Sayéik: GastiNEWS!!
October 28, 2024
Principal's Note
Hello SGCS families,
It's Halloween week! I hope everyone got out and enjoyed some of the local festivities over the weekend! We will celebrate at school on Thursday. See your child(ren)'s teacher's email outlining the details. Here are the expectations for costumes:
- Costumes must be culturally sensitive and respectful.
- No masks, weapons, or scary facepaint/masks
And while we all love Halloween, the tricks, and the treats, we ask that you keep candy at home! If we see candy at school we will ask kids to put it back in their backpack!
Have a great week!
In partnership,
Stacy Diouf
SGCS Principal
Student Drop Off
It's the time of year when it's dark and roads can be very slippery! Please do not drop off students on I street. Traffic gets backed up all the way to the intersection and it is unsafe for our students and staff. It also makes it difficult for kids to cross in the crosswalk.
We have added a sign in the crosswalk to remind drivers to SLOW down and be aware of staff helping students cross the road.
Long Weekend ahead!
Monday, November 11: No School - Veteran's Day (Thank you to all who served!)
Tuesday, November 12: No School - Teacher Inservice
Wednesday, November 13: No School - Teacher Inservice
Remote Learning Information
Often, when school buildings are closed, the district will still operate via remote learning. Remote instruction information is available on the district website.
Remote instruction days will be clearly communicated to staff and families. You will receive additional information from your child's teacher(s) and/or school about what to do. Middle and High School students should check Canvas for their coursework. Elementary students will hear from their teacher.
If your student needs a district Chromebook for winter use, just use this form to request a device.
If you need help with a district device or with logging into an online learning platform, please contact the JSD Help Desk at 907-796-5899 or email IT@juneauschools.org
Event at JDHS
Check out the event at JDHS - see flyer below.