Canyon Creek Elementary
August 16, 2024
Monday, August 19 - Vision and Hearing Screening
Friday, August 23 - Kindergarten Storybook Parade
Monday, September 2 - HOLIDAY - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 5 - PTA Meeting and Parent Information Night
Tuesday, September 10 - Fall Pictures
Thursday, September 26 - Kona Ice Day
Campus News & Celebrations
We loved meeting our students on our annual CCES Welcome Walk!
New Staff Highlight
Welcome to CCE Mr. Johnson! We are "out of this world" excited to have you!
Notes from the CCES Office & Admin
Our first week at CCE was wonderful! The Welcome Walk, the Back-to-School Fling, Supply Drop Off, and the First Day of School were huge successes! It was so fun to see our familiar friends as well as meet new ones!
A huge thanks to PTA for all their efforts on organizing school supply orders, Back to School Fling, Coffee and Kleenex, and the great decorations for all these events! Thank you for all your volunteer hours to make everything at CCE run smoothly!
Car Riders - Please be sure to have your family number visible in your vehicle for afternoon pick up. If you need additional tags please let your teacher know or come to the front office. Your car tag should hang on your rearview mirror until your child is in your car. When driving in the car rider line, we please ask that you do not get out of your vehicle.
Walkers - For Kinder, 1st and 2nd grades, you will also need your family number in order for your student to be released as a walker, unless you have worked out different arrangements with your teacher. We are asking parents/guardians to not crowd the exit doors so that we can quickly and efficiently dismiss students from the building.
Please arrive before 3:05 to pick up your student(s), if you arrive after 3:05pm, they will be in the front office and you will need to park and come to the front door.
Thank you so much for your help in getting all of our Comets home safely!
Don't forget tardies start next week! Please arrive before 7:35am.
Notes from the ITS
- Please save this link should you need to purchase a new Chromebook charger for your student this year. This applies mostly to 4th and 5th grade classrooms without a class cart. Chromebook/Charger Replacement Directions
- Please be sure you have updated all of your online enrollment forms for 24-25. This includes permissions for Chromebook Device Agreement, yearbook permissions, website/social media posting permissions, internet and google permissions. https://secure.infosnap.com/family/message?code=actionprivateContact Sandy_Sawyer@roundrockisd.org if you need assistance with your Snapcode
Notes from the Counselor
Our Westwood Vertical Learning Community Social Workers have passed on a wonderful free resource for books for children under 5! Go to the Books Beginning at Birth website to sign up!
From our Counselor
From our Librarian
From our ITS
Follow Us!
From PTA, District & Community
Lunch Choices
Please note that menus are always subject to change due to unforeseen changes in delivery, availability etc
Make it a great day to be a Comet!
Canyon Creek Elementary
Website: https://canyoncreek.roundrockisd.org/
Location: Canyon Creek Elementary School, Ember Glen Drive, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rrisd.canyoncreek
Twitter: @CanyonCreekES
Instagram: @CanyonCreekES