The Royal Scroll - April

Aronimink Elementary School
First Grade News
The first graders have been awesome Animal Reporters in Science. They have been learning about animal sounds, pitch, and vibrations. In Math, the first graders have been working on using models and different strategies to subtract tens. In Fundations, first grade has been working on ar controlled vowels. The first graders use their white boards each day to practice writing words with ar. Although the first grade has been working super hard, the first graders were able to have some fun and go outside to experience the Solar Eclipse. Thank you to the Upper Darby School District for providing all the students with glasses!
~Ms. Delemitas, 1st Grade Teacher
Physical Education News
We are officially teaching physical education! Happy Spring Aronimink Families! Hopefully all the rain we have had will bring us the most beautiful May flowers we have ever seen! With nicer days hopefully in the forecast, it is a great time to grab your favorite book and read outside, in a park, or under the shade of a tree. Try to complete some of the following Spring Break challenges by yourself or with a friend! If you would like a copy printed out, please see one of the reading teachers.
~Mr. Dunn, Phys. Ed. Teacher
Beverly Hills Middle School
International Mother Language Day Poster Contest Winners
(Right to Left)
2nd Place: Scarlett Puglla (7th grade)
1st Place: Nicole Landaverde (7th grade)
Penn Relay Qualification Round
Girls & Boys Track 4x100 Teams qualified for the Penn Relays!
(Left to Right)
Ciana Sharp, Marziah Jones, Ne'hemiah Bell, Ovviya Lauderdale
(Left to Right)
Kyree Council, Danicious Tosah, Kaier Smith, Mustapha Daboh
Eclipse Fun at BH!
Bywood Elementary School
Student of the Month Assembly
First Grade Students of the Month
Second Grade Students of the Month
Third Grade Students of the Month
Fourth Grade Students of the Month
Fifth Grade Students of the Month
Special Education
SOM Assembly
Charles Kelly Elementary School
Young Author Award Winners
1st Laura Ogbor
2nd Livia Ogbor
3rd Sanai Thomas
Shout out to all our participants and prize winners:
Muntasir Hossain, Hellen Santos, Andrew Wong, Sandid Al-din, Brielle Felder, Usinatu Marrah,
Saniya Allen
All participants received prizes of rainbow pens and notebooks, 2nd and 3rd place winners additionally received a gift card of $5 to 5 Below and 1st place school-wide winner received a grand prize of $10 to 5 Below
KSLA Delaware County's Young Authors' Project
An extra special acknowledgment goes out to Muntasir Hossain, who received the honor of being a county-wide winner of the competition. He was invited to be honored with the other winners at a luncheon which his family was invited to as well.
Drexel Hill Middle School
6th-7th-8th Grade Spring Games!
Garrettford Elementary School
Miss Zhou Teaches Music through Movement
Students in the lower grades are learning how to keep a steady beat and feel music through movement of their bodies. Miss Zhou has utilized a game called "Snail Snail" where the students use a parachute and movement to experience different music pieces. Part of the game is to wrap up a person with the parachute and then unfurl them with a spin. The students really enjoyed this activity.
Upper Darby History Comes Alive for Third Graders
Dr. George Smith, who established the first public school in Pennsylvania, lived in Collenbrook. This house is located near Aronimink School and represents an 18th Century farmhouse. Our third graders visited Collen Brook Farm and with the guidance of volunteers from the Upper Darby Historical Society, learned about early times in Upper Darby. The students learned about how Upper Darby was established as a farm community which benefited from the waterways that helped the early farmers to mill grain and other products. At that time, people used the power generated from flowing water to make things run by using a water wheel. Other early settlers also had jobs such as carpenters, tailors, blacksmiths, storekeepers and papermakers. The students had the opportunity to do hands-on activities at Collen Brook Farm and enjoyed getting out in the fresh air.
Eclipse fun!
Highland Park Elementary School
PBIS Dodgeball Tournament
Highland Park had a golden ticket contest in the month of March. The grade with the most individual golden tickets AND the grade with the most classroom golden tickets both won Dodgeball Tournaments! First grade earned the most individual tickets and second grade won the most classroom golden tickets. Both grades enjoyed a dodgeball tournament prize in the gym!
Hillcrest Elementary School
PBIS Assembly
Our PBIS assembly this month included an M&M Toss! Students and teachers were paired up and students had 1 minute to throw M&Ms into their teacher's mouth! Whoever had the most M&Ms caught at the end won!
Kindergarten received new school supplies from the HSA! We got to use them this week and loved them! Thank you HSA for helping us continue to learn!
Kindergarten has been practicing for their end of year kindergarten show coming up! We can't wait to see all their hardwork pay off on stage soon!
Kindergarten Center
Mrs. Carafides Teaches Students How to Compare and Contrast
Using their sense of touch to discover the differences between soil and leaf litter
All Ready for the Solar Eclipse!
Primos Elementary School
Solar Eclipse!
Students and Staff went outside on April 8th to experience the Solar Eclipse. Everybody looked great in their glasses!
Drama Club Presents: "Youtube: A Brand New Jukebox Musical"
Stonehurst Hills Elementary School
Teacher/Student Swap Day!
Students dressed like teachers and teachers dressed like students!
Counselor's Corner
Guidance Counselor: Marissa Difilippo
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month, age-appropriate counseling lesson topics were chosen regarding personal safety for grades 1-4.
First and second grade students learned about personal space! First grade listened to a social story about Harvey, who discovers the importance of personal space! Second grade took a trip to Personal Space Camp as we read Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook. Both grades got to use a hula hoop to visualize how big their personal space bubble should be, and how it feels when others are in our personal space bubble.
Third and fourth graders discussed the importance of cyber/internet safety. Students learned 12 tips for being safe online. Third grade played ‘Safe or Unsafe?’ in groups as we read through different online scenarios. Fourth grade created their own examples of safe social media posts or completed a worksheet about what they would do in certain unsafe cyber situations.
Westbrook Park Elementary
Reading MTSS
Westbrook Park had three second graders participate in the Young Author's competition this year. Their writing was submitted to the county. Congratulations to Janet Bangura, Mariatou Diallo, and Rodney Logan. Job well done!
Band & Orchestra
Band and orchestra students are practicing hard and gearing up for our concert on May 8th! A special congratulations goes out to Hazel O'Connell and Lillian Parmer for representing Westbrook Park at the PMEA 5/6 Strings Fest! They rehearsed and performed 6 very hard pieces of music with advanced students from approximately 30 schools around the region, including nine other students from Upper Darby School District
Upper Darby High School
Upper Darby Raises More Than $4,500!
On April 19th, Upper Darby High School participated in the April Showers event, a fundraiser for Special Olympics, and a sister event to February's Polar Plunge.
During April Showers, firemen from the Upper Darby Fire Department came and turned on their hoses so that students and adults alike could run through the water. Student participation was paid for through a fundraiser conducted by members of the Low Incidence group during which UDHS Inclusion t-shirts were sold. After the water festivities concluded, students participated in a dance party as well as lawn games. Joining the Upper Darby High School were students and staff from Drexel Hill Middle School, as well as members of the Upper Darby Soccer and Lacrosse teams. School Psychologist Stephani Pancerella, School Counselor Jason Krauth, Assistant Principal Will Moore, and Special Education Supervisor Jim Nielsen were excellent sports and agreed to be "pied" with whipped cream to raise extra funds!
Over $4,500 ($4,605 to be exact) was raised for April Showers, while $6,213 was raised for the Polar Plunge. This makes the total raised by the Upper Darby team nearly $11,000 ($10,818).
If you'd like to donate to the team, here's still time! Here's the donation link:
Mr. Moore, Mrs. Pancerella, Mr. Krauth, and Mr. Nielsen
Carlton and Ricardo with a new friend
Ethan reconnects with Miss Lisa
Student Honored for Academics and Community Outreach
On Sunday, April 7th, senior Payton Conway (pictured second to the left) was honored at the 2024 All Sports-Scholar Athlete Banquet hosted by the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Delco Chapter. Payton earned the Andy Talley Humanitarian Award, which is given to one high school boy and girl athlete in the Delco Chapter who have performed outstanding community service during their high school year, while participating in athletics, extracurriculars and maintaining exceptional grades. In Payton's time at Upper Darby High School, she has gone above and beyond to ensure all of her peers feel included and welcome. Payton has raised over $1,750 over the past four years for Special Olympics through the Polar Plunge and April Showers events individually. She has eaten lunch daily with students in the supplemental programs in the cafeteria. She has participated in the Kindness Rock project and peer tutoring. Payton has earned a Varsity letter for four separate sports. She has maintained exceptional grades at Upper Darby. She has participated in Student Government, Royal Educators, Sending Sunshine and ROC clubs. She is a member of the Youth Leadership Academy. She is an active member of of Rho Kappa, National Honor Society, National English Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. Payton plans to attend NC State next year to pursue a career in social work.
Congratulations Payton for being selected for this prestigious honor, and for spreading kindness
and inclusivity throughout the Upper Darby High School Community!
Pictured below: Mr. Benditt, Payton, Elise Olmstead (also named an All Sports Scholar Athlete), and
Mrs. Pancerella.