Guidance Newsletter
February 2017
Important Dates
February 6th-10th - National School Counseling Week
February 7th - NAEP Testing
February 8th - Early Release -Staff PD
February 14th - Valentine's Day
February 17th - Early Release -Winter Break
February 20th - No School - Presidents' Day
February 22nd - Advisory
Grade 6 Information
This month’s guidance lesson is focused on helping the students determine what learning style they use to learn best. Students will explore different learning styles, understand which fits them best, and identify strategies to meet their academic needs.
We are half way through the marking period. Students should be checking power school and self-advocating by asking their teachers what assignments they might be missing or assignments that they can improve on.
Grade 7 Information
Happy February 7th graders! It's hard to believe that midpoint of the marking period passed on 1/19 which means we are halfway through 7th grade, and 7th graders are half way through middle school already! Wow! Time is moving quickly! As the 2nd trimester comes to a close on 3/3 Mrs. Barber-Devine will continue to meet with students of academic concern. It is also important that students maintain regular attendance at school which has a direct impact on their grades.
Grade 8 Information
MONTHLY FOCUS - Benefits of Being Active
Active Kids Less Likely to be Depressed Later On
Good To Know Information
Babysitting Course
New Haven Interdistrict Magnet Schools
Student Recognition
Mrs. Barber-Devine - Grade 7
Mrs. Funaro - Grade 8
Email: contact@wallingfordschools.org
Website: wallingford.k12.ct.us
Location: 141 Hope Hill Road
Phone: (203) 741-2907
Twitter: @MoranCounseling