VME Messenger
March 23, 2025
Good Afternoon VME Families!
We are very excited for the CCPS 5K! Please sign up to run/Walk with our VME Team (link and details below)!
5th grade families - please ensure your child is wearing his/her badge to school each day.
See you Tuesday!
Ms. Vieira & Mrs. Roberts
To view Previously sent VME Messengers click here.
Mark your calendars...
24th - No School for Students/Teacher Planning Day
2nd - PTO Meeting on the Café Stage, 8:45 AM
5th CCPS 5K Walk-Run at 8:00 AM
11th - Kindergarten Round Up 9:00 AM - for new to VME Kindergarten Families (please tell you neighbors and friends)
17th - VME Leader in Me Leadership Day
18th - No School
22nd - SAC Meeting, VME Media Center at 5:30 PM
- During our January, February, and March meetings we will be reviewing and editing/updating/creating our VME mission and vision statements.
- KOTG Final Mile at 6:00 PM. Location- Aubrey Rogers High School
- 5th Grade North Naples Middle School Parent Night at 6:00 PM
13th - SAC Meeting, VME Media Center at 5:30 PM
- During our January, February, and March meetings we will be reviewing and editing/updating/creating our VME mission and vision statements.
14th - PTO Meeting on the Café Stage, 8:45 AM
- 2025-2026 PTO Board Election
23rd - Early Release Day. Dismissal at 11:50 AM
26th - No School in Observance of Memorial Day
27th - Water Day
- 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony at Aubrey Rogers High School
- Tentative start time 5:00 PM (arrival 4:30 PM)
- 5th Grade Clap Out at 11:00 AM
- Student Last Day of school
- Early Release Day/Dismissal at 11:50 AM
16th Q4 Report Cards available in the parent portal
As you plan ahead for next SY please keep in mind the 25-26 calendar - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/19460
CCPS 2024-2025 School Calendar - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/18491 (updated 11/12/24)
Register to Walk-Run with our VME Team Today!
More information and to register https://runsignup.com/CCPS5k
VME Uniform Drive Wrap Up
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Bloom with Compassion Uniform Drive!
VME collected 271 total uniform items.
Check out the total items collected by each grade level and the grade level who collected the most highlighted below. We shared this wonderful news with all on the WVME news on Friday.
Our Student Lighthouse, Celebration Crew, Ms. Santucci, and Mrs. Schaps lead the way coordinating, collecting and sorting all items (take a look at them in action below). Great work leaders!
VME PTO News & Information
Sons + One ~ April 25th
The VME PTO would like to invite all VME boys plus ONE special guest to a fun evening of games at Sports Challenge America in Bonita Springs on Friday, April 25th from 6:00-9:00 pm.
Tickets are $25 per person, including VME Boys!
To purchase tickets, visit vme.squarespace.com/sons Son's + 1 Party 2025 — VME PTO
PTO Meetings & Contact Information
Meetings are held at VME beginning at 8:45 AM. Please check in with a photo ID at the front office.
Annual Meeting Dates
- September 4th
- October 9th - Cancelled due to Hurricane Milton
- November 6th
- December - No Meeting
- January 8th
- February 5th
- March 5th
- April 2nd
- May 14th - Board Elections
Email VMEPTO@gmail.com
Facebook "Veterans Memorial Elementary PTO"
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based group intended to represent the school, the community and the students. The group shares responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. The School Advisory Council is responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the provisions of the annual School Improvement Plan (SIP).
School Advisory Council (SAC) meetings are held in the VME Media Center from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Tentative Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 SY (Tuesday evenings):
- August – No Meeting
- September 10th
- October 29th - By Laws review and voting
- November 19th - School Recognition/A+ Funds voting
- December – No Meeting
- January 21st
- February 25th
- March 18th
- April 22nd
- May 13th
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
Order your 2024-2025 VME Yearbook & Yearbook Ads now!
School ID: 722640
Parent Portal
The centralized CCPS Portal is your first step in creating a CCPS profile and/or log into accessing your information.
- Log into the CCPS Portal to access the following:
- Student Grades
- School Resources
- District Resources
- and more!
For assistance, contact grades@collierschools.com or call 239-377-0001.
Accessing Report Cards on the FOCUS Portal - Directions PDF File
Important Information!
Please ensure that you email(s) are correct in Focus, this is how 24-25 teacher class placement will be communicated to families. Your child(ren)"s teacher(s) will communicate with families via email, the week of August 6th.
Helpful Family Resources
- Volunteers, Lunch with Your Child, and Check -in Procedures
- VME Wellness & Shared Snacks at School
CCPS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION PROCESS - All volunteer applications expired June 30th. If you wish to volunteer during this school year, please submit a new volunteer application by clicking the link "Apply to Volunteer" and follow the steps outlined on the District site. CCPS Volunteer Program
- Link to student laptop expectation video
- CCPS Student Code of Conduct
- CCPS Student Discipline
- CCPS District Policy for CCPS Issued Laptops
- Social Media Guide and Contract Resource
- CCPS Portal: Click here to visit the CCPS Portal
- Nutrition Services - School Lunch Menu & School Bucks (online pay) https://www.collierschools.com/nutrition
- Fortify Florida - https://getfortifyfl.com/