Week of August 25:Bobcat News
From the desk of Principal C.
What's happening this week at Boucher!
weekly quote: "Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom."
8/26: Fee collection starts- send your child's fees to school
8/27: Tuesday folders sent home; Open House and Annual Title 1 Meeting for 1st-5th grade
8/28: Bobcat Store (all students must have Bobcat bucks present to shop)
8/30: last day of the month- Principal C's monthly reward for students (to be announced)
What needs to come back to school?
The following documents must be returned to school as soon as possible if you have not done so already:
- Student checkout form
- Car rider form (if you need a car rider tag)
- Walker form (if applicable)
- Student Parent Compact acknowledgement form
- SWLA School Based Consent Form
- Student/Parent Handbook (Technology permission form)
What school fees do you need to pay for?
Our online spirit attire shop is open for you to purchase. Please visit our school Facebook page to access the flyer or click here to purchase:
We will start accepting school fees on Monday, August 26.
One-time $25.00 materials of instruction fee
For Spanish Immersion classes, $20.00 will be allocated to the Spanish immersion class, and $5.00 will be assigned to the ELA immersion class.
One-time $10.00 LPSS electronic device fee
School IDs must be worn on campus at all times beginning the 24-25 school year.
Initial ID issued free of charge
Replacement IDs will cost $4.00.
Replacement lanyards will cost $2.00.
Music elective fee: 5th-grade students participating in the band (with a parent permission slip on file)
On Friday, August 23, we held a fire drill. Fire drills are required to be completed monthly at all LPSS schools. We will continue teaching students the expectations to follow when a drill is conducted.
Opportunities for students starting the week of September 9
- Extended learning session 1: All 2nd-3rd grade students who meet the criteria will receive an invite.; free of charge and bus transportation provided.
- Girls on the Run: Open to any interested 3rd-5th grade girl with a completed registration submitted to GOTR; fee does apply.
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