Peak Prep Principal's Update
September 8, 2021
MAP Testing Starts on September 13th
Monday, Sep 13, 2021, 08:00 AM
Dear Families,
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Starting next week, all students at Peak Prep will participate in MAP testing. Our 1st assessment window will begin on September 13th and conclude on September 24th. Below, you will find information about MAP testing and how we will be using the results in the classroom.
What is MAP Testing (Grades 6-12)?
MAP Growth scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students.
MAP Growth tests are unique, and it adapts to your child's responses to measure your child's skill level. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. These results will provide a complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn—whether it is on, above, or below their grade level.
Since MAP Growth tests provide immediate and accurate information about your child's learning, it's easy for teachers to identify students with similar scores that are generally ready for instruction in similar skills and topics and then plan instruction accordingly.
MAP Growth reports also provide typical growth data for students who are in the same grade, subject and have the same starting performance level. Following each testing period, you will receive a Family Report showing a summary of how your child is performing academically.
We are genuinely excited to focus on your child's individual growth and achievement. For more information about MAP Growth, visit NWEA.org/familytoolkit. Thank you for your continued support and for being a partner in your student's learning! I look forward to sharing information with you throughout the year. If you have any questions about MAP testing, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Sabrina Ciolino
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Mobile: 415-320-1401
Email: sabrina.ciolino@peak-prep.org
Website: peak-prep.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Address: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Would you like to request a virtual meeting with me? Click this link!
Edgenuity MyPath® K–5 and MyPath® 6–12
How To Access The Test:
Please Note:
- All students will take 2 assessments: Math and Reading.
- Your student will receive a calendar invitation for each of the 2 testing sessions from their homeroom teacher.
- They will be using a testing session ID to log in.
Step 1:
Join your class google meet or zoom link
Step 2:
Visit the Login Site: https://test.mapnwea.org/
Step 3:
Enter the session name and password provided by your teacher
Step 4:
Choose your name and select a test
Step 5:
Verify your name is correct and click yes
Step 6:
Begin Testing!
6th-12th Grade Students
You may notice that on September 15th, the system will show that there is nothing due. That is because I created a fake holiday to allow you to focus on MAP testing without getting off track in your courses. You do have school on September 15th and are expected to log in and complete work. While MAP testing should take no more than 2 hours to complete, you have been given about 6 hours' worth of time off in Edgenuity (or 3x the amount of time it should take to complete your reading and math MAP tests). Would you please use the extra 4 hours to catch up or move ahead in your courses?
Thank you,
Mrs. Ciolino
To help prepare your child for testing, encourage them to:
- Get a good night's sleep and eat a full breakfast on the day of the assessment.
- Try their best on each question and try not to rush.
- Try not to worry about questions they do not know—remind them that it is expected they will only get about half of the questions correct.
- Use paper and pencil to show work for math questions
Learning Logs
Please take a minute to initial, sign, and finalized your student's learning log every Friday afternoon.
Homeroom Teacher
Each student at Peak Prep has been assigned a homeroom teacher. Your homeroom teacher will be your primary point of communication for support.
Please make sure that you sign your student's weekly learning log!
Questions? We can help! Meet Our Faculty!
Dr. Bishop
Mrs. Ciolino
Ms. Hanson
Ms. Cordero
Allison Cordero
TK & Kindergarten Teacher
(415) 320-6202
Mrs. Paules
Peggy Paules
1st Grade Teacher
(714) 406-4276
Mrs. Nuckles
Rebecca Nuckles
2nd Grade Teacher
(626) 765-7878
Mrs. Williams
Brittany Williams
3rd Grade Teacher
(714) 485-5257
Mrs. McLean
Molly McLean
4th Grade Teacher &
Lead Elementary Teacher
(951) 465-5253
Mrs. Linehan
Karin Linehan
5th Grade Teacher
(562) 380-1249
Mr. Larsen
Brad Larsen
Lead Educational Specialist
(661) 483-8911
Mrs. Lee
Esther Lee
Educational Specialist
(805) 387-3766
Mrs. Audish
Counseling Dept.
Ms. Tannous
Mrs. Dinanno
English Dept.
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Hsieh
Math Dept
Mr. Hartley
Mr. Gomez
Science Dept.
Ms. Bos
Mrs. Kenzie
Social Studies Dept.
Mr. Tinkler
Ms. Altman
Health Dept.
Mr. Nguy
Mrs. VanHorn
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Email: info@peak-prep.org
Website: www.peak-prep.org
Location: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 855-900-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Twitter: @peakpreppv