FES Sunday Message
March 3-7, 2025
FES News and Happenings
Grade 3 News...Students in grade 3 across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts participate in their first MCAS exam. Students will be tested in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The MCAS exam is a computer based exam in which students will take the exam on the computer. MCAS dates for students in Grade 3 at FES will be:
April 8 & 10 for English Language Arts
May 13 & 15 for Mathematics
Speaking of MCAS (Grade 3 Families)...Have you ever wondered what is it like to be a student and take the MCAS exam at the third grade level? Please consider joining Mr. Ward for the informational session. Together, we will discuss Next Generation MCAS (computer), what the test session looks like, what the questions look and read like, how scores are reported and what testing days will look and sound like for students. Please use this link to sign-up: https://forms.gle/8JHXRkGXYpMCjpqr7
- With that thought in mind, Grade 3 Parents/Guardians are cordially invited to a parent only MCAS Night at FES on Wednesday, March 19th from 6:00 - 7:30 PM.
- Parents/Guardians in grades preschool through grade 2 please do not feel left out. We offer this MCAS Parent Night each year to the grade 3 families. Your night will come within the next few years when your child is enrolled in third grade.
Read Across America Day...
Read Across America Day will take place on Sunday, March 2nd. Since it falls on a Sunday FES will recognize the day on Monday, March 3rd. Teachers will share with your child how they will celebrate our school of diverse readers.
Class Picture Day...
Class Picture Day will take place on Thursday, March 13th. Students with their classmates and teacher will take their Class Photo as well as their Spring individual photo. More information will be sent home in the upcoming days. Lifetouch is the Class Picture Day provider.
π Freetown Elementary School Day Schedule
π Weekly Lunch Menu
Grade 3 Chorus Performance at P-Bruins Game
There is a strong likelihood that when you are reading this the Grade 3 Chorus will have already performed "God Bless America" before the P-Bruins game on Sunday, March 2nd. We are certain they will have performed beautifully. Congratulations for performing before a large crowd.
Attendance Matters
- Goal: 94% of the Student Population will attend school daily.
- February 3-7: 94%...Met Goal!
- February 10-14: 91 %...Did not meet!
- February 17-21: February Vacation - no data recorded
- February 24-28: 95%...Met Goal!
For the month of February our daily student attendance average was 93.5%. Unfortunately we did not meet our goal. We at FES firmly believe we will rebound well in the month of March in which we hope student illnesses will be behind us as we welcome in a new month and brighter days.
News Around the Classrooms π£
Pre-School: This week in preschool we continued learning about community helpers with a specific focus on dentists. Projects included giant toothbrushes and βbrushingβ a tooth with white paint. Students also played a tooth math game and sorted pictures of food into healthy and unhealthy groups. We learned about the letter R and the sound it makes.
Kindergarten: In kindergarten, we started the week back with a review of rules, expectations and routines. We learned proper formation and initial/final sound for 2 letters this week- Rr, Ff. Our HFW were - he, with. For our comprehension skill we revisited topic/detail in informational texts. In print concepts we reviewed parts of a book and matching speech to print. We continued with phoneme segmentation and revisited identifying rhymes. In writing we stretched sounds to make words and sequencing events. Our math lesson focused on number sense to 100.
Grade 1: This week in first grade we learned about magic e with vowels e, o, and u. For comprehension we reviewed non fiction texts and how we gain information from these texts. In writing we are working on responding to a text using RACE (responding and answering a question). In math we learned about adding 2 digit numbers. For science we are finishing up the plant unit.
Grade 2: This week, second graders continued to develop their understanding of place value by reading and writing 3 digit numbers. In phonics, students learned to read and spell words with silent letters (gn, kn, mb, wr, sc). In reading, students continued to learn about text features and also started to compare and contrast stories. In writing, students continued to revise and edit their personal narratives. In science, students continued to classify and determine properties of matter.
Grade 3: This week in third grade, we worked on telling time to the nearest minute as well as elapsed time. In reading, students explored a new essential question: How do animals adapt to challenges in their habitat? Students read a variety of stories to explore this question and focused on the skill of comparing and contrasting. In science we continued to experiment with magnets.
Art: Third graders completed their Picasso inspired self portraits. Grade 2 painted beautiful cherry blossom designs on a paper vase shape, inspired by Japanese porcelain. First graders learned about Pop Art and started a fun 3 scoop ice cream cone while learning about values of color. Kindergartens finished their Alexander Calder inspired primary colors painting.
Music: This week, students K-3 have started the 6th and final week of their unit on listening. Grade 1 and Kindergarten will listen to music for dynamics, tempo and directions as well as music from Haydn. 2nd grade will listen to music of Beethoven and respond to vocal and instrumental musical elements. 3rd grade will listen to music to evaluate their own performance on the recorder.
Library: This week in the library, we celebrated the fantastic work of the 3rd grade students who put together video-based retellings of several folktale and fairytale stories. FES students watched the 3rd grade video presentations and filled out a response sheet on Google Forms.
Physical Education: This week 2nd and 3rd grade students practiced their dribbling, passing and shooting basketball skills. First grade and kindergarten students reviewed dribbling and practiced their shooting skills.
Upcoming Events π
March 3: Read Across America Day
March 10: March PTO Meeting
March 10 - 14: Math Week
March 13: Class Picture Day
March 14: Term II closes
March 19: MCAS Night for Grade 3 Parents/Guardians
March 26: Term II report cards are sent home
March 26: FES School Council Meeting
March 27: FES Library Night from 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Freetown Elementary School PTO Corner π
PTO meetings will be held in person and virtually. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 10th. PTO are both in person in the FES Library and/or available virtually. The meeting link will be provided the week prior to the PTO Meeting.
FES PTO website is...https://freetownelementarypto.weebly.com/
First Student Bus Company is HIRING!
Are you or someone you know looking for part time work? Become a bus driver WE NEED YOU! Great pay and full training provided! Starting pay is $33.27 per hour. Please contact Ken at 508-763-9260 or go to workfirst.com for more information.