week - Trinity Zenchyson
Congratulations to Trinity Z. (Art 10) on an amazing portfolio design. Art 10 students played with a creative use of positive and negative space to create their name. Well done Trinity!
Sr. Handball Season Starts!
Good Luck to our Amazing High School Culinary Challenge Teams!
Weekly Schedule - March 10 to 15, 2025
Monday - March 10, 2025
- Badminton Practice- 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (South Gym)
- Sr. Boy's Handball Practice- 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (South Gym)
Tuesday - March 11 2025
- Japan Trip Student Meeting - at noon in Rm 241.
- Block 1 & 2 - Gr. 10 & 11 students will get their course selection sheets and selection info.
- Evacuation Drill - 12:30 p.m. (Noon Hour Protocol)- evacuate and muster with your 3rd period teacher.
- Falcons' Archery - practice in the North Gym 3:20 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
- Parent Meeting for both Boys and Girls Handball teams will be at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.
- Falcon's Badminton - travels to Holy Trinity to play them and Arch Bishop O'Leary.
- School Council Presents David Irvine - "Raising Accountable Capable Young People" - 6:30 p.m. in the Bev Facey Library.
Wednesday - March 12, 2025
- Opportunity Wednesday - Academic Coaching is available! Bus schedule pick up time is at 3:17 p.m.
- Facey's Craft Club - meets today at noon in Rm 159.
- Sr. Men's Handball - travels to Salisbury at 4:45 p.m. to play SAL and Ross Shep.
Thursday - March 13, 2025
- Jazz Band Rehearsals - at lunch in Band, Rm 142.
- Bev Facey Wrestlers – travels to Crescent Hts. In Calgary for ASAA Provincials.
- Falcons' Archery - practice in the North Gym 3:20 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
- Sr. Women's Handball - host Old Scona and Leduc at 4:45 p.m. in the South Gym.
- School Council Meeting - 6 p.m. in the Bev Facey Library.
Friday - March 14, 2025
- Deadline for Grade 10 and 11's to turn in signed course selection sheets to the office.
- Falcon's Games Club - meets at lunch in Rm 285.
- Bev Facey Wrestlers – travel to Crescent Hts. In Calgary to continue at ASAA Provincials.
- Facey Celebrates "Pi Day"- at lunch in the Cafeteria.
- Facey’s Gender & Sexuality Alliance (Spectrum) meets today at lunch in Rm 159! All are welcome!
- Sr. Badminton travels to Harry Ainlay to compete in their Invitational tournament.
Saturday-March 15, 25
- Sr. Badminton travels to Harry Ainlay to continue in their Invitational tournament.
Falcon Athletics Schedule - March 10 to 15, 2025
Bev Facey Cafeteria Menu March 10 to 14, 2025
Annual Feedback Survey for Parents & Caregivers 2024-2025
EIPS Parent/Caregiver Survey 2024-25
Have your say! The 2024-25 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers is now open
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you about your experience with the Division and your school. Share your thoughts by completing the 2024-25 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers—open March 3-21.
Annually, EIPS conducts the survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Parents and caregivers are asked a series of questions about:
- their experiences with EIPS and the specific school their child attends;
- the quality of education being provided to students;
- areas for improvement; and
- new this year, the survey includes an additional series of questions—focused on stakeholder confidence in EIPS’ priorities and strategic direction as a whole.
Collectively, the Division uses the survey feedback to help guide future planning, decision-making and strategies—all aimed at enhancing student learning and better serving the wider community.
TAKE THE SURVEY NOW -Click on the Button Below!
open March 3-21
To preview the questions before completing the survey, see Question Preview - 2024-25 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers.
NOTE: To share the experiences of more than one child, or if you have a child who attends classes at more than one EIPS school—such as Next Step and an EIPS senior high school—simply complete the survey again.
To complement the parent and caregiver survey, the Division is also conducting a similar survey with students in Grade 9 and Grade 12, who are completing the survey in class between March 3 and March 21. Like the parent and caregiver survey, the questions focus on the student’s experience with the Division and their specific school. Only Grade 12 students will complete the stakeholder confidence portion of the survey.
The survey is anonymous and takes roughly 10-15 minutes to complete. EIPS will share the survey results in next year’s Annual Education Results Report 2024-25.
#thefaceyway #trueblue
English Language and Composition Exam Prep with Mr. Kupsch
For students who completed ELA 20-1 AP in Semester One and registered for the AP Exam, Mr. Kupsch will be running prep sessions to help you get ready! Sessions will be held on Wednesdays at 2:20 p.m. on the following dates:
📅 March 12
📅 April 9
📅 April 23
📅 April 30
Take advantage of these sessions to review key concepts, practice exam strategies, and boost your confidence for test day!
AP Calculus Support With Ms. Wong
For students registered for the AP Calculus AB or BC exams in May, Ms. Wong is available in her classroom every Wednesday during lunch to provide extra help. Take advantage of this time to ask questions, review concepts, and prepare for the exam!
Post Secondary Information Sessions
University of Alberta Augustana Visit
A University of Alberta Augustana representative will be visiting Bev Facey on March 11th from 11:36 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. Stop by the booth just outside of Student Services to get answers to all your questions!
Grant MacEwan Visit
A Grant MacEwan representative will be at Bev Facey on March 12th from 11:04 a.m. to 11:48 a.m., just outside Student Services. This is a fantastic opportunity to get all your questions answered about Grant MacEwan. Stop by the booth and chat with a representative – they'll be happy to help!
EIPS Career Pathways
Family Resource Network
Scholarship Opportunities
Our Bev Facey counselors have set up a living newsletter that will be available to our students to help them navigate the process of applying for scholarships to support their post secondary goals. Please return to this newsletter periodically as more updates to the newsletter will occur throughout the year as new opportunities for our students present themselves. Please click on the newsletter link below to access the publication:
EIPS Summer School Information
Bev Facey Upcoming Important Dates
March 11, 2025 - Evacuation Drill (Noon Hour Protocol - 12:30 p.m.) Meet 3rd Period Teacher.
March 11, 2025 - BFCHS School Council presents speaker David Irvine: "Raising Accountable, Capable Young People - Paving the way for your Child's Success."
March 13, 2025 - Bev Facey School Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. in the Library.
March 18, 2025 - Student, Parent, Teacher Conferences in the South Gym from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
March 19, 2025 - Student, Parent, Teacher Conferences in the South Gym from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
March 21 to 30, 2025 - Spring Break
Home of the Falcons!