Hollywood Hill Happenings
June 10th Edition
From the Principal
Hello Hollywood Hill Families,
Budgetary Impacts
As families have learned about budgetary impacts and changes across Northshore School District some have wondered about the direct impact on Hollywood Hill. The most significant change that parents may notice is that based on our enrollment and adjustments with staffing allocations, we will have one less general education classroom teacher next year. This year we have sixteen classroom teachers K-5th grade and next year we will have fifteen. With this change, no teachers are losing a job, but based on district seniority, we do have one teacher that will be reassigned to a different building next year.
I understand that this may cause concern for families. Please know we are currently working to create classrooms next year that are balanced and that align within the Northshore’s teacher to student ratios. This work, along with other strategic systems of support that we are working to put in place for next year that will benefit students and teachers, makes us feel confident that we can continue to foster student achievement with our allocated resources. I will share the specific number of classrooms for each grade level during my August communication. This is because we continue to get enrollment over the summer and I want to make sure to have the most accurate numbers and information before finalizing decisions around classroom configurations. Thank you for your patience and I understand you are eager to know this information.
*For more information about the Northshore Budget, I have linked the presentation shared with our PTA during our last general meeting.
Appreciations for Those Not Next Year
In thinking about changes in staffing I want to again express my appreciation for our dedicated staff who care deeply about each of their students and especially acknowledge those staff that will not be returning next year so students and families can share their goodbyes and appreciation. *Please note, I have indicated the reason for each staff member leaving as not all are related to budget.
Mrs. Ruchi Bains, School Technology Specialist (STS) - Mrs. Bains will be moving to Texas at the end of the school year to be closer to family. Mrs. Bains has been our STS for the last five years. She was key in ensuring all students had access to technology both during the pandemic and has continued to assist staff and students with technology needs ever since. The last few months, Mrs. Bains has played a big role in assisting with capturing images and videos as we began to provide our Monday Morning Announcements.
Ms. Annamarie Mahler, Learning Center/Special Education Teacher - Ms. Mahler served in this role since January of this year. Since joining Hollywood Hill, Mrs. Mahler formed strong relationships with the students she served and has continued to leverage her team of para educators and assigned District behavior technicians in support of meeting the specific needs of students. Given the time of time of year that Ms. Mahler was hired, her contract was for the rest of the school year only which is the only reason she will not be returning.
Mrs. Yuki Piper, Special Education Para Educator in Kindergarten - Mrs. Piper joined Hollywood Hill this January within this role and made a big impact on the academic and social and emotional growth of our kindergarteners. In watching her work with students, they viewed her as another teacher in the classroom as she was always so thoughtful in how she could provide just the right amount of support to foster student interdependence. With budget cuts, Mrs. Piper’s position and the same positions around the district are being eliminated which is why she is not returning.
Ms. Judith Robb, Office Manager - Ms. Robb has worked for Northshore School District for a total of twenty-five years and has been at Hollywood Hill for the last thirteen years. Within her time, Ms. Robb has been a key part of ensuring Hollywood Hill is operating at the highest level through various leadership transitions by supporting communication with families, managing materials for staff, and being there to assist students coming to the office…and the list of impact could go on and on! I want to thank Ms. Robb for giving it her all through to the end as she has been essential in supporting my transition mid year to Hollywood Hill.
Ms. Kelsea Taylor, 2nd Grade EAP Teacher - While this is just Ms. Taylor’s first year at Hollywood Hill, her previous teaching experience has made a big impact in her short time here. In the classroom, Ms. Taylor has been focused on using engagement strategies that align to student interests and support their individual needs. Outside the classroom, Ms. Taylor was key in establishing the Star Celebration Assemblies this year and supporting other school-wide efforts around Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions. Ms. Taylor is our teacher being reassigned to another school within the Northshore School District.
Mx. Kirsten Zoba (Dean Z) - Mx. Kirsten Zoba stepped in to share the position of Dean of Students with Mrs. O’Rourke in October of this year as both engage in administrative internships in other buildings. In addition to supporting behavior, Mx. Zoba played a significant role in supporting students in feeling heard with her deep listening skills and intentional word choice to let individual students know they matter. The sharing of the dean position was for this school year only which is the reason Mx. Zoba is leaving.
District Behavior Technicians - We have several District staff that have been assigned to Hollywood Hill to work 1:1 with specific students this year. Next year, Reece Barrows, Marie South, Chloe Stedman will all have different assignments next year. We have appreciated their positive and proactive approach to support behavior this year.
Finally, we wish all the best to our 5th grade students moving on to middle school and to our families moving elsewhere over the summer months. Each one of our students, staff, and community members will be missed. Our Star Shine is not just something we practice here at school, it truly stays with each one of us wherever we go and shapes the way we interact with our friends and family as well as our community because we are always looking to be our best self.
Kind Regards,
Kate Eicher, Principal
Hollywood Hill
-A Place Where Every Star Shines
Important Upcoming Dates
- 6/15: 5th Grade Marimba Band playing at Woodinville Farmers Market - 1:00 pm
- 6/19: NO SCHOOL - Juneteenth
- 6/20: 5th Grade Picnic at Cottage Lake Park - 10:00 am-1:45 pm
- 6/21: 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony - 2:00-4:00 pm
- 6/24: Field Day
- 6/25: Last Day of School - Dismissal at 12:00 pm
- 6/28: Report Cards available in Parent VUE
From the Music Room
Hollywood Hill's 5th Grade Marimba Band will be performing at the Woodinville Farmers Market on Saturday, June 15th @1pm on the Stage. Come and join us for the fun!!
Questions? Email Ms. Lin: ylin@nsd.org
From PE
Now that the sun is here (YAY!), this is a reminder that students still need to wear closed toed shoes in PE class. Sandals and flip flops are VERY unsafe and are not meant to be worn when moving actively. Students will continue to have PE class until the end of the school year, so please send them to school with safe footwear for active movement. This includes Monday, June 24th which is Field Day.
Thank you for your continued support!
Victoria Gray
Milena Westford
HH PE Department
From the Library
Library Notes
Library Books are due! Students can check their own library accounts by going to the Clever Tile “Follett Destiny Back Office” and selecting the “My Info” tab. All books are due on June 14th. Notices will be sent out via email. All books not returned will be marked lost on June 20th which will create a fine to replace the book. If the book is returned or replaced with an exact copy, the fine will be deleted. Fines can be paid at the Hollywood Hill main office or through Touchbase. (Please note, there is a fee for online payment). Book fines are refunded if the book is returned within 120 days of being marked lost.
Summer Reading!
King County Library System Summer Reading Program: Pick up a summer reading log at your KCLS branch or create an account/login to Beanstack to track reading online. Info here: Link to KCLS summer reading.
Sora! Use the Clever tile to login to both Northshore and King County Library System Overdrive eBook collection (Sora is the kid version of Libby). Find out more here.
From the Health Room
News from the Nurse – What to do now and planning for next school year
Medications Stored at School
All medications at school must be picked up before 1:00 pm on June 25, 2024. If your student does not have a life-threatening condition and needs the medication at school till the end of the day on June 25th, please consider picking up the medication any time before this. Email the date and time you will be picking up the medication. Nurse Darleene's email: dmatheson@nsd.org
Medications for 2024-25
New Medication Forms must be completed by the parent/guardian and health care provider for the 2024-25 school year. Medication authorization forms expire at the end of each school year and medication cannot be stored over the summer. Make sure you make your request to the health care provider before August. Clinics get very busy and may not be able to complete your request if submitted after mid- August. Medication Authorization Forms can be found on the NSD website https://www.nsd.org/schools/get-started/health-services
Students with Life Threatening Conditions
Per state law, medication/treatment forms must be signed by a health care provider and a parent/guardian. All supplies and a health care plan must be in place before the first day of school attendance. You must contact the nurse to prepare or update the health care plan the week before school starts to prepare for your student’s safe attendance. A telephone or in-person appointment may be scheduled by contacting the nurse by email or phone. Let me know if you need an earlier meeting time.
Darleene Matheson, RN Phone:425-408-4706, dmatheson@nsd.org
Immunization Reminder
Immunization requirements must be up to date before the first day of school attendance in the 2024-25 school year.
*2024-25 Immunization Requirements
English https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-12/348295-ParentSchoolChart-2024-2025.pdf
Spanish https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-12/348295-ParentSchoolChart-2024-2025-Spanish.pdf
Vision and Hearing Screening Volunteers are needed for next school year
Sept 26, 2024 is the set date for the health screenings. Please contact the school nurse by email if you may be interested in volunteering. No prior experience is necessary.
Darleene Matheson, RN
School Nurse
Care Team Liaison and Emergency Prep Coordinator
Hollywood Hill Elementary School
Email: dmatheson@nsd.org
From our Technology Department
Student Chromebooks over the Summer
Students currently in grades 2-5 returning to ANY NSD school for the 2024-25 school year will keep their assigned computing devices over the summer months to allow for continuous learning.
- Students and families are expected to take care of their assigned devices by following NSD Chromebook Care guidelines, keeping them charged and in their protective case when not in use. Students are liable for any preventable hardware damage. A device protection plan for accidental damage is available to purchase through July. Check this website for more information.
- For support using their device, troubleshooting technical issues, or reporting damage over the summer, families should create a help ticket at http://go.nsd.org/studenttechhelp.
- Families who wish to decline to keep a device over the summer should complete the opt-out form by Friday, June 14th. Here's the link to the opt-out form: https://go.nsd.org/optout. If opting out, students will keep their Chromebook at school the last week.
Students Withdrawing
Families who withdraw from Northshore are expected to return any technology devices assigned to their students, including computers, tablets, hotspots, and all accessories such as bags and chargers before their last day.
Let us know your student is withdrawing by emailing mbarringer@nsd.org as soon as you are aware your student will be withdrawing. Withdrawing students who do not return their devices and accessories will be issued a fine for unreturned items.
Community Serve Day - August 25th, 9am-1pm
Please join us on campus Sunday, August 25 for Community Serve Day! This is a great family event, so invite your friends and neighbors to join from 9am-1pm (participants are not required to stay the entire time).
Registration is now open and can be found at https://communityserveday.org/. Once on the page, select "Sign Up Now," choose "Hollywood Hill Elementary," and fill out the pertinent information. The volunteer number isn't capped so we're looking for as many participants as possible to tackle our project list.
Snacks will be provided, but we encourage volunteers to bring water bottles as well as labeled garden tools (wheelbarrows, rakes, shovels/spades, pruning shears, buckets, leaf blowers, watering cans). We are also hoping to secure a couple power washers. Please reach out if you can bring your power washer and assist with power washing that day or prior to the event.
Don't hesitate to reach out with questions you may have: outreach@hhillpta.org. We look forward to seeing you there!
From our Care Team
Backpacks for Kids is back! Helping families in need plan ahead for next school year.
Registration is now open June 1st-Aug. 1st (Click here)https://forms.office.com/r/vQ28mNZjik
*this service is intended to support low income and families in financial need.
Pre-K through 12th grade students attending Northshore schools or programs in the 24/25 school year
Students who have received a backpack from the Northshore Schools Foundation in the past
Students whose families need assistance to get them ready to learn in Sept.
If you have questions please reach out to your:
school’s Care Team Liaison, Darleene Matheson: dmatheson@nsd.org
The Northshore Schools Foundation at info@nsdfoundation.org
From Northshore School District
Northshore preschool programs are now enrolling children, ages 3-5. The preschool years are among the most critical in a child's life that influence learning. The Northshore School District is committed to providing the support that our youngest learners need to prepare them to succeed in school, cultivate friendships, and create a sense of community and belonging. The district proudly offers a variety of inclusive general education learning environments.
Available preschool programs include both FREE and tuition-based options.
FREE Programs: Head Start and Ready Start
Eligibility is determined by the child’s age, family income, and opportunity gaps. These programs are located at Sorenson Early Childhood Center, Woodmoor Elementary, and Arrowhead Elementary Spaces will be filled on a first come first serve basis for eligible families. Families are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible. The information on the application is confidential and used only to determine a child’s eligibility for the programs. The District does not require, check, or report on immigration or DSHS status. View the applications for income-eligible free preschool.
Tuition Programming
The Ready Start programs are located at Sorenson Early Childhood Center and Woodmoor Elementary. Spaces will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Families are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible. View the application for tuition-based programs.
To learn more about any of our district preschool programs, visit the Northshore Early Childhood District website.
Families who have questions can call (425) 408-5517.
From the PTA
From the PTA President
Hello Stars!
Even as we approach the end of another fantastic school year, we have some exciting celebrations ahead! While we savor these special moments, we are also busy planning for the next school year. This is where we need your help.
Our school events are the heart and soul of our community, creating cherished memories for our children and families. However, these events are entirely volunteer-driven. Without dedicated volunteers to lead and support each event, we won’t be able to make them happen.
To ensure that the events your children and family look forward to each year continue, we ask you to please take a moment to fill out the PTA-sponsored events survey. Your input is invaluable in helping us identify which events you cherish most, and where you might be able to lend a hand.
Your participation and support are what make our school community so special. Together, we can make next year even more memorable for our students.
🏅Field Day: Mark your calendars as June 24th is right around the corner. We still have a few volunteer spots to fill - please sign up if you’re able!
🎓 And let's not forget our fabulous 5th graders! They're gearing up for their celebrations, so let's show them all the love and support they deserve as they embark on this exciting new chapter. Please volunteer for the picnic at Cottage Lake if you can!
Stay tuned for more updates and let's make these final school moments memorable! 🎈
June Volunteer Opportunities
Art Docent Shelves, we are looking for a volunteer to help us build some shelves for storing all our Art Docent Supplies. Please reach out to: Sarah Nelson events@hhillpta.org
Food Drive: extra items to donate. We had a very successful food drive and some items we are not able to keep so we would like to share these with a local food shelter. We need 1 volunteer to pick up and deliver the items. Please email Rachel president@hhillpta.org
5th Grade Picnic: details and sign up here SIGN UP LINK
Field Day: details and sign up here
PTA General Membership Meeting: June 11 (final meeting for the school year)
Join us for our final PTA General Membership Meeting of the school year! This important gathering will include:
Voting on new board members
Discussing the 2025 school calendar
Reviewing the 2025 budget
Sharing key updates and plans for the next school year
Your participation is crucial in shaping our school's future. We look forward to your input and support!
🗓️ Date: June 11th
⏰ Time: 6:30-8:00pm
📍 Location: School Library & Hybrid
We are kindly asking for donations from 5th grade families to fund a Legacy Gift from the Class of 2031 & 5th Grade Teacher gifts, by 6/18.
Our suggested donation is $40-$80 per family. Donations are not required, but even $5 can help if you are able. Thank you for your consideration!
Click here for PayPal
Send a check or cash in an envelope in with your student to put in the PTA Money Box in the front office written to Hollywood Hill Elementary PTA
📸 If you have any photos of the Class of 2031 from over the years that you’d like to see in the slideshow, please send them to 5thgrade@hhillpta.org asap!
☀️ A few more volunteers are still needed for the 5th Grade Picnic on 6/20 - please consider helping out if you can. Thank you!
FIELD DAY: ‘Let the Games Begin’! | Monday, June 24th
Please consider signing up to volunteer here!
3-5 Grade: 9:40 - 11:40am
K-2 & 2/3 split: 1:30 - 3:40pm
And a HUGE thank you to our generous sponsors who have contributed to our "grade-color" items our students will receive on event day!
Presenting Sponsors: Hollywood Hill PTA & Compass | Aishwarya Sriraj
Supporting Sponsors: Master Kims Tae Kwon Do & Premier Events
Co-Sponsor: Grousemont Property
Community Serve Day | Sunday, August 25th (9am-1pm)
‘23/’24 PTA Reimbursements Due | Wed 6/12
We want to reimburse you!
Please email completed Reimbursement Forms with receipts to Nicolette Stocker at treasurer@hhillpta.org by Wed 6/12, or drop off hardcopies at the PTA inbox in the HHE front office. Purchases made for Room Parent End of Year parties are due no later than Wed 6/26.
Room Parent Funds (up to $250 per class/school year)
Classroom Grants (up to $200 per teacher)
Community Event, Outreach, Enrichment, EPrep, DEI supplies/costs
Etc. Etc.
June 11: PTA Membership Meeting
June 21: 5th Grade Ceremony
June 24: Field Day
June 25: End of year class parties & last day of school
July 15: Kindergarten Playdate
Aug 25: Community Serve Day
Aug 29: Kindergarten Playdate
SAVE THE DATE: Hollywood Hill School Auction - March 29, 2025