Hawk Highlights
Friday, October 11, 2024
Upcoming Dates
October 14- Indigenous Peoples' Day, No School
October 25- Picture Retake Day
November 5- Election Day, No School
November 27-29-Thanksgiving Break, No School
Highland Room Parents Needed
Each Highland homeroom has several volunteer Room Parents that work together to host the Halloween and Valentine's Day class parties. Room Parents attend the classroom celebrations, and help with planning and running an activity/game or with distributing plates, napkins, refreshments & treats, etc.
The below homeroom teachers still need Room Parents (Sign-up to be a Room Parent):
Ms. Barnett (1st grade)
Ms. Nielsen (5th grade)
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Mission Moment
Students and staff gathered outside during this year's first fire drill.
Highland PTA would like to thank everyone who came and supported the Fall Book Fair. Without you, we would not have such an event during Parent Teacher Conferences. Thank you for dropping by, volunteering some of your time, and most importantly, supporting our Highland library and classroom libraries!
If your child missed out on the fair (or already finished every new book), there’s still time to shop! Our book fair will continue online through October 23rd. Every online purchase also directly benefits Highland.
Click below and shop our school’s fair online: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/highlandelementaryschool14
Bullying Prevention Month
One of the most important things we can do to prevent bullying is to teach our children to be upstanders. An upstander is someone who stands with a person who is being mistreated and communicates to both the victim and the bully that what is happening is wrong and, importantly, that the victim is not alone. It's not easy to be an upstander! It takes courage to stand with someone being mistreated! Upstanding, as opposed to bystanding, is an act of kindness and justice that can have a large impact on the potential outcome for the victim of a bullying situation. At school we often talk to the students about how to be an upstander for others when they see injustice such as bullying in action. We hope you will continue this conversation at home regularly.
MONDAYS: 8:40 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
TUESDAYS-FRIDAYS: 8:40 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
A portion of the proceeds benefits the PTA. BUY SPIRIT WEAR HERE
9700 Crawford Avenue, Skokie, IL 60076
Phone: 847-676-5001
Fax: 847-676-5099