RTS Parents' Newsletter
28 June 2024
Head Teacher's Message
There are so many different aspects to life in school that I enjoy, but our annual Year 11 Graduation is something I especially look forward to. It was such a wonderful event. The RTS Way and spirit we talk about were in action and felt by all, particularly parents and trustees, throughout the evening as we came together to celebrate our Year 11 cohort.
There is something truly special about RTS, and on Tuesday it was radiant and evident in every detail. Great schools are about the people - students, the staff, the relationships we form, and our commitment towards achieving a shared goal: “Excellence Through Endeavour.”
Elsewhere, Year 10 enjoyed a Careers Conference on Thursday, a selection of Year 9 students went off to Bushy Park on Wednesday to take part in the annual NPL water rocket challenge, some Year 10 students headed up to Keele University for an Earth summit, we've enjoyed Borough Sports Day; and we have also had Head Student hustings and votes - full announcement next week!
On Monday we look forward to Year 6 moving up day when the new September Year 7 students come to RTS and meet their new tutor and form group, then on Thursday it is our whole school Sports Day where we all head off site to Osterley Athletics Sports Track - more on these next week.
There is still so much still to do before the end of term!
Enjoy your weekend.
~Ms K Dooley | Head Teacher
Excellence through Endeavour
Earth Summit at Keele University
On Monday 24-Tuesday 25 June, 24 Year 10 students attended Earth Summit at Keele University.
Students heard from a range of guest speakers in the field of climate change before attending climate change workshops in the afternoon. The trip was organised by Study Experiences and guest speakers included: Dr Richard Waller (Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography), Martha Selwyn (SSE Renewables), Alana Wheat (Sustainability Engagement Officer at Keele University); and Thomas Guilbert-Newell - Sustainable environment office - Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council
Two workshops that the students attended were:
1. GivEnergy - Student's worked in teams to develop their house of the future. The hosts chose Sohail, Noah Ri and Noah Ro as their best design - and they won a box of Celebrations!
2. Land Art Workshop - Students used natural materials like leaves, branches, twigs, stones, fallen flowers (some even used pretzels that were on the floor) to create a piece of land art.
After a day of lectures and workshops students enjoyed an evening of pizza and disco in the student union before staying in university accommodation overnight.
The following day students attended a day out at Alton Towers before returning back to RTS.
Ms Dunningham accompanied the students and was really impressed to see the group demonstrating the RTS way across the two days, they all had a fantastic time and really engaged with the summit:
- Sophia D - I really liked the trip because the talks were very engaging and going to Alton Towers after was really fun.
- George N - I thought it was great, a lot of learning and plenty of fun too.
- Riley H - I enjoyed the trip a lot and the activities were a lot of fun. Overall I really enjoyed it
Year 11 Graduation
On Tuesday evening the school Atrium and Sports Hall were transformed to welcome our Year 11 students and families for their Graduation Ceremony. Upon entering the school building, families were wowed by a beautiful display of curated artwork and an interactive photography experience for students and families to capture their unique memories. Staff were on had to serve refreshments and our student band provided the perfect backdrop for families to mingle and catch up with friends and staff before heading over to the Sports Hall where the students had been 'gowned up' with capes and mortar boards.
Ms Wright was the perfect host for the evening. Following Ms Dooley's welcome speech we were honoured to have Kevin Costello, Global CEO of Haymarket Media, and a founding member of our Trust Board as our keynote speaker. Kevin joined the board in August 2017 and has been with us from the very first brick being laid and the first student joining us to now - our third cohort of Year 11 and the cusp of our new sports hall being finished. His inspiring words, 'Life will throw a lot at you, it's how you deal with it that matters...Go for your lives', left a lasting impression.
A special surprise was the newly formed RTS Staff Band featuring Ms Saxby, Mr Ketley, Ms Benson, Ms Chidlow, Mr Barrett and Mr Roxburgh. They delighted everyone with their rousing rendition of 'Uptown Girl' and, rumour has it, we haven't heard the last of them!
Thank you to all of our Year 11 families who were able to attend and, for some of you, it was a final farewell as there are no following siblings at RTS. Thank you for the last five years and for your support - we wish you all well for the next chapter.
RTS Art Gallery
Coral Reefs
How lovely are these coral reefs made from clay by Year 8 students. They were inspired by an american artist named Courtney Mattison. Well done to Stephanie, Blanka, Evie, Lydia and Anoushka.
Meet the Teacher
In the last of our series for this academic year, we meet Mr Verity, PE Teacher:
- Describe your teaching style in three words
- Creative, experimental, and inclusive
- What's the best piece of advice you've ever received about teaching?
- Don't change your personality in the classroom
- If you could invite any sports personality or musician to speak to your class, who would it be and why?
- Pep Guardiola - He looks at the bigger picture and doesn't rush the process. He is determined to overcome diversity and deal with challenging and difficult situations. He is inclusive with his approach and creates a high performance environment for everyone to strive forwards.
- What's your favourite thing to do to relax after a long day of teaching?
- Go for a run or to the gym. I also enjoy my crazy cocker spaniel out for a walk.
RTS Summer Fair & Creative Arts Showcase
There will be a creative arts showcase with music and art projects as well as food, drink, fun events and house stalls.
We will be running a second hand book stall raising money for the school, if you have any books you are willing to donate please ask your child to bring them in and drop them to Ms Nockolds in the library.
If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.
Richmond and Kingston SPA
The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:
Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008
Out of hours: 020 8770 5000
Hounslow Early Help Assessment
Telephone number: 020 8583 6600
Out of hours: 020 8583 2222
Email: earlyhelp@hounslow.gov.uk
Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)
Friends of RTS (FoRTS)
FoRTS Funding
FORTS have generously funded the summer reading project whereby all students going into Y7/8/9 next year have, or will receive, their own book to keep and read over the summer. Students are receiving the books in English lessons over the next two weeks and spending time exploring them with their teacher and classes. See the photos taken this week as students found spots around school to dive into their reading straightaway!
The books are as follows:
- Y6 into Y7 - Tyger by S.F. Said
- Y7 into Y8 - Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean
- Y8 into Y9 - Run Rebel by Manjeet Mann
FoRTS Donations
The donations we have received through rugby parking, the school play, pre-loved uniform sales and more, have meant we’ve been able to purchase the following in addition to other equipment:
football and netball kits
a live streaming camera
a portable piano
pay for a Spanish Flamenco workshop
a hospitality catering class
This all goes to boosting the children’s learning and enrichment experiences over recent months.
We have also been able to donate a substantial amount to the school to buy exciting new equipment for the Duke of Edinburgh programme that has allowed it to expand to Year 9 students alongside Year 10 and Year 11 students.
We cannot do this without your help. Volunteers are so important in the running of these events in order for them to run smoothly.
Join FoRTS by clicking here. It’s as simple as that!
Great news - we’ve registered Friends of Richmond upon Thames School with #easyfundraising, which means over 7,500 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time you use easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long. Sign up here: Easyfundraising
FoRTS Volunteering
Volunteering is such a valuable experience and your children will love you for it.
If you are interested in joining or would like to know about some of the vacant roles please contact Carmelle at the general email address below.
It really is less than 30 minutes of your time a week. All processes are in place so there’s no extra work to do. Join FoRTS by clicking here. It’s as simple as that!
Your FoRTS team,
Carmelle (Chair and Acting Secretary) and Jason & Somi (Treasurers)
General: forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk
Parking: fortsparking@rts.richmond.sch.uk
School Uniform Suppliers
Schooldays will again be operating an appointment system during the summer months.
Book your slot early to avoid disappointment at:
Also - you can now spread the cost of your purchases over 3 months - using Paypal, (Online only)
Best Wishes
The Schooldays & Just Dancing Team
Stevensons' appointment service that they offer for new starters enables peace of mind to parents to have an hour booking with one of their trained members of staff to go through the school’s full uniform, allowing for a tailored experience and ensuring that the correct uniform is purchased ready for the start of the new academic year at a new school.
Terms Dates 2023 - 2024
Full-term dates and Inset day information is available on the school's website:
Summer Term 2: Monday 03 June-Wednesday 17 July 2024
Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News
Live At The Exchange
RMT’s annual Live at The Exchange event is next, Friday 5th July. Please come along and support young people in the borough. We have students taking part from a huge variety of local schools and an amazing range of songs this year!
Love Rugby Girls Camp
Rosslyn Park Community invite you to our Love Rugby Girls Camp on the Saturday 6th July!
Girls aged 10-16 of any ability are welcome!
Rosslyn Park Girls Open Training Sessions
We are building a girls section at Rosslyn Park and currently run open training sessions on a Monday 17:00-18:00 (subject to change).
Parents/carers can use this google form to register their interest on
Hearts of Teddlothian is seeking new players to join its Bobcats Team (u13s in September).
We’re looking for all positions, but we’re really keen to recruit:
⚽ A Keeper
⚽ Defenders
⚽ A Centre Forward
We play our home games at Waldegrave School, Twickenham, and are one of the only clubs in the
area that plays home games on a Saturday (Sunday morning lie-in anyone?!).
We’re lucky enough to be trained by @platformcoaching on a Tuesday, so have an emphasis on both fun and developing the girls as players.
Interested? We can’t wait to hear from you. Drop us a line at girlsfootball@heartsofteddlothian.com
or WhatsApp Kate on 07368134273.
Got a daughter in a different age group who’d be keen? We have spaces in various age groups
so drop us a line.
Harlequins Girls Summer Residential Camps
Harlequins Girls Summer Residential Camps are on sale now - read more about them and book here.
Tween Tribe Summer Club
The Tween Tribe summer dates, I have included a £5 discount code for the pupils.
The Tween Tribe is a very unusual holiday club, a brand-new childcare concept, excursions only and exclusively for ages 10-13.
We are finalists of multiple awards, including Small Business of The Year & have recently attracted the attention of a national TV program!
Join our mission to get tweens off screens and safely exploring the real world! Buidling independence, autonomy, making friends, getting outdoors and having HUGE adventures along the way.
Trips departing from Kingston & Twickenham!
Netball Summer Camps
Join Netball Coach UK for a summer & pre-season netball camp in Richmond Upon Thames.
Our camps are open to children in School Years 2-9 and are suitable for experienced and aspiring ballers, as well as those new to the game.
What to expect: Expert coaching by qualified coaches, skills development and the chance to make new friends and tons of match play!
Summer Camp
25 & 26 July at Tiffin Girls School, KT2
Pre-season Camp
29 & 30 August at Grey Court School, TW10
Cost: £40 per session, 9am-12noon
Book at: https://netballcoachuk.com/richmondcamp
Netball Coach UK believes in the power of sport to elevate and inspire young people. Our company is run by netballers for netballers to provide high quality, fun and accessible netball provision across London.
It's time to set sail for sunny shores, tropical lands....and London's West End!
Tickets for Moana JR are on sale now, our West End Musicals Weekend cast lists close soon, there is something 'tasty' happening in Twickenham and our 10% off school holiday workshops ends this Sunday! Read on to find out how to join us on these epic musical theatre adventures.
Barracuda Summer Camps
It’s only 4 weeks until our first Barracudas summer camps open!
We know now is a key time for parents to sort their childcare for the long school holiday and we’re experiencing high booking levels!
This a great chance to remind your school community of their exclusive discounts on summer activities at your local Barracudas camp. Parents just need to add SCHOOL20 in the promotion box to receive an extra £20 off a full week booking
We’re looking forward to a summer of FUN and look forward to welcoming children from your school to camp.
Just a reminder, as we're Ofsted registered, we also accept ALL Childcare Vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare. Please share this coded leaflet with parents.
Amazing residential camps
We’re really excited about our summer holiday residential camps, in partnership with PGL, now available to book for 8-16 year olds. This is a great opportunity for children to grow in confidence and independence during the school holidays.
What’s more, we’re happy to offer exclusive discounts for your school community!
Parents just need to add OFFER20 in the promotion box to receive an extra £20 off their booking for any 4-night stays. Or for any 7-night stays, add OFFER30 in the promotion box to receive an extra £30 off their booking.
We wouldn’t want your school parents to miss out on this exclusive offer and would really appreciate it if you could promote this in your newsletters
With 4 night and 7 night options at 2 great locations in Suffolk or Surrey to choose from, they’ll enjoy beautiful surroundings, modern accommodation, dining facilities and high adrenaline activities!
See our residential camps here: https://www.barracudas.co.uk/locations-prices/residential-camps/
We really appreciate the relationships we build with local school communities. Please do share our assets with your parents and staff in your updates and newsletters. We look forward to welcoming your school’s children to camp this year.
If you have a PTA or school association group that would be interested in partnership opportunities, please feel free to forward this on to them and get them to contact us.
Watch the Euros at Hampton and Richmond Football Club
Please see the flyer to come and join us to watch the Euros at the Hampton and Richmond Football Club.
Please do bring all your friends and family.... Free Entry!!