What's Up Westside
December 6, 2024
At A Glance
- December 6: AAPI Club Fundraiser: "Moana" (WSHS Theater, 6:30pm)
- December 7: Fundraiser for WSHS Music (WS Eagles, 5pm)
- December 9: FOWSMD Meeting (7pm, Via Zoom)
- December 10: Yearbook Presale Ends (Via SchoolPay)
- December 10: Parent 2 Parent Night (Room 129, 6–7:30pm)
- December 11: Cookies & Cocoa for WSHS Staff (Volunteer Sign Up)
- December 14: Saturday School (WSHS Library, 9am–12pm)
- December 15: Cap and Gown Orders Due (Via National Achiever)
- December 17: Jazz Ensembles I and II Concert (WSHS Theater, 7pm)
- December 18: School Board Regular Meeting (JSCEE 4:15pm)
- December 18: Orchestra and Choir Concert (WSHS Theater, 7pm)
- December 19: Band and Percussion Concert (WSHS Theater, 7pm)
For WSHS Families
AAPI Club Fundraiser
Friday, December 6, WSHS Theater, 6:30pm, Tickets
WSHS families are invited to a screening of "Moana ." All proceeds benefit the AAPI Club. Bring cash for concessions!
Fundraiser for WSHS Music
Saturday, December 7, West Seattle Eagles, 4426 California Ave SW, 5pm
Enjoy a garden lasagna meal and live music performed by WSHS music ensembles. The price is $14 per person, and all proceeds will be donated directly to the WSHS Music program. No Eagles membership is necessary to attend; all in the community are welcome!
FOWSMD Meeting
Monday, December 9, 7pm, Via Zoom
Friends of West Seattle Music and Drama is a non-profit organization supporting the WSHS Music and Drama departments through volunteer efforts and fundraising. Please consider becoming part of our vibrant arts community. We'd love you to join us! We are in the middle of our fall fund drive. We are almost entirely funded through donations so we can use all the help we can get. Visit www.wsmusicanddrama.org for more information.
2024–2025 Yearbook Pre-Sale
Through December 10, $55.00 via SchoolPay
Purchase your yearbook in advance as availability is limited! The 2024–2025 Kimtah Yearbook will be on sale for three weeks. Purchase online via SchoolPay or bring $55 in cash, check (payable to WSHS), debit card or credit card to the Fiscal Office during lunch or before and after school. Questions? Email Maria Penner, Fiscal Specialist, mpenner@seattleschools.org.
Parent 2 Parent Night
Tuesday, December 10, Room 129, 6–7:30pm
Please join us in The Care Center to sip on some warm beverages and meet other WSHS parents and guardians. Enter through the Historical entrance. Questions? Please email School Social Worker Crissa Parsley or Westside HEY Coalition Coordinator Amy DeWolf.
Cookies & Cocoa for WSHS Staff
Wednesday, December 11, Drop Off 7–10am, Sign Up
The PTSA is hosting a holiday Cookies & Cocoa Bar to shower some much deserved love and appreciation on our WSHS staff before we head into winter break. Please sign up to donate festive holiday treats to fill the bellies and buckets of our hardworking WSHS teachers and staff! We also need a couple of volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up. Thank you for helping us to spread some holiday cheer to these amazing humans who nurture and care for our students every day!
Winter Concerts
All Concerts are in the WSHS Theater, 7pm
WSHS Music is excited to present the results of their hard work
- Tuesday, December 17 – Jazz Ensembles I and II
- Wednesday, December 18 – Orchestra and Choir
- Thursday, December 19 – Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble
Free Student Meals at School
Your student may qualify for free or reduced-price meals at WSHS! Visit MySchoolApps to complete the online application. Qualification is based on household income, and families must reapply every year. Students who qualify receive additional benefits including reduced fees for the following programs:
- Event Fees
- Field Trips
- Advanced Placement Tests
- Running Start Books
- Associated Student Body (ASB) Fees
- Pre-College Exams (PSAT/SAT/ACT)
- College Application Fees
Request Accommodations for AP Exams for Students with an IEP or 504
Deadline is January 24 , 2025
To take an AP Exam with accommodations, a student must be approved for each accommodation by the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. Each student must work with their high school’s AP or SSD Coordinator to ensure their request for accommodations has been accurately submitted to the College Board. Please visit the College Board’s website to learn more about accommodations for students with existing 504 or IEP plans.
Note that if a student has previously been approved for an accommodation for any of the other College Board exams (e.g., PSAT/SAT, CLEP, etc.), then the student automatically qualifies for the same accommodation for all AP exams and no further action is required. If a student recently qualified for new accommodations, a request must be submitted by the family and the high school’s SSD Coordinator to the College Board.
For questions, please contact your high school’s AP Coordinator, Amy Doll, at asdoll@seattleschools.org.
Unified Packed the Stands
Members of our Unified basketball program teamed up with our varsity boys and girls basketball teams for an epic game on Thursday night. Thanks to our band and cheer for coming out to support.
A special shoutout to Rachel Myers, the leader of West Seattle’s Unified and Special Olympics program, for arranging this event for the first time in our building. Her work has helped build the foundation of this program and it’s why WSHS is an ESPN Honor roll school.
Student Life
Saturday School
Saturday, December 14, WSHS Library, 9am–12pm
Students, don't spend winter break worrying about grades and class projects! Contact your teachers and get missing or late assignments, then come to Saturday School. Additional support will be available for students who are currently facing academic challenges in core classes. Bring your laptop, missing work, and a desire to learn. Breakfast is provided! Questions about Saturday School? Contact Amy Doll at asdoll@seattleschools.org.
Cap and Gown Orders Due Now
Deadline is Sunday, December 15
Seniors, it's time to place your order with National Achiever for your cap and gown, graduation announcements, and other senior swag. If you miss this deadline, there will be a delay in receiving your cap and gown and other graduation items and you may incur an expedited processing fee. Please call National Achiever Services with any questions at (425) 357-1338.
Class of 2025 Yearbook Deadlines
Seniors, be a part of the Kimtah Yearbook (Details and Links):
- January 10, 2025: Senior Portrait and Baby Photo Due
- January 31, 2025: Senior Shoutout Due
World Language Credit Testing
Students who are proficient in another language may be able to earn high school credit! Seattle Public Schools offers World Language Credit Testing in many languages on the following dates:
- January 18, 2025
- February 15, 2025
Find out more information about World Language Credit Testing, including languages offered and eligibility criteria.
Save the Date for Winter Formal
Saturday, February 1, 2025
PTSA Presents
Public School Funding Teach-In and Advocacy Training
Thursday, January 23, 2025, WSHS Library, 6–8pm
The WSHS PTSA is hosting an teach-in for families that will include an overview of how Seattle Public Schools are funded, where that funding fails to meet Washington State’s constitutional obligations, and what our community can do to help create sufficient and consistent sources of public school funding. Topics covered will include the 2025 state legislative session and school levies, the People’s Big 5 funding proposal, and advocacy opportunities such as the Billion Dollar Bakesale and the Olympia lobbying days on January 30 and February 17. Speaker information and further details to follow, as they are confirmed. Please direct questions and suggestions to Paul Bugala at legistlative@wshsptsa.org.
Join the PTSA!
The WSHS PTSA advocates for our students, supports school staff, and builds community. It takes members like you to do this well! Become a member of the WSHS PTSA today. The WSHS PTSA offers membership scholarships to those who are unable to afford membership dues; please email membership@wshsptsa.org. Be a part of making WSHS the school community you want!
Counseling Corner
Seattle Gap year Fair
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Roosevelt HS, 6–8:30pm, Register Now
Connect with gap year program providers, counselors, alumni, and college admissions representatives to learn about taking a gap year, including applying for gap year scholarships.
Seattle Promise Scholarship
Applications Due Friday, February 14, 2025, Apply Now
The Seattle Promise scholarship provides up to two years or 90 credits of tuition at one of the three Seattle Colleges. All SPS graduates from the Class of 2025 are eligible for Seattle Promise, regardless of GPA, income, or country of birth.
Book an Appointment with Your School Counselor
The WSHS Counseling Office prioritizes student meetings. Students can book an appointment with their assigned school counselor below:
- Last Names A–Et, Book an appointment with Erica Nguyen
Last Names Ev–Mad, Book an appointment with Kinsey Hedeen
Last Names Mah–Pet, Book an appointment with Mallory Neuman
Last Names Ph–Z, Book an appointment with Christine Nutters
Parents/caregivers who would like to speak with a counselor should please email wshscounseling@seattleschools.org
Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- December 6: Bowling vs. Nathan Hale (West Seattle Bowl 3pm)
- December 6: Gymnastics Meet (WSHS 7pm)
- December 7: Wrestling Tournament (Chief Sealth HS 10am)
- December 7: Flag Football vs. Seattle Academy (Seattle Center 12pm)
- December 7: Flag Football vs. Lakeside (Seattle Center 1pm)
- December 9: Bowling vs. Roosevelt (West Seattle Bowl 3pm)
- December 10: Boys Basketball vs. Garfield (Garfield HS 7:30pm)
- December 11: Girls Basketball vs. Garfield (Garfield HS 7:30pm)
- December 12: Wrestling vs. Garfield (Chief Sealth HS 6pm)
- December 12: Wrestling vs. Ballard (Chief Sealth HS 7:30pm)
- December 13: Bowling vs. Ingraham (West Seattle Bowl 3pm)
- December 13: Girls Basketball vs. Lincoln (WSHS 5:30pm)
- December 13: Gymnastics Meet (Roosevelt HS 7pm)
- December 13: Boys Basketball vs. Rainier Beach (WSHS 8:30pm)
Seattle Public Schools News
School Board Regular Meeting
Wednesday, December 18, JSCEE, 4:15 pm
The Seattle School Board welcomes members of the public to the Regular meetings of the Board. Meeting agendas and relevant materials are posted at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. This meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV.
Black College Expo
Saturday, January 18, 2025, Rainier Beach HS, 10am–3pm, Register Now
The FREE expo is open to students of all ages. Everyone is welcome! Meet with representatives from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), other colleges, universities and educational programs. More than 50 colleges will be there, ready to waive application fees, accept students on the spot, and award scholarships. High school juniors and seniors should bring their transcripts and ACT or SAT scores.
Students are also invited to participate in an essay writing contest for a chance to win scholarship money. The topic is “Why is a college education important to me.” Submit your 500-word essay by Monday, January 6, 2025.
Community Connections
College Planning Webinar
Tuesday, December 10, 7pm, Via Zoom
Join a a FREE college planning webinar to learn about the latest changes to college admissions. Find out how these changes might impact your high school student on their path to college.
- Teri Thompson, of Thompson College Consulting, will discuss the latest from the UW, including the role of extracurricular activities in the college process. She will also discuss merit scholarships and surprisingly affordable international options.
- Greg Smith, of Northwest Educational Services will discuss the test-optional landscape and how students can prepare for tests, including the new Digital SAT and updates to the ACT.
- Finally, financial planner Albert Israel will talk about the updated FAFSA, how college aid is quantified, and what you can do to prepare when it comes to planning for paying for college.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.