W.E.stchester Weekly

News from the Principal
Greetings WE Families,
We have had terrific learning taking place at Westchester. The students continue to experience meaningful outdoor learning with the Wylde Center and our neighbor, Woodland Gardens. Thank you to our PTA for supporting the on campus and off campus learning with the Wylde Center. This is a cost that your PTA funds cover.
The PTA Fall Festival is right around the corner. This was a great inaugural event last year. We are looking forward to this again next year. Come and enjoy an afternoon of fun. We do a have rainy weather backup plan so plan to join us on October 26th from 2-4 pm.
Calendar Reminders:
October 25th: Community Circle - ALL
October 26th: PTA Fall Festival
October 24th - 30th: Book Fair
November 5th: Election Day/ Digital Learning Day
From your very grateful principal,
Christine Knox
Calendar of Events
School Lunch Policy: Please be sure to maintain a positive lunch balance for your child. This will help us avoid any unexpected lunch changes for students. Check your Parent Portal frequently to make sure your child has adequate funds for the cafeteria. You may also find the Parent Portal app (for Apple or Android) to be more convenient.
PTA News
PTA Fall Festival
Silent Auction 😃
The highest bidder wins! Be sure to attend Fall Fest on 10/26 from 2:00-4:00 pm to bid on these and other items!!!!
Save the Date!
Bingo Night
Media Center News
James Dean is visiting Westchester! This is so exciting as so many wolves enjoy Pete the Cat books!
CSD News
Let's help our DHS Wolves!
A few former wolves are now at DHS and doing great work for our community! Let's help others and show our support.
Lost and found is collecting more items. Please label all jacket and coats as the season is changing. All items will be donate to the organization above if not picked up by the events end date.
UPDATE: 2024-25 Fit Georgia Assessment Waived
We previously communicated that all students enrolled in a PE class in CSD would be taking part in the state’s new Fit GA fitness assessment this year. However, due to continued, unresolved technical issues with the state’s new Fit GA platform, CSD has decided to waive participation in the Fit GA assessment for the 2024-25 school year. While some classes and students already participated in a pre-test, no classes or students will be post-tested this year.
Community News
Supper & Sips Returns!
Grab your friends and neighbors and help us celebrate the return of Decatur Education Foundation's highly-anticipated fall FUNdraiser - Supper & Sips! Join us on Thursday, Nov. 14th, from 6-10 pm at The Chapel on Sycamore for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship - all for a good cause. The Supper provides crucial support for DEF, allowing us to continue our work addressing unmet needs, providing enriching opportunities, and supporting our educators.
Get your tickets today! Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Email Meagan@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.
STEP UP for Decatur Youth!
DEF was founded more than 20 years ago by a group of residents who wanted to ensure that EVERY student in CSD had what they needed to learn and thrive. Today, DEF's mission remains focused on Decatur's kids and educators, and we are still 100% reliant on the support of the Decatur community. DEF puts the community's contributions where they will have the biggest impact on our students, and DEF's Step Up Circle is a special group of supporters that allows us to operate programs like Lighten the Load, Teacher Innovation Grants, behavioral health support, arts programming, and so much more. There are also benefits - for both businesses and individuals - to joining DEF's Step Up Circle (beyond the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from supporting Decatur's kids!). Visit https://decatureducationfoundation.org/step-up-circle/ to learn more about the different giving levels.
Reminders from Last Week
Visit past newsletters for answers to your questions 🤗
Westchester Elementary School
Who to Contact: Please see who the best contact is for your questions for a quicker response.
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Westchester
Location: 758 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westchesterelementarycsd