Highland Weekly
February 7th, 2025
Hello Highland Families!
Happy February! Staff participated in a undercover spirit week this week, and it was so entertaining watching students try to figure out our daily themes. Check out some of the pictures below. Students will have their own Spirit Week starting on February 18th with Tropical Day. The week ends with our Valentine's Lock-in from 6:00-9:00 on Friday, February 21st. Please reach out to Mr. Johnson (johnson_pete@asdk12.org) if you are interested in volunteering at the event.
Head over to Barnes and Noble between 11:00-4:00 this Saturday, February 8th. Mentioned Highland at check-out and a portion of your purchase will go directly back to supporting our students.
On Monday, February 10th from 1:45 - 2:45, AK Fentanyl Response Project and the DEA will be presenting at a school-wide assembly to Highland students. The purpose of this assembly is to create awareness and educate students on the dangers of fentanyl. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend this assembly with their children. Please RSVP by the end of the day today to ensure seating is set up to accommodate all audience members.
Thank you to those of you that have written letters of support to the Anchorage School District School Board, advocating for Highland to move to the Nunaka Valley Elementary School campus. The benefits of relocation will enhance the learning experience for our students, and allow us to continue to grow our program. We encourage any stakeholder interested in advocating for Highland's relocation to write the Anchorage School District School Board, as well as attend the February 18th and March 4th board meetings (please note the date change from my previous weekly). ASD Leadership will be giving their recommendations at the February 18th meeting, followed by a vote on March 4th. If you are interested in giving public comment at either board meeting, please see the Anchorage School District School Board website for additional information and sign up. Board meetings begin promptly at 6:00 pm. I hope to see you there!
If you have any comments, thoughts, suggestions, ideas, etc. to share with myself or Highland's Academic Policy Committee, please feel free to do so using this survey.
February is “Visit Our Schools” month, and word of mouth is our best advertising tool. We would appreciate your support by spreading the word about Highland and sharing your experiences with potential new families. We have scheduled a number of different events to help potential new families learn more about our unique program. If you know of families that are exploring their educational options for the upcoming school year, please share the attached flyers and encourage them to schedule a tour with us during the month of February.
Have a great weekend!
-Ms. Crosby, Principal
Educating for Leadership, Educating for Life
Monochromatic Monday
Patterns - or as students referred to it "Tacky Teacher Tuesday"
Anything But a Cup
Mark Your Calendars
- Saturday, February 8th - Alternative Schools and Program EXPO @ Begich Middle School from 12:00-4:00
- Saturday, February 8th - Barnes and Noble Book Fair from 10:00-4:00
- Tuesday, February 11th - Ice Cream Social @ Highland from 5:30-6:30
- Monday, February 17th - Presidents' Day (NO SCHOOL)
- Tuesday, February 18th - ASD School Board Meeting @ 6:00
- Friday, February 21st - Valentine's Day Lock-in from 6:00-9:00
- Tuesday, February 25th - Quarter 3 ALICE Drill @ 12:45
- Thursday, February 27th - Spring Conferences (Half-day for students) between 12:00-7:00
- Friday, February 28th - Professional Development Day (NO SCHOOL for students)
- Saturday, March 1st - Raising Canes Fundraiser
- Tuesday, March 4th - ASD Board Meeting @ 6:00
- Thursday, March 6th - End of Quarter 3
- Friday, March 7th - Grading Day (NO SCHOOL for students)
- Monday March 10th - Friday, March 14th - Spring Break
- Friday, March 21st - Chili Cook-off
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All students are enrolled in an Advisory class focused on community building, social-emotional learning, character development, accountability, parent-teacher-student connections, leadership, and academic progress. Advisors work closely with students as they monitor progress, support goal setting, advocate for students, and support the growth of skills critical for success after high school. Advisors serve as parent's "go to" person, setting up meetings, answering questions, and providing a direct line of communication between home and school.
Culture of Respect for Everyone
Highland has established a positive and respectful school culture and CORE (Culture of Respect for Everyone) plays an integral role in Highland's philosophy. All stakeholders work together to ensure a productive and safe environment for all learners and guests.
College and Career Preparedness (CCP)
College and Career Preparedness (CCP) standards also play a significant role in setting students up for success after high school. These standards address critical life skills including digital citizenship and technology use, collaboration, effective communication, professional etiquette, career exploration, financial literacy, and much more. Similar to PSS standards, CCP standards can be earned in a variety of ways including Advisory, core classes, elective classes, workshops, and outside of school experiences. Students are required to complete three levels of CCP to meet Highland graduation requirements.
Please see the attached "Earning PSS and CCP Standards - Student Guide" for additional information on how students can earn these important standards.
Personal, Social, Service (PSS)
Personal, Social, Service (PSS) standards play a significant role in developing skills necessary for success after school. These standards are critical to Highland's philosophy and supporting growth of the whole child. Embedded in these standards is skill development of communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. Each level has a series of standards broken into 5 different categories: (1) Health, (2) Personal, (3) Social, (4) Personal Expression, and (5) Service. Students have many opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and learning in school through Advisory, core classes, electives, Intensives, etc. They can also bring in their experiences outside of school to show their knowledge and learning of PSS standards (i.e. sports, musical instruments, first aid cards, volunteer work, etc.). This evidence should be brought to the Advisor to discuss how they connect to PSS. After completion of all standards, students complete a presentation of their learning to a panel of their choice. Students are required to complete three levels of PSS to meet graduation requirements at Highland.
Please see the attached "Earning PSS and CCP Standards - Student Guide" for additional information on how students can earn these important standards.
Feedback and Revisions
If students receive feedback from teachers asking them to revise their assignments, projects, papers, etc., please encourage them to do so. Once they use the feedback to improve and revise their work, it should be resubmitted to the teacher for an updated assessment. I would recommend letting the teacher know whenever a revised assignment has been resubmitted. In a competency based program, feedback and revision are crucial steps in the learning the process.
Empower Tutorial
Check out the video below to learn more about a student's homepage in Empower. It explains the homepage features, as well as demonstrating how to access activities and assignments and view student scores and teacher feedback. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's Advisor. If you would like to schedule a one-on-one Zoom tutorial, please email Ms. Crosby with your request.
Reporting Absences and Tardies
When your child is absent or tardy, please contact the school as soon as possible. The best way to report an absence is through Q/ParentConnect. You can also call the front office (907) 742-1700.
Cell Phone Policy
As a reminder, Highland implemented a revised cell phone or headphone/earbud policy last semester. Students are expected to have their earbuds/headphones put away and cell phones turned off and out of sight during class and passing time. They are permitted to use their device before school, during lunch, and after school. If a student has their cell phone or earbuds/headphones out in class or during passing time, regardless of the reason, teachers will confiscate the device to be stored at the front office for the rest of the school day.
Activity Fee
We request that all families pay a $150 supply and activity for the school year through Q/ParentConnection. These funds help pay for intensives, student-led activities, class sets, and more. If this is a hardship, or you would rather donate your time, we would be happy to work with you.