Chippewa News
An e-newsletter from Chippewa Middle School
Weekly Schedule
Tickets on sale in the front office $5 for the Back to School Blast!
After School Activity:
- None
Tickets on sale in the front office $5 for the Back to School Blast!
After School Activity:
- Middle School Dance Team - Meet in small gym
Tickets on sale in the front office $5 for the Back to School Blast!
After School Activity:
- None
Tickets on sale in the front office $5 for the Back to School Blast!
After School Activity:
- Middle School Dance Team - Meet in small gym
- 6:00 PM 6th Grade Parent Information Night - More information below
Tickets on sale in the front office $5 for the Back to School Blast!
2:30-4:00 PM Back to School Blast
The school year has officially begun and we are so excited to have students back in the building! Students were excited to see friends and are getting the hang of lockers and the building! We hope your students had a great week. Please don't hesitate to reach out with an questions you may have!
6th Grade Parent Information Night
Parents/guardians of Chippewa 6th graders, please plan to attend the 6th grade Parent Information Night on Thursday, September 12th. You will learn more about your student's day with a brief presentation at 6:00 p.m. in the Chippewa Auditorium. Following the presentation, you will have the opportunity to walk your students' schedule.
If you are a parent/guardian of a music student, presentations about the band, choir, or orchestra curriculum will start BEFORE the auditorium presentation in the following areas:
6th Grade Orchestra Parents/Guardians will meet at 5:30 pm in the Cafeteria
6th Grade Band Parents/Guardians will meet at 5:30 in the Band Room (115)
6th Grade Choir Parents/Guardians will meet at 5:30 in the Choir Room (118)
Tickets on sale Monday, in the front office for $5!
Students, plan to come to the biggest party of the year, connect with old friends, and make some new ones! The event is held after school on Friday, September 13th, until 4:00 p.m. Parents, please plan to pick up your students promptly at 4:00. If you have any questions, stop at the front desk. Wristbands will be sold in the front office starting Monday, September 9th, for $5.
Parents, you are also invited to join the fun! You can sign up to volunteer here! Your support is crucial in making this event a success. Parent volunteers can have fun, connect with students in their 'school habitat,' and help make the BLAST memorable. Teachers and Deans will be there, but we need parents to help with all of this fun, too. Thank you for your support!
School pictures taken at Chippewa Middle School on Tuesday, August 27th, are now available for parents to view and order online. If you purchase any images, they will be mailed directly home. Student IDs will be sent to the school and distributed upon receipt.
You can view and order your student's picture on this website:
You will need the following information to access your student's pictures:
- School Name: Chippewa Middle School
- Event Code: FE53124
- Student ID: 6-digit unique student ID (This can be located in ParentVUE and StudentVUE under Student Info)
Picture retake day is scheduled for Friday, September 27th.
Chippewa Advisory Council - ChAC
The first ChAC meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 25th at 6 pm virtually. You can join the meeting by clicking here on 9/25 @ 6 pm. A reminder email will be also be sent the day of the meeting.
Science Olympiad Initial Student Interest Survey
Chippewa is beginning the 24-25 season of Science Olympiad. Parents, if your student is interested in participating in Science Olympiad please have them complete this short sign up survey. This informs the coaches as to who is interested in Science Olympiad for the 24-25 Season. (Note that students must be logged into their school google account to access the survey). We will have an initial student and parent information meeting on Wednesday, September 25th after school at 2:30pm for students and 3:30pm for parents. Practices will be held every Wednesday starting October 2nd. For more information contact either coach: Sarah Wachter ( or Andrea Smoley (
7th and 8th Grade Parent Information Night
On Tuesday, September 17th we invite all 7th and 8th grade Chippewa parents/guardians to learn more about their student's day with a brief presentation in the Chippewa Auditorium starting at 6:00 PM. Following the presentation, you will have the opportunity to walk your student's schedule and meet his/her teachers. More details will be available next week but for now save the night, Tuesday, September 17th to spend time at Chippewa Middle School.
Just a few reminders about dropping off in the morning: The busy time is 7:25–7:45 am. If your family can, please consider dropping off between 7:00 and 7:25 am. The morning circle is a lot less congested, and your student will have ample time to get to their first hour by 7:45 am.
Thank you for following all traffic signs and laws, using your cell phone hands-free, using turn signals, turning right at the stop sign starting at 7:25 am, and pulling all the way forward at the parent circle. Check out the video linked here for more information.
Charger Apparel Store is open!
Show your school spirit! Shop from a selection of t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, vests and other accessories for your school here. Stores are open through Friday, Sept. 6.
Registration is open for our fall activities! For the most up-to-date information visit the MV Community Education website.